
Building A Business Empire From Scratch In Another World

Genius MC-Yes, Ruthless MC-Yes,Interesting Side Characters-Yes, Harem-No, Single Female Lead-Yes. Felix Morningstar's life was a tale of both fortune and misfortune. Blessed with an IQ of 170, he was a true genius, fluent in twenty languages and well-versed in a multitude of fields, from mathematics to science, computer science to finance. With his exceptional intellect, he rose to become a self-made billionaire by the age of twenty-five, earning a spot on the prestigious Forbes list as the youngest billionaire. However, Felix's early years were marked by tragedy. Born an orphan, he was abandoned and left to fend for himself. Despite his remarkable abilities, he never experienced the warmth of a loving family. Instead, he faced constant bullying and isolation, even as he excelled academically and professionally. Despite his success, Felix remained haunted by a sense of loneliness and distrust. He struggled to form genuine connections, wary of those who sought to exploit his wealth and power. Yet, fate had other plans for him. During a fateful business trip, tragedy struck, and Felix's life was cut short in a devastating plane crash. But instead of meeting his end, Felix found himself reborn in a new world, his memories intact and his potential limitless. Bound by a mysterious entity known as "the system," he was promised unparalleled strength and influence in this unfamiliar realm. Now faced with a new beginning, Felix must navigate this strange world with his unmatched intelligence and unwavering determination. Will he find the sense of belonging and love that eluded him in his previous life? Can he truly carve out a place for himself in this new reality, or will the challenges ahead prove insurmountable? Only time will tell if Felix Morningstar, with his extraordinary gifts and unyielding spirit, can find his place in this world and finally discover the true meaning of family and connection. ---------------------------------------- Author:, Hi guys, I hope you like my new novel,if you like please add it to your collection and cast your votes. Please leave your honest review about my creation.Thank You. Although the beginning might not catch your attention or you might not like it but as the story progress it also becomes good. Once again thanks for reading my novel. ---------------------------------------------- 200 PS = 1 Bonus Chapter 400 PS = 2 Bonus Chapters 600 PS = 3 Bonus Chapters 100 GT = 1 Bonus Chapter 200 GT = 2 Bonus Chapters 300 GT = 3 Bonus Chapters 1 Magic Castle = 2 Bonus Chapters 1 Spacecraft = 4 Bonus Chapters 1 Golden Gachapon = 6 Bonus Chapters

Mysterious_Ghost · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Chapter 17 : Restaurant Location_1

Felix and Nixie have already left Chef Gideon's mansion and were currently strolling down the streets of Brigdemoor City.

This city is massive, divided into many districts, with a population of about two million people. In addition to the locals, the city sees a lot of visitors every day.

Brigdemoor City has four main entrances in each direction, but what really sets it apart is the vast expanse of forest and tall mountains located about a thousand miles away.

This forest, known as the Atmos Forest, is both dangerous and full of opportunities. It is home to Magical Beasts, creatures that can also absorb Mana and Cultivate.

As they grow stronger, their intelligence increases, Magical Beasts are divided into different ranks from Tier 1 to Tier 9. These Magical Beasts are more powerful than humans at the same rank due to their strong defenses and vitality.

Because of the presence of the Atmos Forest, many adventurers venture into the forest to hunt Magical Beasts and search for treasures.

This has made Brigdemoor City a popular destination and boosted its economy. The city's markets are filled with materials, herbs, and treasures from the forest.

Despite its size and population, Brigdemoor City is still considered a small, remote city compared to others in the Avalonia Kingdom.


Felix glanced at Nixie, who was walking beside him with a pout, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Nixie, are you still mad at me for telling that fake story?" he asked, shaking his head.

Nixie turned away, her cheeks still puffy with grievances. "Hmph, bad big brother. You made me waste all my tears for nothing."

"Okay, I'm sorry," Felix said with a smile, but Nixie continued to sulk, her angry expression still evident on her face.

"Alright, I'll tell Trinity to give you 10 Gold Coins for wasting your precious tears. How about that, huh?" Felix scratched his head.

Nixie, who was sulking with an angry look, immediately turned her head and looked at Felix with shining eyes.

"Big bro, are you really going to give me 10 Gold Coins?" Nixie asked with glittering eyes.

Felix nodded. "Consider it as payment for your tears."

Nixie nodded. "Hmph, that's right. Since I gave my precious tears for your fake story, then I'll reluctantly accept this money."

Felix was speechless, shaking his head in amusement. This little girl was really greedy for money, her face changing faster than flipping a book when she heard about the money.

"Big bro, where are we going next? Are we going back or..." Nixie asked with a happy smile.

