
Building A Base In An Immortal World

Alexander Obi an average 15-year-old boy went to bed one night to find himself waking up on the mysterious continent of Erosa Panicking in the beginning he quickly learns this world is not for the weak or faint-hearted. To survive in such a world he finds himself having no choice but to quickly adapt to his new environment or get slaughtered by all those that might seek to exploit and exterminate him. Join him as he learns to survive, cultivate, and explore to find out more about this fantastical and cruel world he has been transported to. With an Immortal Base by his side, will he cave in and stay forever ordinary or will he fight and carve his own path into the cosmos?

TheWierdo_Legion · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Gaining an Immortal Base


The arrow streaked through the air so fast that it came right in front of the boss's eye almost instantly.

When the boss sensed the danger coming, all it could do was open its eyes before the arrow penetrated its brain.


The beast died instantly, and as predicted, the other two were stunned. Alex didn't have the time to look because, like a machine, he immediately put a second bolt into the crossbow and steadied his aim, and fired again, this time at the beast to the right.

The beast got hit, but since Alex couldn't get a clear shot at its eyes, he hit the body instead. This had the opposite intended effect because instead of slowing down the beast, it snapped it out of its stunned state, and it growled at its partner to snap it out too.

They then started running towards Alex, charged with rage, and within a few seconds, they had already reached the barricade. They decided to run over instead of avoiding it. This gave Alex a few extra seconds to reload another bolt.

This time the beast's head faced Alex, so he got a good shot of the eyes. So he took it, but the beasts realized how dangerous the weapon was from the last encounter, so they preemptively dodged whenever they sensed any danger.

It ended up saving its life, so when the bolt launched, it ended up just scraping by its cheek. It still injured it, but at least it wasn't dead.

The bolt was practically useless, but it made Alex realize something. No matter how hard he tried in the end, he still didn't have any experience with the crossbow. He just wasn't skilled enough to hit a moving target from far away.

So Alex decided instead of wasting the remaining two bolts, he should wait for the beasts to get closer to get a better shot. He knew how dangerous the plan was but, he had no choice.

The injured beast hated Alex for shooting it twice, so it was the most eager to reach him so it could eat the little brat that attacked it.

Maybe it was the mix of anger and excitement from being so close to its enemy, but when it passed the barricade, it headed straight for the window Alex was shooting from and seemed to forget about dodging. It must've thought that its strength and speed were fast enough to break through the wall and eat Alex before he shot another bolt.

Alex saw its recklessness in the state of frenzy, so he decided to take advantage of it. He moved back so when the beast broke through the wall and showed its head, he would get a good shot of it and shoot when it looked forward. His chest beating with nervousness as he waited.

When the beast brought its body forward to lunge and break through the wall in one full sweep, it realized that it couldn't break through the wall. It proceeded to try a few more times, but it still couldn't breakthrough. Finally, it brought its body down from its hind legs and looked at the wall with a confused expression.

How could a house be that strong? It destroyed human homes before, and unless they were made from stone, they usually broke like paper mache. While the beast was looking confused, Alex was also baffled.

"How is it possible for a house made of wood to be this strong, or is it that these beasts are just that weak!?"

Alex then took another look at the beast and its muscular body and scrapped that thought. The beast's partner who had been watching the whole time, came to try and break through the house, but it also failed. Seeing that they couldn't break through, they decided to attack it together, knowing that it couldn't hold forever.

They were right, and as the beast continued to attack the house, it finally started to bend under the weight of their attacks. When Alex saw it, he panicked because he knew that if the beast broke through the wall, it would be a two v one, and he would be dead for sure. He deliberated then finally decided to go through the patio door at the back of the house.

He already had the idea of going through the back since the beginning but was reluctant to because he didn't want to draw the beast's attention there. If the beasts knew there was an open entryway that was only protected by glass, they would've probably ignored their fear from the beginning and immediately came for him.

Now he had no choice, but suddenly he heard a sound coming from the front. He could still hear the attacks, but the sound got quieter, and it sounded like one of the beasts stopped attacking. Alex feared the worst, so he hurried to the back.

His fears were confirmed when there, he saw the injured beast's beady eyes staring at him with a menacing look through the glass of the patio. It growled and showed its frightening teeth to Alex. Even though it couldn't smile, Alex could see its attempt at a menacing grin, and it was just as terrifying.

