
Building a magical academy in fantasy starts with Sakura

Cedric was reborn as a bankrupt duke whose only remaining property was an academy of magic, but already in a state of bankruptcy and his few students were poor and talentless, but with the help of the system Cedric has the chance to create the greatest academy of magic in the world. world and conquer all for your Silvermoon family

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1- debts paid

Continent of the 3 seas

Bathed by 3 different seas, this immense continent is the center of western civilization, 4 supreme empires divide the land while 78 small kingdoms try to survive on the edges

Empire of the Sun and Empire of Rome share the protagonism of the human race

United Elven Empire and Empire of Beasts, each representing a race, these 4 empires dominated the continent for millennia

Sun Empire on the Great Solar Isle to the west, Rome Empire to the south, Beast Empire to the far east, and United Elven Empire to the north

Unlike the long life of empires, the small kingdoms are not so lucky, every decade one falls and another appears, among them is the kingdom of Poland, a small kingdom of 300 years in the east of the continent


Kingdom of Poland - Duchy of the Silvermoon family

A 20-year-old man was in his office, even standing still he showed an arrogant and noble air.

in his hand, was a letter with a symbol of a white eagle in other words the symbol of the royal family of the kingdom the powerful Luther family

"Dear Cedric,

I regret to inform you that due to your mounting debts and poor performance in defending the duchy, the Duchy of Silvermoon will be seized by the kingdom next month. All properties and lands will be confiscated and the management of the duchy will be transferred to the crown.

However, out of respect for his family and the king's piety, his noble title will be retained.

I give you advance notice so that you can prepare for the move and make the necessary arrangements.

Sincerely, Reinald Luther the Great"

Cedric finished reading and sighed.

"in the end, it was better than I imagined" Cedric

He was reborn in this world 20 years ago, he thought this life would be at its peak but not everything ends the way we want

His Silvermoon family is a powerful duke's family, at the height it was the richest house in the kingdom with its countless silver mines, unfortunately over the years the family only knew how to spend and thought that the silver mines were endless

With little money it became impossible to continue to pay the powerful silver cavalry, the duchy borders the bear kingdom and although the strength of that kingdom is not very great that does not change the fact that the bear kingdom has the support of the bear empire of beasts to the far east

The defense of the border got worse and worse, and since Cedric's grandfather's generation was already critical and to make matters worse, Cedric's father was not very good at governing and only knew how to focus on fighting, in the end Cedric's father abandoned everything and went to the empire of rome in pursuit of his dream of becoming a great golden knight

Cedric as sole heir tried to help his grandfather but he was too young and in the end his old grandfather passed away and at just 17 he "inherited" the dukedom

Even as a transmigrant, could you not earn money, soap, wine or beer? this is a magical world, mana water can take everything, wine and beer how to compete with dwarves?

cutting expenses was the only solution, he kept the basics of the army to defend, his duchy is big with almost 250 thousand kilometers and the expenses only increased

With no alternative, Cedric wrote to the king with the proposal to cede the duchy in exchange for the end of debts and keep the title of duke.

It may sound silly, but Cedric knows that if the frontier gets any worse it's undoubtedly the death of him. The kingdom of Poland has zero tolerance for weak nobles on the frontier.

Cedric sighed, finally left the office

outside a 40 year old woman was waiting, Felicia Silvermoon his mother

"Everything alright?" Felicia

"yes my mother, everything went as expected, the title was kept but I'm afraid we will have to move" Cedric

Felicia smiled trying to comfort her son

"don't worry, we still have the city of oton and the academy of phoenix magic that was my family dowry" Felicia

City of oton, a city of 30,000 inhabitants where the phoenix magic academy is, Cedric smiled, now his territory is smaller even than that of a baron

Cedric, Felicia and a small group of employees protected by 200 private guards left for the small town carrying what little was left