
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Hello! Join our community of fans of fanfictions about cultivation worlds, xianxia, and golden fingers. https://ficcult.com/ On this platform, you will find over 300+ chapters of this fanfiction, as well as other similar works.

noslnosl00 · Book&Literature
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62 Chs

Chapter 4: Qing Shan Town

Leaving Wutan City and walking towards Qing Shan Town, Wei Yang finally let out a sigh of relief.

Facing Gu Xun'er's gaze, it was impossible not to feel nervous. After all, there were always at least two Dou Huang experts secretly guarding her. Wei Yang did not want to attract anyone's attention right now.

Before he had the strength to protect himself, Wei Yang did not want any accidents. Whether it was paranoia or fear of insufficient firepower, these traits were inherited. Surviving alone in this foreign world without any support, he had no sense of security. He had to be cautious.

Several days later.

At dusk.

Wei Yang finally arrived at his destination: Qing Shan Town, a small town located on the outskirts of the Magical Beast Mountain Range. This was a mercenary town. As he entered the town, most of the people on the streets were mercenaries, living off the Magical Beast Mountain Range.

Wei Yang, with his fair and clean appearance, looked quite out of place here. Dressed in black, he walked through the town. Passing mercenaries curiously glanced at him, and some even made teasing remarks.

"Hey, whose young master is this, coming here for a tour?"

"Haha, little master, you better go home."

"Speak softly, you might scare him into crying."


Wei Yang remained indifferent, ignoring them. These mercenaries, at best three or four stars, did not interest him in the slightest. There was no need to argue with them.

Not far into the town, Wei Yang saw a shop called Wan Yao Zhai. This was a famous landmark. Wei Yang stood there, watching with interest. The place was bustling, with groups of mercenaries coming in and out. Occasionally, injured ones were carried in and out.

Standing in front of the shop, Wei Yang listened attentively. From the surrounding mercenaries, he did not hear any mention of Xiao Yixian. It seemed that Xiao Yixian either hadn't arrived here yet or had just arrived and was too young to have made a name for herself. After all, based on her age, Xiao Yixian would be at most twelve or thirteen years old at this time.

After watching for a while, Wei Yang turned and left. He had no intention of specifically looking for or provoking Xiao Yixian. It was undeniable that Xiao Yixian was indeed a regret in many people's hearts, including Wei Yang himself. But the Woeful Poison Body was a big trouble.

Wei Yang did not plan to create a harem. Pursue every beautiful girl? Not a chance. After all, once you provoke someone, you have to be responsible for them. Wei Yang disliked trouble. He had enough difficulties on his own and no time to flirt and create unnecessary complications. Although he did have a bit of a craving for Xiao Yixian's perfect figure, it was just a fantasy; he hadn't even met her yet. He decided to avoid such high-risk situations.

He would adopt a passive approach—if it happens, it happens. Besides, wasn't Qing Lin attractive enough? She had a genuine serpent-like waist!

Finding an inn, he booked a room. After dinner, Wei Yang washed up early and sat cross-legged on the bed, practicing his cultivation technique while pondering over things.

Techniques like the Red Fire Art, a high-level yellow-rank technique, were not complex. After three years of practice, the routes were deeply familiar to him, and he could do it with his eyes closed. With his strong soul power, Wei Yang could easily multitask, cultivating while thinking.

"I need to get a storage ring," Wei Yang thought. The cliff cave opportunity near Qing Shan Town contained heaps of gold and silver treasures worth at least millions of gold coins. Without a storage ring, how could he carry them away? There were also many precious herbs inside that needed to be stored.

But storage rings were expensive. He only had a few hundred gold coins on him, not enough to buy one.

"Among all those who transmigrated to Dou Qi Continent, I must be the worst off, right?" At six-star Dou Shi, he didn't even have a storage ring, only a few hundred gold coins. It was embarrassing.

Moreover, that cliff cave opportunity was strange. A Dou Huang expert's inheritance cave mansion, leaving mountains of gold coins but no storage ring or techniques—it didn't make sense.

"Forget it, let's find the cave mansion first. At worst, I'll take some jewels out to sell, buy a storage ring, and then return for the rest."

The Magical Beast Mountain Range.

This place was a paradise for mercenaries and adventurers. Every day, countless mercenaries ventured inside, either hunting magical beasts for their magic cores or collecting rare herbs. Of course, many never made it back out.

In the forest, ancient trees towered, and old vines intertwined.


A shadow suddenly flashed out from a bush.

"Crushing Stone Palm!"

Crushing Stone Palm, a mid-level yellow-rank battle technique.


Wei Yang's hand, glowing with faint red Dou Qi, struck a first-tier pig-type magical beast's head. The beast's head caved in visibly.

Standing still, Wei Yang looked at the dead beast, drew a dagger from his waist, and skillfully opened the corpse, extracting a yellowish magic core.

"Not bad, got a magic core."

Wei Yang smiled and put the core into his backpack. He had been wandering around the outskirts of the Magical Beast Mountain Range for five or six days, roughly exploring the area but still not finding the cliff cave.

Wei Yang was not in a hurry; the treasure was there, and he would eventually find it. After eliminating most of the outer areas, he believed he was getting closer.

After a short rest, Wei Yang continued forward. His backpack was bulging with herbs and magic cores, roughly estimated to be worth four to five thousand gold coins.

He moved cautiously. Although this was the outer area where only first-tier magical beasts were common and second-tier ones were rare, caution was still necessary. Accidents could happen.

Walking through the dense forest, Wei Yang relied on his strong soul perception to avoid unnecessary fights. If he sensed a magical beast ahead, he would detour around it. If unavoidable, he would quickly deal with it.

After wandering through the forest, Wei Yang's vision suddenly brightened. He saw a steep cliff with lush greenery below, a beautiful sight.

Wei Yang's eyes lit up. He quickly approached the cliff edge, scanning the area. There were numerous protruding rocks, twisted trees, and bones on the cliff face.

His gaze slowly scanned the cliff face. Soon, his eyes fixed on a spot obscured by horizontal wood. Although it seemed similar to other places, Wei Yang, prepared, noticed subtle differences.

Squinting and using the slanting sunlight, Wei Yang saw a dark hole between the trees.

"This must be it. Finally found it!" Wei Yang rejoiced.

(End of Chapter)

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