
Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

"If you have artificial intelligence, what will you use to do?" Lincoln's answer is: make games! Create virtual worlds! Whether it was a classic game or a wonderful movie, all of them were adapted into virtual reality games! He wanted to make every game the cornerstone of the virtual world. ...... But before that, he had to set an example in his industry so that people would not go astray. And then he would have a few good fights with the leading boss of the gaming industry!

Zoo of Darwin · Urban
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1426 Chs

Chapter 511: The Dominance of Cloud Dream!

The trick Super Tomato mentioned in the video was not only discovered by him alone.

Especially the [Creating Farmland] part, many players thought of collecting water on their own to cultivate farmland at locations far from the river bank right after they discovered that farmland could be created along a river.

However, they are not as persistent as Super Tomato, who figured out all the rules and even used "math" to calculate the maximum size of the farm field.

And there's something even more amazing about Super Tomato:

He took [water] as a clue, and through his exploration and exploitation of water mechanisms, proved his point: "My World" is not just a simple stacking block games, but it has a significant potential to be tapped into.

The following sets of equipment further substantiate this point with practical examples, leaving the audience astounded while further solidifying their belief in his viewpoint.