
Chapter 4

The two then walk to go in the forest while walking they saw a lot of wooden houses. Upon sometime of walking they arrive in the forest there they saw a lot of huge trees covering the sun with a colorful birds singing on its brunch. There Alson ask his father if they can catch deer his father replied with a proud expression "of course son just watch your papa" his dad then bend his body on the ground an put his ears on the soil. There Alson also saw what his father is doing so ask "pa what are you doing?" his put his pointy finger on his mouth and said "shhhhhh" Alson saw what his father with a serious expression so he just keep quit and copy his father. After some time his father's eyes change like he saw a prey waiting to be killed. There he slowly stands up and grabs an arrow at his back and stretches his bow with his right strong hand and he let go of the string then the arrow flew like its piercing the wind "swoosh" Alson then saw what his father did and a surprised expression is forming on his face while he was thinking how amazing his papa is. There his dad then walks through the forest and there a deer was lying on the ground with an arrow pierced on its stomach. Alson then run to catch up with his dad there he saw his father pulling the arrow out to the deer's stomach blood then flowed and his father grabs the feet of the deer and put it near the huge tree. The boy ask his father if they will going to eat the deer his father then answer with a cold expression "son were not going to it that small being were going to catch something bigger" Alson then pull his small dagger out and raised it up while saying "imp ready pa imp going to catch that big thing that you mean" but Alson really don't know why his father is saying those things because in his eyes the deer is already big so he didn't get the point of what his father say but he didn't want to say his taughts to his father that's why he just cheer him. His father's lions eyes then role towards him and he began to laugh while saying "alright son I know that you can catch it so imp counting on you" the boy then reply "I know that you're counting on me pa so don't worry" his dad then smile in return. His father then walks near to the deer and pulls his dagger on his belt then slashes the neck of the deer. Flow of blood then run through the soil and his father then said "Alson don't come near" the young boy then stops and watch his father while spreading the blood of the deer on the roots of the tree. After some minute his father stop spreading the blood then walk to Alson and said "son lets go" the boy then looks to his father then replied "pa where are we going?" His father then looks Alson to the eyes and said "were going to hide and wait for that big thing to come" he then grabs Alsons hands and continue to walk on the forest. There his father saw a huge tree with a big root and said "son were going to wait on that root" Alson then nod and said "pa can you teach me hunt rabbit?" his father then said "of course son. Here put your ears on the ground" Alson then bend and put his ears on the ground. His father then continued "closed your eyes son and imagine that your earth. Feel the living being on top of you. Concentrate don't let anything disturb you" there Alson is closing his eyes and he follow what his father said but he didn't feel anything. A minute pass Alson stands and looks at his father's direction while saying "pa I don't feel anything" he then scratch his hair and smile. His father then said "do it again Alson this time focus" so the boy put again his ears on the ground he then closed his eyes. Until an hour pass he was just putting his ears on the ground and complaining about his father. After another hour pass there he feel like he was seeing a light even doe his closing his eyes. He feels that he can see everything under half kilometer radius and he also hears the heart ponds on those being that is closer to him. He focus his mind again "tshi tshi" there an image appear on his mind there he saw a rabbit running on the grass y field and he also saw a deer drinking a water on the river while the fish is swimming freely. After feeling that experience Alson stand and jump with a happy face while saying "papa I did it I did it!" his father hen ask "son did you see the living beings that live on this area?" the boy then nod his head and a smile appear on his face. he then said "yes papa I saw it I saw deer's, rabbit" his dad then sniff the ground and put his ears on the ground. There he saw the huge thing eating his bait under the tree. After seeing that he ask Alson to climb a tree but Alson give a worry expression while saying "papa I don't know how to climb" his father then said with a teasing expression "don't worry son you will going to figure how to climb if you see that thing running over you" Alson then said "papa I don't want to be chased" his father then said "oh you don't want to be chased? I think you already know the solution" his father then walks to the direction of the big thing then walks toward it.