
Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

"If you have artificial intelligence, what will you use to do?" Lincoln's answer is: make games! Create virtual worlds! Whether it was a classic game or a wonderful movie, all of them were adapted into virtual reality games! He wanted to make every game the cornerstone of the virtual world. ...... But before that, he had to set an example in his industry so that people would not go astray. And then he would have a few good fights with the leading boss of the gaming industry!

Zoo of Darwin · Urban
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1307 Chs

Chapter 377: What Kind of Absurd Cult Is This?!

Translator: 549690339

Of course, a war of words will not result in anything.

So many players changed their minds and began to relentlessly tag Lincoln and Cloud Dream online, hoping that the official side could announce the result.

"Master, should we announce it?" Mavis looked up at Lincoln and asked.

"Absolutely not!" Lincoln decisively shook his head.

Let them argue, it's not a bad thing.

The fiercer the players from Daxia and Izumo argue, the better. Preferably, they should argue until the end of the game, and then directly have an online face-off and start a fight.

The fiercer the fight, the better!

It's better for players from the two countries to fight fiercely than to unite and turn their guns at Lincoln, right?

Thinking about the "surprises" he's buried in the game, Lincoln felt a bit guilty.

From his perspective, it would be better if the players weren't too united…

Ignoring the noise and calls online, Lincoln went through his usual routine of washing up, eating, and going to work.