
btth reborn with shadow monarch system

Rithik_Pachahara · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 The system is in hand, I have the world!

With a system in his body, he traverses the planes of the heavens.

This kind of experience is really exciting when I think about it. After all, Xiao Han is a young man and naturally has a bit of an adventurous spirit.

And this Dou Qi Continent is a world of Dou Qi, and Dou Qi is the main theme of this world. As long as you have strong strength, you can turn the clouds over and over again!

Xiao Han yearns for those ancient chivalrous warriors, who rode horses and lakes, rejoicing in enmity, a pot of wine, a three-foot sword, and roaming the world.

A little bit of heroism, a thousand miles of joy.

There is wine in the rivers and lakes, how comfortable and unrestrained it is.

Although Xiao Han is a scholar, he has a special liking for rivers and lakes with wine, and this Dou Qi Continent, in Xiao Han's opinion, is exactly the kind of rivers and lakes he has always longed for.

Bohemian, famous all over the world, this kind of life can be described as wonderful.

"Since I've come here, I can't do nothing. One day, I'll be promoted to Dou Di, standing on the peak of Dou Qi Continent and looking down on all beings!"

After leaving all the burdens behind, Xiao Han felt refreshed and a burst of arrogance rose to the sky. At this moment, he realized that he was the truer self at this moment.

"Hee hee, don't worry, Master, with your talent, it is just around the corner to advance to Dou Emperor, not to mention that Xiao Rou is by your side." Seeing the arrogant Xiao Han, Xiao Rou said with a smile.

"Xiaorou, is my Cultivation talent high?" Hearing this, Xiao Han immediately suppressed his excitement, raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile, talent is also an extremely important part of Dou Qi Continent Cultivation, like those The ancient Dou Di races are all people with amazing talents.

"Of course, the master was chosen by Xiaorou personally. You are extremely talented in all aspects. There is no doubt about this." Xiaorou smiled.

Hearing this, Xiao Han chuckled lightly, and was relieved. Since there is no problem with talent, then he can rest assured and bold Cultivation, but according to "Battle Through The Heavens World" records, Cultivation seems to require exercises, he is now There is nothing, so what about Cultivation?

"Xiao Rou, aren't you a universal system? You should provide some necessary items for Cultivation, right?" Xiao Han immediately thought of Xiao Rou. Since it is a universal system, he can naturally help him, although Xiao Han did not expect to let him Xiaorou made herself a Dou Di in an instant, but she still had to provide some Cultivation things, after all, Xiaorou was the only one who was poor.

"Master, don't worry, this Xiaorou has already prepared for you." Xiaorou smiled sweetly.


As soon as the voice fell, the space in front of Xiao Han suddenly fluctuated and rippled, and then four light groups quietly appeared in front of Xiao Han, lining up.

The first blob is a Storage Ring.

In the second light group is a long sword made of crystal.

In the third light group is a black and white scroll.

In the fourth light group is an ancient book.

"Master, this is the necessities of Cultivation that Xiaorou has tailored for you. The first item is the Top Level Storage Ring, and some daily necessities are readily available. The second item is the Heavenly Emperor sword, a peerless holy item in the Great Thousand World. The third item is the peerless supernatural power method "Di Jing Jue" in the Great Thousand World, which has the magical effect of purifying all things in the world, and the fourth item is the "Dan Dian", which records all the elixir recipes in the history of Dou Qi Continent, as well as countless The experience of a Tier-9 pharmacist." Xiao Rou's voice sounded in Xiao Han's mind.

"In addition, master, this is about your item interface, which is classified according to item attributes, so you can check it at any time."


Item interface.

Top Level Storage Ring: Clothes, Moonstone, Incense...

Cultivation method: "Di Jing Jue" [Peerless Divine Ability]

Spirit Tool: Heavenly Emperor Sword [Peerless Sacred Artifact]

Refining medicine: "Dan Dian"


"Tsk tsk, Xiaorou, you are like a roundworm in my stomach, these four things really suit my appetite!" Looking at the four things in front of him, Xiao Han couldn't help but smack his tongue in admiration and was overjoyed.

The Storage Ring made his life worry-free. The Heavenly Emperor sword, which Xiao Han had naturally heard of, was extremely powerful. As for the peerless purification technique, Xiao Han was also extremely satisfied. This cultivation was absolutely twice the result with half the effort. Xiao Han was overjoyed, with this book, he could completely teach himself to become a pharmacist.

In short, with these four things, Xiao Han's Dou Qi Continent Cultivation journey can officially begin!

"Journey to a different world, Xiao Han is here!"

After some rhetoric, Xiao Han immediately put the Storage Ring on his hand, and then put all three things such as the Heavenly Emperor sword into the Storage Ring. Seeing the Storage Ring on his finger, Xiao Han chuckled, as expected of a Storage Ring. It's really convenient, and the interface of this system item is also very convenient. He can see everything at a glance. It is indeed a system.

After stroking the Storage Ring again, Xiao Han's excited heart gradually calmed down, so let's put the Cultivation matter for now.

Next, let him come and see the legendary characters in "Battle Through The Heavens World", for which he is looking forward to it.

"Huh? Xiaorou, why is this huge Xiao family empty?" After calming down, Xiao Han's brows wrinkled. He had been here for a long time.

"Master, you haven't chosen which storyline in "Battle Through The Heavens World" to start from, so Xiaorou has not yet set a character." Xiaorou said, "Master, which storyline do you choose to start your Dou from? Qi Continent tour?"

"Is it still possible..." Hearing this, Xiao Han chuckled lightly, as expected of an omnipotent system, this Dou Qi Continent trip really made him look forward to it.

"Then let's start with Chapter 1, the fallen genius!" Xiao Han rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and said with a smile, anyway, he has enough time, and he first came to Xiao's house, so he naturally chose to start from scratch, which is more interesting. .

"Okay! Please wait a moment, Master, Xiaorou will set the character right away!" Xiaorou said, Xiao Han grinned, a touch of excitement surged in his heart, Dou Qi Continent's journey is finally about to begin...

Xiao Han's wait didn't last long. After a few minutes, the originally quiet Xiao family began to become lively, and the noises all came from one direction. Obviously, at this moment, everyone in the Xiao family seemed to be gathered together for something.

"Master, it has been set up. Xiaorou has set you up as an ordinary Xiao family child, so it will be convenient for the master to move around in the Xiao family in the future, and you don't have to worry about others being suspicious." Xiaorou said.

"You are really thoughtful." Xiao Han couldn't help but praised with a smile, but he ignored the identity issue. After all, he is an outsider. Now that Xiaorou has set him as a child of the Xiao family, he can rest assured. Xiao family activities.

I really have to say that the system is in hand, I have it in the world, and I have a system in my body, and I can traverse the other world.