
Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

"If you have artificial intelligence, what will you use to do?" Lincoln's answer is: make games! Create virtual worlds! Whether it was a classic game or a wonderful movie, all of them were adapted into virtual reality games! He wanted to make every game the cornerstone of the virtual world. ...... But before that, he had to set an example in his industry so that people would not go astray. And then he would have a few good fights with the leading boss of the gaming industry!

Zoo of Darwin · Urban
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1426 Chs

Chapter 227: Advancing Ahead of Schedule!?

Yi felt like his brain was going to be scrambled.

Checking his blood volume, he found it was almost at the bottom, and it was a close call that he didn't die along with the enemy.

"Great, as long as we don't die together, we're making a profit!"

Yi kicked the deformed car door, but it didn't budge.

The teammate sitting in the co-driver's seat unbuckled the seatbelt and got out of the car first.

Yi didn't forget to remind him, "It's not over yet, get the guns and finish off these four! We don't know how many more enemies there are in this team, we need to be prepared! Hurry up!"

With the "serious injury" status on him, he struggled to get out of the car and stumbled step by step towards the guns, trying to help take out the opponents, even though he needed to lean on the car to walk.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The teammate efficiently shot and took care of the dying and stunned enemies with four clean gunshots.