Surrounded on both sides, Alex didn't know what to do. He tried thinking of some ideas, but he found that all of them ended with him dying either slowly or fast.

The beast then started attacking the patio glass, but just like the front wall, the glass held on though this didn't make Alex any happier because this was one of the situations where he died slowly.

Just as Alex was about to give in to despair, he heard a monotone voice. It was overall androgynous, but its vocal undertones made it lean towards a female.

[Danger Sensed; Activating Failsafes]

[Damage Currently at 99.6%]]

[Activating Defense Systems...]

[Attempt Failed]

[Energy Levels: 0.10]

[Activating Last Resort...]

[Last Resort Activated]

[Searching For Suitable Host...]

[Host Found]

[Assimilating with Host]

[Unification Complete]

Alex felt a warm feeling go through his body after the voice finished speaking. He was very nervous and, had many questions such as what was that voice, what did it mean by searching for a host, and was that feeling just now him being chosen. While he was examining the situation, he heard the same voice within his mind.

[Checking Host for Primal Energy]

[No Primal Energy Detected]

While the voice was speaking in his mind, Alex saw that the patio bent more and more. It looked like it couldn't hold anymore.

[Damage: 99.8%]

[Checking For Possible Solutions]

[Possible Solution Found]

[Solution is Beyond Host Authority Grade]

[To Implement Solution Sacrifice is Required]

[Suitable Sacrifice: Primal Veins]

[Does Host Except Condition?]


When Alex heard his veins would be a sacrifice for whatever solution this being was proposing he was terrified. He thought that if his veins were sacrificed he would immediately die, and the solution would be useless to him at that time, so he chose to ask some questions before accepting.

"What do you mean by my primal veins would be a sacrifice, and what are primal veins?"

[Primal Veins are not the same type as the physical Veins in host's body. Primal Veins allow for the flow of Primal Energy in the human body, but if injured or removed will not cause death under normal circumstances, only the inability to circulate Energy.]

"So if I lose my primal veins. I won't die?"


When Alex heard the answer he was relieved, but he was still reluctant to give up something he knew nothing about. It could be immensely important in the future, but seeing the giant beast trying to break through the patio door he knew he had no choice but to do it.

With gritted teeth, he said, "Yes, allow sacrifice."

[...Sacrifice Authorized]

[Sacrifice Completed]

[Random Talent Skill Received]

[Skill Received: Sensory Awaken]

[Sensory Awaken Rank 1: User can awaken senses and the Physical Body to its full Potential for a limited amount of time.

Condition 1: Last for Three Minutes Each Activation (Subject to Change)

Condition 2: 24 Hour Cooldown Period (Subject to Change)

Condition 3: Host will experience enhanced soreness after each activation depending on how much effort was exerted.]

The being's notifications reminded Alex of the video games he played on Earth. But he didn't have the time to focus on that.

After the notification rang, Alex felt his senses expand to an unprecedented level. He also felt a granular control over his physical body, the likes he had never felt before.

He looked out the patio door, and if he focused hard enough, he could see the individual hairs on the beast. He could even hear the sound of its beating heart.

He also felt as if time had slowed down when the beast was attacking the patio. He saw that its paws move through the air much slower than usual. Whenever it got on its hind legs to initiate an attack Alex could see its head in full view. Usually, it would move too fast for him to get a proper look, but now with his heightened senses, he could see its full motion and that gave Alex an idea.

He planned to use his heightened senses to immediately shoot through its head just as it was initiating an attack. The beast didn't sense anything was off, so it continued with its attacks.

Alex knew that the house was being protected by whatever being had chosen him as its host, so he decided to ask it to temporarily disable the protection on the patio so he would be able to shoot through it.

"Can you temporarily disable the protection on the patio"

[How Long?]

"thirty seconds"

[Protection Disabled in 8, 7, 6, 5,...]

Alex loaded a bolt and readied his shot. Immediately as the beast was initiating another attack, he saw its head and shot.

The bolt launched through the patio glass and shattered it, but it didn't slow the bolt down at all. When it reached the injured beast, a scene similar to his first kill was replicated. The beast didn't even have the time to react before the bolt penetrated its brains.
