

John: Whoa, my cards turned into a Lightning dragon deck, I better get to Uncle Baku

When John, Blitz and Pete were about to go, they heard a voice

Voice: John wait!!

John turned behind to see Tasuku Ryuenji and his buddy,Emperor Jacknife .

John: Hi Tasuku!

Tasuku went to John and hand him a core deck case.

Tasuku: I came here to give this to you

John: Hold on, I thought core decks are outdated?

Tasuku: These are the new version, all of the core decks have been modified

John: Alright then!

He place his deck in the core deck case. He quickly rushed off with Blitz and Pete to Baku.

When he arrived, he rang the bell and an old man with a jacket opened the door.

Old man: John, I see you came with your buddy and your friend. Come on in

Pete: So who are you?

Old man: I am Baku, the master deck builder, I built John's grandfather's deck as well

Pete's jaw dropped to the ground.

Pete: Mmmm...master deck builder, legendary

Baku?? John your friends are amazing!!

John explained to Baku that he needed to form two decks one for himself and one for Pete.

Baku: Sure, no problem, let me get my deck building case

Pete was waiting nervously as Baku went to his room to get it. John saw Blitz outside of the house waiting.

John: Blitz come in

Blitz: But I am too big!

John: Don't tell me you don't know that you can turn into a mini form to enter the room

John showed the *are you serious* look.

Blitz: What!!! I know ok!

Blitz then quickly turn into the mini form embarrassedly.

Baku then came into the living room. He placed his case down and looked at both decks.

Baku:I have never seen this cards before, your impact has also changed, but I can change it

Baku smiled as he opened the case and started building the decks. His hands were very fast at changing the cards to a suitable deck as he know John's fighting style. After a few minutes he two decks were done.

Baku: Here you go, try and battle with each other

After that, John and Pete looked at each other with their competitive look. They went outside the house and stood in position.

Pete: Dragons with dark souls with form the powerful deck, luminize! Death dragons!

John: Now gather the lightning army, I luminize! Electrifying strike!

John was considering earlier what his core gadget should be. Then he had an idea. He placed the core gadget at his fist and it transformed into a gauntlet.