
Chapter 542: Prepare Yourself, Embrace Death!

As the game's unprecedented release model made players talk about it non-stop, Lincoln didn't even have time to pay attention to it.

On Thursday, he stayed in the Xiajing Capital Museum all day.

In the morning, he and Camille Victoria attended relevant training together, and in the afternoon, with the "assistance" of many staff members, he touched and enjoyed various antiques that he could get his hands on.

For those that he couldn't touch directly, without any barrier, he got as close as possible to them and had a good look.

Many people think that antiques are so fragile that they can break with a touch and even be irreversibly damaged by exposure to the air in a matter of minutes.

But this idea is not entirely accurate.

Indeed, there are such antiques: ancient corroded metals, decayed bamboo slips, and paintings whose special pigments gradually fade over time.

But there are also many antiques that are much more durable than ordinary people imagine.