
Buddha’s Late Night Visit

FoxyBoxy23 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Season Four - Buddha Once Again

Olivia felt weightless like she was hoisted in the air by some unseeable force, and a terrible scorching ran along her back. Her eyes fluttered open and shut, open and shut as she tried--but failed--to comprehend what had happened to her. She remembered the blinding red flames and the gyrating demons amongst the blaze. Wait, the demons! Where are the demons?! She began to frantically shift her eyes from left to right, searching for any sign of the monsters from before, but she could not see. Her eyes were covered by a dark veil, shielding her eyes from the smoke of the fire beneath her. Suddenly, a voice rang loud and baritone.


And another, higher and lighter.


And again, deeper and brimming with glee.


It was the demons. They were chanting again. But this time, it was no fire they were singing to; it was her. Tied up by a firm, sturdy rope, Olivia was suspended vertically in the air, rope shackling her to two ends of a wooden pillar. She wasn't sure what they were planning on doing to her, but she knew that she couldn't stick around to find out. She wiggled her arms and legs, discovering that they were tied separately in different bundles of rope. Her arms were restrained to her sides while her legs were tied together as well. She felt the fire below her grow hotter and closer as the song of the devils grew louder.




The choir grew stronger with every additional voice that entered. First, there were ten different voices, now there were at least thirty. They knew that her death was coming sooner with every inch the fire took of the wooden pillar. Olivia tried to use the sweat that was now flowing from her arms and legs to try and squirm free. The fire grew closer

and closer

and closer.

And the flames only burned hotter. As the fire tickled her toes in a blistering fury, she too realized that she would not live for much longer. In great haste, she writhed in all directions, anything to escape this hellish existence. But sometime between her twisting and turning, the chorus of demons had come to an abrupt stop and so had the blaze. As if frozen in time, the fire had stopped in its tracks, waiting for something to allow it to continue its rampage. Out of the darkness, a voice reverberated, strong, commanding, and familiar.

"Hast the sacrifice been did prepare?"

The demons chittered in excitement at the arrival of Buddha Himself. Olivia clenched her teeth so hard, that she felt that she might break them.

"I assume thee all has't did prepare one yond is to his liking, nay?" Buddha boomed.

The devils chattered amongst themselves, never answering Buddha's inquiries. However, that did not seem to bother his great majesty. He understood their thoughts even without verbal words. She could feel Him turn his gaze to her figure on the pillar and she trembled.

"Ah, if 't be true t isn't Olivia," Buddha's breath brushed the hair out of her face as he spoke. Olivia didn't know how. "How f'rtunate yond we receiveth to meeteth again und'r such circumstances."