
BTTH: Soul Emperor started with the latest chapter of the script

**This is a translation** During his seclusion, the Soul Emperor was hit by a book falling from the sky. Upon picking it up, he saw the title: "Battle Through the Heavens." Curiosity getting the better of him, the Soul Emperor opened the book and began to read. He was deeply attracted to the protagonist, Xiao Yan, but as he read on, his pupils suddenly contracted, revealing a grave expression. ... Closing "Battle Through the Heavens," the Soul Emperor let out a long sigh, saying, "This guy named Xiao Yan must die." ... **There would be six chapters per week** **Support me and get early access to chapters here: p@treon.com/gfdsa ** ... Raw Link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/159446/

Gfdsa · Book&Literature
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216 Chs

Chapter 069: Filial Piety and Parental Love

***Bonus Chapter(2/2)***


"Hmm?" Upon hearing the words of Hun Tiandi, Zi Yan's face was filled with confusion.

Confusion to the extreme.

Time seemed to freeze in that moment.

"Father?" After a long while, this word floated in Zi Yan's mind. Immediately, the precious medicinal herbs in her hands no longer held any fragrance.


Unconsciously, Zi Yan dropped the precious medicinal herbs to the ground, and her body trembled slightly.



It was excitement!

Hun Tiandi could clearly sense Zi Yan's excitement and trembling body. Her heart was already overwhelmed.

"Father!" Zi Yan's eyes became moist, her little face stubbornly trying not to cry.

But emotions... Tears were something that couldn't be suppressed.

Drip! Drip!

In Zi Yan's watery eyes, tears flowed down, and she freed herself from Hun Tiandi's hand on her head.

She pounced into the embrace of Hun Tiandi, holding onto his neck.





"Zi Yan missed you so much!"

"Why did you only come to find Zi Yan now? Wuwu"



The more Zi Yan thought about it, the more she felt wronged, and her cries became louder.

"This..." At this moment, Hun Tiandi's mind went blank.

"What is happening?"

"Is she... my daughter?"

"Is there some misunderstanding here?" Soon, Hun Tiandi realized that what he had just said seemed a bit off.

"Do you want to be my little tyrant?"

[T/N; So, in the last chapter, I used the translation little subordinate instead of little tyrant. But little tyrant seems to be more correct considering the following conversations.]

"Wait a minute..."

The "little tyrant" he mentioned earlier wasn't the same "little tyrant" as Zi Yan understood!

Hun Tiandi wanted to explain, but... Looking at Zi Yan crying more fiercely, he was at a loss for words.

How should he comfort her?

If it were someone insignificant, Hun Tiandi could just give them a slap and bring peace to the world.

But Zi Yan was different. She would be of great help to him.

slapping her? Impossible.

"Good girl..." Hun Tiandi patted Zi Yan's back and comforted her.

"Don't cry..."




Zi Yan continued to cry!

Hun Tiandi thought, "This girl!"

After a long while, Zi Yan still seemed to cry herself out. Perhaps she was too overwhelmed with emotions!

As she cried and cried, Zi Yan eventually fell asleep.

Of course.

This was all Hun Tiandi's doing. If Zi Yan continued crying like that, it wouldn't be good for her.

What would she do when she saw her "real father" later? How could she cry if there were no tears left?

So... Hun Tiandi could only let Zi Yan fall asleep first. Zi Yan fell asleep. The world became quiet.

Hun Tiandi held Zi Yan in his arms, looking at her tear-stained face, murmuring, "Such a pitiful little girl."

As his words fell, Hun Tiandi's figure flickered and disappeared from the spot. He came quietly. And left silently.

Without a sound.

But taking Zi Yan with him.

Without alerting anyone.


The Magma World.

The Void Space!

Hun Tiandi returned, holding the sleeping Zi Yan in his arms.

"My daughter... My daughter..." Zhu Kun looked at the unconscious Zi Yan in Hun Tiandi's embrace, instantly sensing the boiling of his bloodline.