"Well..." Felix looked at the sun in the sky and thought for a moment. "There is plenty of time left. Why don't we go and look for a suitable place to open the restaurant?" Felix suggested.

"Whatever," Nixie nodded absentmindedly, her mind seemingly on something else, a silly smile plastered on her face.

Felix was once again speechless. He knew this little girl was probably thinking about the gold coins she was going to receive. Shaking his head, Felix and Nixie continued strolling around the city.

They visited a lot of districts looking for a suitable place to open the restaurant. The city was huge, and they cannot travel the city in one day. They just explored a few districts where most of the business of the city is centered.

After three hours of continuous walking and searching without much rest, Felix and Nixie were already dead tired. After a long time, they still didn't find a good place for the restaurant.

"Hey big bro, I'm really exhausted," Nixie said as she collapsed onto a boulder, sweat dripping down her forehead and her face flushed red. The sun was beating down on them, making the heat unbearable.

"What kind of place are you even looking for? None of the places we've been to seem to satisfy you," Nixie asked, trying to catch her breath.

Felix joined her on the boulder, equally tired from the long walk and the scorching sun. He shook his head in response to Nixie's question.

"Nixie, finding a good location for the restaurant is key to attracting customers," Felix explained.

"But the places we've seen so far have been great locations and cheap. Why aren't they good enough for you?" Nixie asked, puzzled.

Felix remained silent, shaking his head. The locations they had visited were decent, but Felix was looking for something more - a place with high foot traffic, where wealthy people spent big bucks.

"Do you know of any districts or business areas where rich and powerful people hang out?" Felix asked Nixie, who was trying to cool herself off with her hands.

Nixie shook her head. "No, wait! I think I know of a place that fits your criteria," she said, her eyes lighting up.

"Really? Tell me where it is!" Felix exclaimed eagerly.

"You've actually been there before, big bro," Nixie revealed.

Felix was surprised. "I have? I don't remember..."

"You might have forgotten, but that place is exactly what you're looking for," Nixie said casually.

"Then let's go there right now!" Felix said, energized.

"Hey big bro, can't we take a break for a few minutes? I'm really tired," Nixie complained.

Felix rolled his eyes. "Come on, get up. Let's hurry before the sun sets."

"No! I'm not moving," Nixie shook her head.

Felix was speechless, a playful look on his face. "And here I thought I was going to give someone 10 Gold Coins after she took me there, huh! It seems I have to find someone else," Felix said as he pretended to look for someone.

Nixie, who was lying on the boulder like a dead dog, immediately shot up to her feet. "Big bro, my dear big bro, I'm not tired anymore. I'll take you there," Nixie said with a grin.

Felix smiled and turned around. "Really, you'll take me there?"

Nixie rapidly nodded her head. "Don't worry, big bro. I'll take you there."

"But you said you were very tired and couldn't walk anymore," Felix pretended to be worried.

"I'm not tired, not tired one bit," Nixie immediately waved her hand to deny it.

Chuckling, Felix said, "Ok then, let's go."

"Ahem... Big bro, what about the money?" Nixie asked with a cheeky grin.

"Don't worry about it. I'll give it to you now. Hurry up and take me there," Felix shook his head.

"Ok, ok, follow me, big bro," Nixie skipped forward with a silly grin on her face.

Brigdemoor City is divided into many districts, with about twenty in total. Some districts serve specific purposes, like one for guards and military, another for entertainment and business, and so on.

The district Nixie and Felix were in is one of the three biggest districts in Brigdemoor City, known as The Audaz District or the Wealthy District. This area is where the rich and powerful in the city like to hang out, with high-class gambling dens, brothels, and fancy restaurants. It's basically a playground for the elite. The poor and commoners don't really come here, not because they're not allowed, but because they know it's way out of their league. Everything in the Audaz District costs a pretty penny, with every inch of land worth a small fortune.

After wandering through the streets of Brigdemoor City for a while, Felix and Nixie finally made it to the Audaz District. Felix was pretty impressed just by the entrance alone - it was super fancy. He could see all these rich folks in their fancy clothes, looking all snooty as they strolled in. There were also these huge, luxurious carriages being pulled by beautiful horses and other creatures Felix couldn't even identify.

Taking a deep breath, Felix squinted his eyes and a big grin spread across his face. "Can't you smell it, Nixie?" he asked with his eyes closed.

Nixie was confused and closed her eyes to take a whiff. After a moment, she opened her eyes and shook her head. "I don't smell anything, big bro," she said, pouting.

Felix chuckled. "You're still young. I can smell the scent of money in this district. It's intoxicating," he said with a dreamy look on his face.

Nixie rolled her eyes. "You're so dramatic, big bro."

"Alright, let's go check it out," Felix said, walking forward with big strides.

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