
Btth: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback

Xiao Ze crossed over to the world of Dou Po, becoming the fourth young master of the Xiao family, and obtained a binding feedback system. When the bound individual's strength increases, it can be tenfold feedback to Xiao Ze. 【Successfully bound Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, strength increased to a nine-star fighter...】. 【Xiao Xun'er took the Saint Heart Luminous Pill, greatly increasing aptitude! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, aptitude increased to the level of a peerless genius...】 . 【Xiao Xun'er successfully refined the Emperor Burning Heaven Flame, greatly increasing strength! Congratulations to the host for gaining tenfold feedback, successful refinement of the Emperor Flame (20%)...】. Xiao Ze thought it would end like this, but he didn't expect that as Xiao Xun'er's strength increased, the number of people he could bind also increased. The Seven-Colored Devouring Sky Python bloodline of Queen Medusa, the Calamity Poison Body of Little Doctor Immortal, the Emerald Snake Triple Flower Pupil of Qinglin... all receive tenfold feedback! Years later, when the Soul Heavenly Emperor just caused havoc, he was immediately suppressed by Xiao Ze! Only then did Xiao Ze realize that he had reached the pinnacle of the Continent of Douqi. He couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the vast world. If you want to read the chapters in advance and support me, here is my Patreon. patreon.com/johanssen10 Chapters on my Patreon Soccer: I have the attributes of Messi in his Prime (up to chapter 85) I cannot be a Martial Ancestor, then I will be Emperor Yan. (up to chapter 60) Dou Po: Tie Xiao Xun'er at the beginning and get ten times feedback (up to chapter 30)

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Chapter 168: Yun Sect: We Can't Provoke Them, We Can't!

Chapter 168: Yun Sect: We Can't Provoke Them, We Can't!

Xiao Ze and Medusa were on the Poisonous Peaks, harvesting high-level magical beasts.

Medusa, at the Dou Huang level, was already an elite combat force, and Xiao Ze, needless to say, had ended the life of a Dou Zong.

With both of them working together, there was no high-level magical beast on the Poisonous Peaks that could match them. In fact, many of them were eliminated at first encounter.

"Alright, that's enough. If we keep killing, the forces of the Yun Empire will take notice."

Xiao Ze felt a disturbance in his spiritual perception and told Medusa.

Medusa narrowed her eyes slightly upon hearing this, nodded gently, and left the Poisonous Peaks with Xiao Ze.

Shortly after, several figures quickly appeared where Xiao Ze and Medusa had last been.

"This seems to be the nest of the patterned venomous spider, a creature even Dou Huangs fear. How could it be defeated so quickly?"

"From the time we sensed the battle waves on the Poisonous Peaks until we got here, only a few hours have passed. How was everything resolved so quickly?"

"Could it be a Dou Zong?"

The words of one of them made the atmosphere tense.

Just thinking about it was already possible.

Being able to swiftly eliminate so many high-level magical beasts.

Besides the combination of several high-level Dou Huangs, the only other possibility was a Dou Zong.

With this in mind, everyone felt nervous and scanned the surroundings.

It was only when they were sure there were no strange presences that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, them hunting these high-level magical beasts is also a good thing."

One of them commented, as long as they were safe, they didn't care.

Someone spoke up, and the others had no objections.

They really couldn't afford to provoke those people.

The Yun Empire, which had not been unified by the ruthless hands of Xiao Yi Xian, had not yet consolidated into a major sect.

There were many small sects, and the leaders of the strongest sects were the ones present.

With the mindset of not getting into trouble, they quickly left.

After all, provoking a Dou Zong could result in certain death.

Back in the Serpent Empire, thanks to the empire's tireless collection, they soon gathered all the ingredients for the two pills.

Xiao Ze wasted no time and began the refinement immediately.

For Xiao Ze, the success rate in refining a sixth-level pill was acceptable, so he only asked to prepare two sets of ingredients.

An additional one to prevent any eventuality.

"Let's find a quiet place," Xiao Ze said to Medusa after checking the ingredients.

"Let's go to my chambers," Medusa responded after thinking it over.

"Huh? Isn't there a quieter place?"