He was overwhelmed with excitement, tears streaming down his face! This was his daughter. His Zhu Kun's daughter.

Even though her strength as a Two-Star Dou wang is too weak, She was still his daughter.

Zhu Kun, with tears streaming down his face, excitedly said, "Brother Soul, let me... let me see my daughter..."

"Mm!" Hun Tiandi nodded. A gentle force entered Zi Yan's body.

In the arms of Hun Tiandi, Zi Yan, who had been asleep, stretched lazily and slowly opened her eyes. What greeted her were the handsome features of Hun Tiandi. "Father!"

"Wuwu.." Zi Yan held onto Hun Tiandi's neck and continued crying.

"???" Zhu Kun, witnessing this scene, Was completely dumbfounded.

"Who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"What happened?" Zhu Kun's mind went blank, completely bewildered.


"I've been betrayed?" Such thoughts gradually surfaced in Zhu Kun's mind. His daughter...

In front of him, she was embracing another man, crying and calling him "Father"!

This... What the hell! He was the one who got betrayed, wasn't he?

"What the f*ck..." Zhu Kun couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Zhu Kun stood there, like a bolt from the blue, completely clueless about what to do!

Hun Tiandi was also dumbfounded.

But soon, he realized what was happening.

He patted Zi Yan's shoulder and said, "Zi Yan, you've mistaken me. I'm not your father."

"Your Father is behind you!"


"..." Zi Yan cried upon hearing Hun Tiandi's words. Her mind went blank, unable to make sense of anything. Releasing her grip on Hun Tiandi's neck, she turned her head and looked behind her.

Coincidentally, her gaze met Zhu Kun's eyes.

Whoosh! In that moment of eye contact with Zhu Kun, Zi Yan felt her bloodline boiling, a sense of familiarity emanating from her bloodline.

"Father?" Zi Yan weakly called out. This call wasn't insignificant. With this call, Zhu Kun couldn't contain his excitement.

Tears streamed down his face as he said, "My daughter... My dear daughter..."

"Father!" At this moment, Zi Yan finally confirmed that the golden-haired man in front of her was her Father!

Jumping down from Hun Tiandi's arms, Zi Yan rushed into Zhu Kun's embrace. "Father... Wuwu..."

"My daughter... My precious daughter..."

"..." The two recognized each other. They hugged each other. Crying in pain.

Meanwhile, Hun Tiandi witnessed this scene, his nose slightly tingling. Ultimately, he couldn't hold back his tears any longer.

Tears streamed down his face. Hun Tiandi wiped away his tears and murmured, "Such filial piety and parental love!"

In his heart, he wondered, "Why did I have to witness such a scene? I'm even crying."

In the end, Hun Tiandi chose to temporarily leave the Void Space, waiting for this scene of "filial piety and parental love" to dissipate.

Hun Tiandi returned. He came back to the Magma World and found a rock to sit cross-legged on.

Hun Tiandi sent a strand of his consciousness into the Void Space. Inside the Void Space, The massive Fire Python was ridden by Xiao Xu without any power to resist.

As for the soul of the Dou Zun powerhouse, it had already been devoured by Xiao Xu. Even the little bug had been swallowed by Xiao Xu!

In the Void Space, there was only Xiao Xu alone, which made him feel a bit lonely. Therefore, Xiao Xu didn't hurry to refine the Fire Python. He played with it first.

After Xiao Xu had enough fun, it would be time for the Fire Python to be devoured.

Hun Tiandi sent a strand of his consciousness into the Void Space, witnessing the scene of Xiao Xu, the "Snake-Riding Warrior." The corners of Hun Tiandi's mouth curled up as he exited the Void Space.


Hun Tiandi opened his eyes and disappeared from the Magma World. Since Zhu Kun and Zi Yan needed time to catch up and reconnect as father and daughter, it was a perfect opportunity for him to take a walk.

To see. To observe. Perhaps he would discover a different scenery with a different set of problems.


For More Chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa