
BTTH: Starting With Auctioning Green Lotus Core Flame

English translation of the BTTH fanfic under the same title with 700+ chapters upon completion. Support this translation at patreon.com/RebornAnew and read at least 5 chapters ahead of everyone. --- Li Xiao, an ordinary young man from Earth, suddenly crossed over to world of "Break Through The Heaven" and obtained godly auction system where rare and precious items could be auctioned off to earn wealth which then would be converted into system points, allowing him to buy various skills and techniques from the shop. Heavenly Flames, Heavenly Cauldrons, Dou God-level Dou Techniques, rare Heaven and Earth treasures... nothing couldn't be found in Heaven Ascending Pavilion! When Xiao Yan, the future Flame Emperor, and many powerhouses were still vying the inheritance of Tou She Ancient God, Li Xiao was already standing at the apex of Dou Qi Continent! --- Original Title: 鬥破:開局拍賣青蓮地心火 Original Author: 落塵煙緲 --- Disclaimer: I don't own the cover image. If you are the owner and want me to remove it, kindly leave a comment on the comment or review section.

RebornAnew_author · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

The Fragment Map of Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame

No matter what it took, even if he had to offend the entire world, Han Feng was determined to obtain the Flame Mantra. With it, he had hope of devouring other Heavenly Flames. Given enough time, he wouldn't fear even the Hun Clan, let alone the other seven great families.

"One hundred fifty thousand million gold coins, going once!"

"One hundred fifty thousand million gold coins, going twice!"

"Is there anyone else who wants to bid higher?" Ya Fei asked with a gentle smile. "Anyone for one hundred and sixty?"

Ya Fei looked around at the private boxes. If there were no more bids, she would close the auction.

"Then, one hundred fifty thousand million gold coins, sold!"

"Let's congratulate the alchemist Han Feng in Room 3 for successfully winning the Flame Mantra for one hundred fifty thousand million gold coins. We wish him a swift rise in power!"

Now, only the final item remained, and perhaps it might surpass even the Flame Mantra.

The entire hall focused intently on Han Feng's room, their gazes sharp like those of hyenas stalking for prey. No one wanted to miss out on such a powerful technique, one that could allow them to ascend to the rank of Dou God and become the ruler of the continent.

They hadn't considered the reality that devouring Heavenly Flames required not only the three essential treasures but also an unyielding spirit. If they failed, the only fate awaiting them would be death by incineration from the Heavenly Flames!

As the final auction was about to begin, the crowd started to relax a bit. It was evident that Li Xiao, the Pavilion Master, wouldn't appear. Instead, he had entrusted everything to Ya Fei.

Ya Fei went up to the fourth floor room, where she saw the Pavilion Master enjoying the pastries she had made, a smile playing on her lips.

Before she knew it, she had already been at the Heaven Ascending Pavilion for almost a year. During this time, she had diligently trained every day. Although her talent was lacking, with the Pavilion Master and the other sisters' help, her strength had progressed rapidly, reaching the Dou Master level.

The progress was astonishing.

From that moment, Ya Fei developed a special affection for the Pavilion Master. She often thought how foolish it would have been to refuse his offer back then.

Li Xiao turned his head, and with a slight motion of his finger, a cup of warm tea flew towards Ya Fei.

"Thank you for your hard work. Have some tea to soothe your throat."

Ya Fei nodded, taking the cup and drinking it in one go. The dryness in her throat instantly vanished.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master," Ya Fei said with a bow.

"Don't be so stiff, Ya Fei." Li Xiao sipped his tea, adding, "The next and final item will be entrusted to you. I won't personally handle the auction this time. If possible, try to raise the price a bit."

Ya Fei gave him a puzzled look. What did the Pavilion Master mean?

Li Xiao wanted Ya Fei to raise the price because the last item was directly related to the Flame Mantra. The Flame Mantra required devouring Heavenly Flames to advance, and the next item was closely related to them.

Naturally, people wouldn't be able to resist the temptation and would bid higher.

Linglong helped adjust Ya Fei's attire, speaking gently, "Relax, your auction skills surpass mine."

"Elder sister, you flatter me," Ya Fei said humbly.

"No worries. Just focus on the auction. When the time comes, follow the Pavilion Master's instructions and don't worry about anything else."

"If anyone causes trouble, we will handle it ourselves."

Linglong smiled sweetly. Ever since she heard that the Pavilion Master liked her smile, she had changed her demeanor. Towards outsiders, she always exuded a cold, icy aura. However, her attitude softened around her own people.

"I understand now. Thank you, Pavilion Master, and thank you, Sister Linglong."

Ya Fei turned and sat on a chair, adjusting her breath. Auctioning so many precious items in front of so many powerful figures was understandably nerve-wracking.

Her sweaty palms were evidence of her anxiety.

Bing Shuang stepped forward and infused her own Dou Qi into Ya Fei, helping to calm her restless mind.

The Dou Qi of a Dou Venerate was immensely powerful. Just a small amount made Ya Fei feel as if she had taken a tranquilizer, significantly easing her tension.

She let out a heavy sigh, her body feeling much more relaxed.

"Thank you, Sister Bing Shuang."

"No need to be so formal. We are all serving the Pavilion Master. There's no need for such courtesies between us."

Bingshuang's face remained cold, but her voice was full of genuine care. After a year of interaction, the people of the Heaven Ascending Pavilion had already come to regard Ya Fei as family.

When family members were in need, how could they not help?

Soon, half an hour had passed, and the final auction was about to begin and Ya Fei reemerged on the crystal stage, eliciting cheers from the crowd.

She smiled slightly, turned around, and took out a silver tray, carefully lifting the brocade cloth covering it. Instantly, a tattered ancient cloth appeared in everyone's sight.

Seeing the tattered cloth, the auction hall fell silent for a moment before erupting in boos.

Was the Heaven Ascending Pavilion crazy? They were auctioning off a piece of rag? Wasn't every item supposed to be a premium one? This looked like nothing more than a rag for wiping feet!

"Miss Ya Fei, are you joking? What's the meaning of showing us a piece of rag?"

"Yes, we need an explanation!"

The hall was filled with complaints and questions. Were they taken for fools? This was going too far!

However, some people were stunned, their eyes trembling as they stared at the half-patterned edge of the torn map.

Han Feng rubbed his eyes, his heart filled with shock. He had heard about a similar map fragment from his former master. This was no ordinary rag or scrap; it was related to the third-ranked Heavenly Flame, the Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame!

As Yao Chen's most prized disciple, Han Feng had heard about many Heavenly Flames from his master. In the Dou Qi continent, there existed a mystical flame in the shape of a cream-white fire lotus with a hint of pink, capable of purifying all things.

It had the special effect of purifying anything it touched into nothingness.

This was the third-ranked flame on the Heavenly Flame list, the Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame! The Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame could even use a person's emotions to infiltrate their body, purifying their flesh, soul, and Dou Qi into nothingness. Its power was terrifying. Only a few of such flames existed in the world.

Ya Fei smiled and said, "Everyone, please calm down. This is not some rag but a treasure map of the Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame from the Heavenly Flame list."

At this, the entire hall fell silent, then, it exploded in excitement. The Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame! Wasn't the legend told that whoever possessed this flame would have the power to unify the entire Dou Qi continent? Who would have thought it would appear here!