
BTTH: I married Xun'er, but she refuses to consummate our marriage!

Gu Fei transmigrated to the Dou Qi Continent and became the beloved grandson of the Black Submerged King, Gu Lie. By the age of sixteen, he had already become the most outstanding genius of the Gu Clan. Afterward, the clan leader Gu Yuan summoned Xun'er back and arranged her marriage with him. However, six months into their marriage, Xun'er still refused to consummate their relationship! Although Gu Fei had been deeply infatuated with Xun'er before, he eventually realized that her coldness towards him was because she was still thinking of another man. His heart completely shattered! It turned out that when Xun'er said she wasn't ready, she was planning to save her purity for someone else! How could Gu Fei tolerate this? He decisively chose to divorce Xun'er! “No, Gu Fei, you have to believe me! I have never betrayed you!” Upon learning that Gu Fei wanted to divorce her, Xun'er immediately panicked. ------------This is a translation------------ Real Author: 暴走的男神 Raw Name: 斗破:娶妻薰儿,她却拒绝圆房! The cover pic is done by Xích Diễm Cố Tích.

Bloodrunk · Anime & Comics
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345 Chs

Do you think this will make him marry you? Dream on!

"He actually refused directly?"

Hearing Gu Fei's response, Huo Zhi, who was sitting at the neighboring seat, showed a look of surprise. Her previously calm, serene eyes rippled slightly. At the same time, she felt an inexplicable sense of loss in her heart.

Initially, Huo Zhi was quite displeased with the elders arranging this "proposal" on her behalf. After all, it was rare for the woman to be the one pursuing the man. She had always prided herself on her exceptional talent and rarely found any man worthy of her attention.

However, now, she started to feel something different about Gu Fei. Of course, this difference stemmed initially from Gu Fei's terrifying cultivation talent and his ability to merge multiple types of heavenly flames, and only then from his refusal.

Huo Zhi was a strong-willed woman. While she might not be the most outstanding in the Yan Clan, none of her peers could catch her eye. Now, she finally found someone she admired, but he did not feel the same about her.

"That's great! Gu Fei really won't choose this woman from the Yan Clan..."

Unlike Huo Zhi, Xun'er, sitting across from her, flashed a bright smile at Gu Fei's rejection. She even shot a challenging look at Huo Zhi, as if mocking her for not being able to find a man who wanted her, despite her efforts.


Huo Zhi caught Xun'er's provocative gaze, igniting her competitive spirit. "Since you think Gu Fei won't marry me, I'll make sure to fight for it..."

Huo Zhi made up her mind. This decision wasn't just to compete with Xun'er but was also influenced by Gu Fei himself.

At that moment, the banquet hall fell into a brief silence due to Gu Fei's response. The Yan Clan's Elder Huo Yao's expression turned somewhat awkward. While Gu Fei's words were honest, to the Yan Clan members, it was akin to a slap in the face. They had come all this way to propose a marriage, only to be directly rejected, leaving them at a loss for how to proceed.

"Young Master Gu Fei, today is just our first meeting. Perhaps your thoughts might change after we get to know each other better in the future..."

"Why don't we give each other some time to get acquainted..."

Just as Gu Lie was about to say something to ease the tension, Huo Zhi suddenly stood up. In that moment, all her previous displeasure vanished, and she displayed the lively and enthusiastic spirit typical of an eighteen-year-old girl, radiating youthful energy.

"What's with this woman?"

Hearing Huo Zhi's response, Gu Fei couldn't help but frown, feeling somewhat puzzled. Has my charm become that overwhelming? This is our first meeting, and she's already insistent on marrying me?

"Indeed, I think Huo Zhi's personality matches Gu Fei quite well..." said one of the Gu Clan elders, nodding in agreement. In such a setting, Huo Zhi's demeanor seemed both gracious and sincere, winning over more than half of the Gu Clan elders, who saw this marriage as a perfect match between the two clans' prodigies.

"Huo Zhi, still as impulsive as ever..." Elder Huo Yao's expression turned serious. Huo Zhi's actions could be seen as her shamelessly begging to be married, and if Gu Fei were to reject her again, the Yan Clan would be utterly humiliated.

"Gu Fei, matters of marriage are unpredictable. It's best not to make a hasty decision... Take your time and consider it carefully."

A voice resonated from the hall's upper platform, drawing everyone's attention to Gu Yuan, the patriarch of the Gu Clan, who sat at the head of the hall. He was also Gu Fei's former father-in-law, who had said something similar the last time Gu Fei wanted to dissolve his marriage with Xun'er. He was a master at smoothing things over!

Although Gu Yuan didn't exert any pressure, his calm demeanor commanded respect from everyone in the hall. His authority stemmed not just from his position as the Gu Clan patriarch but also from his unparalleled cultivation.

Gu Lie, understanding the situation, knew that Gu Yuan's words were meant to protect the Yan Clan's dignity. "Child, since the Yan Clan has shown such sincerity, why don't you spend some time with Huo Zhi?"

Originally, Gu Fei had gathered the courage not to follow Gu Yuan's advice, but now that his grandfather Gu Lie had also spoken, he nodded in agreement. After all, agreeing to this didn't mean he was truly committed to the marriage. He could always find an excuse to refuse later.

"Haha, young people should spend time together. You never know, feelings might develop," Elder Huo Yao finally relaxed, feeling relieved that the Gu Clan had at least preserved the Yan Clan's honor. As for whether the marriage would happen, it would depend on whether Huo Zhi could win Gu Fei's heart.

"Why did Father have to smooth things over like that?"

Seeing how things had unfolded, Xun'er's face darkened, feeling frustrated with her father, Gu Yuan. If he hadn't intervened, this matter might have ended here, but now that Huo Zhi would remain in the Gu Clan, the outcome was uncertain.

The banquet continued, and Huo Zhi took the initiative to approach Gu Fei. In terms of appearance, Huo Zhi was undoubtedly a rare beauty, exuding an aura of mystery that captivated the other young members of the Gu Clan, who were envious of Gu Fei.

"Young Master Gu Fei, care for a drink?" Huo Zhi raised her wine cup towards Gu Fei, her actions graceful and dignified. Her beauty, tinged with an air of mystery, naturally drew people in, making them want to uncover the secrets behind her enigmatic façade.

"Miss Huo Zhi, please," Gu Fei replied, raising his wine cup without saying much more, leaving Huo Zhi slightly embarrassed.

"I heard that Young Master Gu Fei is also skilled in alchemy. It's rare to find someone like you, who excels in both alchemy and cultivation..." Despite the lukewarm response, Huo Zhi continued to make conversation, while Gu Fei responded politely but without much enthusiasm.

"Hmph!" Watching from the side, Xun'er grew increasingly annoyed, especially when Huo Zhi shot her a glance, mirroring the provocative look Xun'er had given her earlier. 

"Do you think this will make Brother Gu Fei change his mind..." Xun'er clenched her small fists in frustration, drinking sullenly by herself. Though other young members of the Gu Clan tried to engage her in conversation, she ignored them all.

Finally, as the banquet ended, Xun'er found her father alone.

"Father, why did you stop Gu Fei? Wouldn't it have been better if he had just refused?"

Xun'er asked, her face showing her displeasure.

"Xun'er, for Gu Fei, Huo Zhi from the Yan Clan is indeed a good match... Or could it be that you still want to reconcile with him?"

Gu Yuan frowned slightly as he replied.