
Chapter 13 Alchemist

"The core of the seventh-order Heaven Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast, the Bodhi Transmutation Saliva..."

None of these items are easy to obtain.

Su Yun shook his head, still too late.

The activation of the Calamity Poison Body requires swallowing poison, so timing must be calculated before letting the Little Medical Fairy activate her Calamity Poison Body.

Collecting the materials before the poison erupts is crucial.

After imparting the cultivation method to the Little Medical Fairy and instructing her not to go out casually, Su Yun immediately began to breakthrough to the Fighter level!

After the breakthrough, if everything goes well, his strength will experience a dramatic increase! Thinking of this, a hint of eagerness flashed in Su Yun's eyes!

One month later.

Su Yun sat cross-legged, with the Little Medical Fairy eagerly watching beside him.

Ever since her brother imparted the cultivation method to her, she had been practicing diligently, except for eating and sleeping.

The Little Medical Fairy didn't understand why her brother could cultivate for so long. After all, she was still a child at heart and not so focused on cultivation.

Su Yun had noticed this during this time, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

With the Calamity Poison Body, conventional cultivation wasn't so important...

Suddenly, the flow of spiritual energy in the room towards Su Yun increased, and Su Yun's body seemed like a sponge, rapidly absorbing the energy flowing into him.

The Little Medical Fairy widened her eyes, holding her breath, afraid to disturb Su Yun.

This state didn't last long. In a moment, Su Yun opened his eyes and got off the bed.

There was no expression on Su Yun's calm face, but a hint of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Su Yun mobilized the Qi in his body, and yellow Qi emerged on his body's surface, then retracted and adhered to his clothes.

Qi Garment! The strength of a Fighter is terrifying!

Su Yun played with it like a child with a beloved toy for a while before putting it away.

"Brother, you succeeded in breaking through!"

The Little Medical Fairy's eyes were full of admiration.

Even though she hadn't practiced before, she still knew the level division on the continent.

The Qi Garment was the symbol of a Fighter!

In the small village where she lived before, the strongest was only an Eight-Star Fighter.

Even the strongest in the nearby Green Mountain Town, where mercenaries gathered, was only a Fighter.

Su Yun smiled and hugged the Little Medical Fairy, who was full of joy.

For a child who came from a small village, he was already a remarkable strongman.

Su Yun played with the Little Medical Fairy for a while, considering it as a way to relax.

At night, the Little Medical Fairy had already fallen asleep in her small bed.

Su Yun looked at the moonlight outside the window, lost in thought.

Although Wutan City ranked at the bottom among the major cities of the Amartian Empire, it was still a big city, and places like the Alchemist Guild still existed.

Su Yun began to activate the system.

"System, transfer the experience of a second-tier alchemist from Dusty to me."

"Ding, transferring."

In his mind, a stream of information suddenly appeared, and the experience of a second-tier alchemist emerged in his mind. After a while, Su Yun opened his eyes.

There was a hint of dizziness in his mind, but it wasn't a big problem. It was just the experience of a second-tier alchemist, which didn't cause much impact on him.

After roughly digesting it, Su Yun activated the system again.

"System, transfer the experience of a third-tier alchemist from Dusty to me."

"Ding, transferring."

Su Yun closed his eyes, a painful expression crossing his face.

The gap in experience between each tier of alchemist was huge, and receiving the experience twice in a row was somewhat unbearable even for Su Yun's current soul strength.

After an hour passed, Su Yun opened his eyes again. He hadn't had time to digest the experience in his mind, so he lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

One night passed.

The Little Medical Fairy rubbed her eyes and woke up from her small bed, turning her head to see Su Yun still sleeping on the bed.

The Little Medical Fairy blinked, a hint of confusion flashing in her mind.

In the morning, her brother was always cultivating, why was he still sleeping today?

Such thoughts flashed through the Little Medical Fairy's mind.

Then she understood. After a month of intense cultivation, even her brother would be very tired.

Nodding her little head seriously, the Little Medical Fairy began to prepare breakfast.

During this time, her brother had always prepared breakfast, but today she would do it.

The Little Medical Fairy became an orphan at the age of three, and she had been through hardships since then. Cooking was something she had learned early on.

When Su Yun woke up and saw the food on the table, he was somewhat surprised.

"Brother, it's time for breakfast."

The Little Medical Fairy's soft voice brought Su Yun back to his senses.

A hint of a smile flashed in his eyes.

Two weeks passed, and Su Yun completely absorbed and digested the experience he had obtained from Dusty.

He also used the herbs collected in the Monster Beast Mountain to refine fourth-tier pills at home. He left the Little Medical Fairy at home and went straight to the Alchemist Guild in Wutan City.

Su Yun was dressed normally. After all, he was going to the Alchemist Guild. If he wore a black robe and a mask and was mistaken for a suspicious person and arrested, it would be troublesome.

However, he didn't use his own appearance; he now had the appearance of a middle-aged man in his thirties.

This was a method he obtained from the remnant soul of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint.

It wasn't a martial art, but a way to make a mask. It used the skin of a first-tier serpent-type monster combined with a special technique to create a mask of any desired appearance.

However, he couldn't change his height, as he hadn't found a way to change his body shape from the memories of Dusty and the Pure Lotus Demon Saint.

Of course, there might be a way, but he hadn't found it yet.

The memories of these two old men were vast, and with his current soul strength, it was difficult to find specific things. 

The system was also useless; it could handle simple instructions, but it couldn't find something without a specific martial art name.

But it didn't matter. There were people of short stature in this world too. In a few years, he wouldn't have this problem anymore.

With his current Fighter cultivation, he didn't need to be as cautious as when he was at the Three Qi stage.

In Wutan City, his Fighter cultivation was considered respectable.

His residence was far from the Alchemist Guild, and with his current pace, it took half an hour to arrive.

Arriving at the entrance of the Alchemist Guild, Su Yun didn't hesitate and walked in directly.

Approaching the door, the guards on both sides stretched out their hands to stop Su Yun.

"Sir, this is the Alchemist Guild. Are you an alchemist?"

One of the guards spoke up, his voice rough, but not too loud, obviously deliberately lowered.

In reality, there wasn't so much showing off

 and confrontation. As guards, the first thing they needed to understand was to observe and analyze.

People who wanted to enter the Alchemist Guild, even if they weren't alchemists, their identity wasn't something they, as low-level personnel, could provoke.

(End of this chapter)