"What are you thinking? Beneath my chambers, there's a secret chamber with high defense capability."

Xiao Ze nodded in understanding and followed Medusa to her chambers.

Taking a glance at the simple decoration of the chambers, Xiao Ze followed Medusa to the secret chamber.

"Aren't you going to leave?"

Xiao Ze, seeing Medusa standing to the side, asked curiously.

"These two pills cost several years of my freedom, of course, I want to see, just in case you do something."

Medusa smiled lightly and said calmly.

"Uh... alright, anyway, I'm used to being watched while I refine."

Xiao Ze shrugged and then said softly, "With your pill refining knowledge, even if I did something, you wouldn't notice."

This earned Xiao Ze a glare from Medusa.

But Xiao Ze didn't continue talking to her, instead, he took out the refining cauldron.

He closed his eyes to adjust himself and recall the key points of the refinement.

Shortly after, a flame ignited, and Xiao Ze focused on the refinement, while Medusa watched.

After a while, Medusa realized that indeed, with her knowledge of refinement, she couldn't understand anything.

But she didn't leave; she stayed in the secret chamber, watching Xiao Ze refine without impatience.

With the time they spent together, Medusa became more familiar with Xiao Ze.

Actually, Medusa and Xiao Ze hadn't known each other for long.

Their first encounter was a fierce battle.

Although she ultimately lost to Xiao Ze, it left a lasting impression on her mind.

Since Medusa became famous, she had rarely been defeated.

The most had been a draw.

Even when facing the strong from other empires, she hadn't come out on the losing end.

This allowed the serpent race to survive among the great empires.

So, being defeated by Xiao Ze made her impression of him very deep.

The second time they met, Xiao Ze, who had been an enemy, became her savior.

This made her feelings toward him more complex.

Although people said that snakes were cold and cruel, they couldn't be indifferent to their saviors.

And during the time they spent together, Medusa gradually accepted Xiao Ze's presence.

Medusa's peculiar eyes reflected Xiao Ze's figure, the burning flame making her eyes shine.

Xiao Ze's refining technique, smooth and masterful, was pleasant to watch.

Unconsciously, Medusa became absorbed.


Xiao Ze's soft voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Looking at the cauldron, a pill was slowly forming.

Shortly after, Xiao Ze put the pill in a bottle and tossed it to Medusa.

Just as Medusa was happy, Xiao Ze said something that made her smile disappear.

"That cost you two years of freedom."

Medusa looked at him with a mix of attraction and anger.

Feeling Medusa's annoyance, Xiao Ze felt even more pleased.

Teasing this beautiful serpent was a fun pleasure.

"Don't get too excited, what I'm going to refine next is a pill that costs three years of your freedom."

"Hmph," Medusa snorted, turning her head away from Xiao Ze, while she secretly cherished the bottle with hidden joy.

With this pill, she could quickly regain her maximum strength.

Thinking of this, Medusa glanced at Xiao Ze.

That guy wasn't so annoying after all.

After a while, Xiao Ze slowly opened his eyes. The pill he was about to refine was of a very high level, and he had to treat it seriously.

Comparing the difficulties of the two pills, the one he was about to refine was even more challenging.

Seeing Xiao Ze focused on the refinement, Medusa gently squeezed her hands.

Actually, she wanted to tell Xiao Ze to rest for a few days before continuing to refine, so he wouldn't exhaust himself too much.

But seeing that he was already focused, she could only shut her mouth and continue watching in silence.

Medusa found that she liked watching Xiao Ze refine pills.

Although she didn't understand the process, Xiao Ze's skill was impressive.

With the energy waves, the next pill was also successfully refined.

After giving the pill to Medusa, Xiao Ze continued to refine without rest, preparing a pill to purify Medusa's exotic flame.

"Xiao Ze, you should rest a bit. Continuously refining pills is a heavy burden for alchemists. Even if you're a level seven alchemist, you can't do this."

Xiao Ze, who was about to light the fire, stopped. Actually, he felt fine.

Last time, refining the solar pill was really exhausting.

During the process, he had to stay focused at all times, or it would explode.

"Alright, we'll rest for a bit."

(End of the chapter)

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