
Build A Family Of Gods

The Story is about an Medieval Fantasy World where our Mc got Transmigrated and Become an Family Head of a Small Noble Family in an Small Kingdom with an System with which he get Rewarded for giving Birth to Child with better potential. As he uses his System to develop his Family and gets Stronger and Stronger. From an Baron to an Duke of a Small Kingdom an Then a Duke of a Small Kingdom to a Duke of the Great Empire and From a Duke of a Great Empire to a God of the Word. MC have a Laidback, Carefree and Cautious Personality. He will not risk his Family or Himself for Small Benefit, He Doesn't want to become a King or Emperor because he don't want to work all the time and spend his time with his Children and Wives. English is my third language so there may be some grammatical mistake so hope you don't mind :)

BibAsXettri · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter -02: First Child And The System

Pendragon Village, Pendragon Manor.

"Mother, you have found me a fiancée, and I am getting married in two days?" Rennes, who was engrossed in managing the territory, stared wide-eyed with a dazed look on his face. It was all so sudden, and he didn't even know who he was going to marry.

"That's right, my dear," Evelyn replied with a serious expression. "Your father and big brother are gone, and if you don't hurry up and get married and have children, the bloodline of our Pendragon family will be extinguished. In the Dying Isle Continent, noble families have disappeared from history due to a lack of descendants. The larger the family population, the stronger the family inheritance."

From this perspective, the Pendragon family had reached a critical moment. Rennes was the last remaining member of the direct bloodline, and if something were to happen to him, the Pendragon family would face extinction.

"Alright," Rennes conceded. He understood his responsibilities and obligations as an adult. Now that he had inherited the title and land of the Pendragon family, he was obliged to carry on the family legacy.

While duty weighed heavily on Rennes, he couldn't help but wonder who his future wife would be. If he were to marry an undesirable match, he might have second thoughts.

Sensing Rennes' concerns, Evelyn smiled reassuringly. "The fiancée I've chosen for you is Janice, the eldest daughter of the Knight of Rhine in the neighboring territory. She is a beautiful girl, so you can rest assured."

Rennes' eyes lit up at the mention of Janice. The remaining reluctance he had felt disappeared, replaced by anticipation.

Two days later, the wedding took place as scheduled. Evelyn decided to make it a grand celebration to help Rennes integrate into the aristocratic circle more swiftly. Invitations were sent to almost all the nearby nobles, turning the Pendragon family manor into a bustling hub of aristocratic guests in their finest attire.

Rennes, dressed in a black suit that accentuated his black hair and eyes, looked every bit the nobleman. He stood at the altar with Janice, a vision in white, her golden hair and fair skin making her the epitome of beauty. The couple exchanged vows, witnessed by the Church of Gods Priest and the many guests in attendance.

Rennes and Janice became a newlywed couple, and after the ceremony, they celebrated their union with great joy. In the following months, Rennes dedicated himself to taking care of Janice. Their political marriage had its advantages, but Rennes didn't want a wife who would remain indifferent to his life and well-being.

As the days passed, Rennes and Janice's love blossomed, deepening their bond beyond the political marriage that had brought them together. One evening, they found themselves on the balcony of Pendragon Manor, gazing at the starlit sky, the soft breeze carrying the scent of roses from the garden.

Rennes took Janice's hand in his, his eyes filled with affection. "Janice, do you ever think about how our lives have changed so drastically in such a short time?"

Janice smiled warmly, her gaze fixed on their intertwined fingers. "All the time, my love. I never imagined I would find such happiness in an arranged marriage. You've made this journey truly magical."

Rennes leaned in closer, his voice a gentle whisper. "I feel the same way. Meeting you has been the greatest gift. I've found not only a wife but a true partner in life."

Their foreheads touched, and they shared a tender kiss under the starry sky, sealing their love and devotion to one another.

One sunny morning, Rennes decided to surprise Janice with breakfast in bed. He carefully prepared a tray with freshly baked pastries, a vase of flowers, and a small note that read, "For the most beautiful woman in my life."

With a mischievous grin, he carried the tray to their bedroom and gently pushed the door open. To his surprise, he found Janice already awake, sitting in bed with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She was holding a tray with breakfast and a note that said, "For the handsomest man in my heart."

They burst into laughter, realizing they had both planned the same romantic surprise for each other. It was a moment of shared joy and a testament to their growing connection.

As they enjoyed their breakfast together, Rennes couldn't help but tease, "Well, it seems we make quite the couple, thinking alike even in our surprises."

Janice chuckled. "Indeed, my dear. I suppose we're just meant to be, surprises and all."

Their laughter filled the room, a reminder that their love was not only deep but also filled with moments of light-heartedness and joy.

Under Rennes' loving care, Janice's affection for him grew stronger with each passing day. They spent their time together, growing closer and building a genuine bond. Evelyn, too, was pleased to see her son and daughter-in-law so happy, though she kept urging the couple to have a child to secure the Pendragon family's bloodline.

Heeding his mother's advice, Rennes worked diligently to fulfill his duties as a husband. His efforts did not go unnoticed, and Janice's love for him continued to flourish. The couple enjoyed their days together, strengthening their connection.

One month later, Janice became pregnant.

"Hahaha! That's wonderful news! Janice has worked so hard," Rennes exclaimed with delight. He hugged his wife tightly and kissed her passionately.

With her husband's embrace, Janice couldn't have been happier. The couple was truly in love, and Evelyn, who had longed for a grandchild, was overjoyed.

"The Pendragon family will have a new member!" Evelyn declared, brimming with excitement. She busied herself with preparations for the pregnancy and the child's arrival, ensuring everything was perfect for the new addition to the family.

Rennes, too, was fully engaged in the process. Despite his daily responsibilities as the head of the family and the territory, he spent most of his free time with his wife. He was determined to be a loving and attentive father.

As Janice's due date approached, Rennes decided to enlist the help of a Priest from the Church of Life to ensure a safe delivery. The Church had its own unique magical practices, including fertility magic, which guaranteed a 100% successful childbirth rate.

With their resources, the Pendragon family could afford the service, which cost fifty gold coins. Although it was a significant expense, Rennes wanted to ensure Janice's safety.

Nine months later, as the day of the birth neared, Rennes called upon the Priest to perform the delivery. With the Church's magic, Janice gave birth successfully to their child.

With a cry, Rennes' first child was born...

"This is my child!" Rennes marveled, looking at the newborn in awe. He was a father now.

With a child connected by blood, Rennes felt a profound sense of belonging in this world of Sword and Magic. However, his joy quickly turned to shock as he sensed a sudden surge of power within himself.

"What's happening?" Rennes' initial happiness was replaced by confusion. Such a significant improvement in his cultivation would have taken him years to achieve on his own. This sudden boost was inexplicable.

He couldn't believe that such a windfall would occur without cause. Rennes activated his Warrior Qi, examining his body to uncover the source of this newfound power. To his amazement, a series of messages appeared before his eyes.








The shock on Rennes' face deepened as he absorbed this information. Something extraordinary had occurred, and he couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for his family and their newfound potential