
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 24: Stone Desert City

«Brother Yang, what's wrong?» Ye Xian'er asked as she noticed Wei Yang's frown.

«This scroll is somewhat strange,» Wei Yang replied with a faint smile.

He turned his head to the nervous female mercenary, Annie, standing nearby. «I'm interested in this black iron scroll. What do you want in return?»

Annie's face lit up with joy at his words. She quickly responded, «It's an honor that you like it, sir. As for the price… whatever you think is fair…»

She was cautious, not daring to ask for too much. She preferred to let him decide, knowing that a powerful person like him could easily give something of great value with little effort.

Wei Yang looked at her with some surprise. «You're quite interesting.»

Indeed, surviving in such an environment and leading a group of mercenaries as a woman wasn't easy.

He put away the black iron scroll and thought for a moment. Then, he took out the skills and techniques he had obtained from Mu She and handed them to her. «Will these be enough?»

Annie's eyes sparkled as she carefully and respectfully took them.

Xuan Level Low-Grade Technique: Dancing Wind Art.

Xuan Level Low-Grade Movement Skill: Phoenix Soaring Step.

Xuan Level Low-Grade Battle Technique: Wind Blade Dance.

Huang Level High-Grade Battle Technique: Rapid Wind Stab.

She was thrilled. Three Xuan level low-grade techniques and skills—a complete set of cultivation, movement, and battle skills. Although they were all wind attribute and didn't match her earth attribute, they could be exchanged or sold.

These four techniques and skills were worth at least ten thousand gold coins altogether.

«Is this enough?» Wei Yang asked, raising an eyebrow as he saw her trying to contain her excitement.

The surrounding mercenaries also looked on with excitement, secretly eavesdropping.

Annie quickly composed herself, took a deep breath, and respectfully said, «Yes, thank you very much, sir.»

«I'm glad you're satisfied,» Wei Yang nodded, a faint smile appearing on his lips.

He was very satisfied as well.

This black iron scroll was clearly something good. Although he didn't know its specific use yet, it was undoubtedly extraordinary.

Exchanging some techniques and skills he considered ordinary and unnecessary for such a valuable item was a huge win.

It was practically a steal.

Annie, too, was satisfied with the generous reward she received.

Both parties got what they wanted, and everyone was happy.

At dusk, a city's outline appeared on the horizon ahead.

As they got closer, the heavy city walls slowly came into view.

This city, standing in the desert and located on the frontier near the Serpent Clan, naturally differed from the cities within the empire.

It had a more imposing and solid look, exuding an aura of iron-blooded fortitude.

«Sir, that's Stone Desert City ahead,» Annie said respectfully.


Wei Yang nodded, taking Ye Xian'er's hand and leaving the mercenary group.

With seemingly slow steps, each stride covered several meters.

Under the envious and regretful gazes of Annie and the mercenary team, Wei Yang and Ye Xian'er quickly arrived at the city gate. After paying the entrance fee, they merged into the crowd and entered the city.

It was only after Wei Yang and Ye Xian'er disappeared from sight that the mercenaries withdrew their gazes.

Annie sighed softly, feeling envious of the ethereal and beautiful girl.

But it was just envy.

She knew well that they lived in completely different worlds.

Although the girl appeared delicate and weak, there was no way she could be ordinary if she stayed by the young master's side.

«Boss,» the mercenaries looked at her, eyes gleaming with excitement.

Annie smiled, her delicate face showing her joy. «Brothers, not only did we return safely this time, but we also gained a great reward!»

«Yeah!» The team cheered in excitement.

Annie couldn't help but smile as she tried to contain her excitement.

«With these gains, once I fully absorb them, I will definitely become a Dou Master!» Annie thought to herself.

As a nine-star Dou Fighter in Stone Desert City, she was at the bottom of the hierarchy.

But becoming a Dou Master would elevate her status in the city, making her a significant figure who no longer had to bow and scrape to others.

With this thought, she eagerly waved her hand. «Let's go back and discuss more!»

Her slender, flexible waist twisted as her long, straight legs moved forward.

«Let's go.»

«Back home.»


Her teammates laughed and followed her.

Wei Yang and Ye Xian'er strolled along the streets of Stone Desert City, feeling the bold gazes from the desert women around them.

Those gazes were direct, bold, passionate, and fiery.

Of course, there were also some envious and jealous glances from men, accompanied by dissatisfied snorts.

Wei Yang ignored them, his expression indifferent as he led the curious Ye Xian'er, who was looking around in wonder.

He couldn't help but sigh at the desert women's boldness and passion.

But it was understandable.

Though only seventeen, Wei Yang was nearly 180 cm tall, dressed in black brocade with gold embroidery. His hair was tied with a jade clasp, and his tall, straight figure, fair skin, and handsome face exuded a unique aura.

In this desert city, among the generally rugged men, he stood out like a gold nugget in the sand, attracting attention.

Of course, Wei Yang wasn't the only one drawing attention. Ye Xian'er, in her simple white dress, was like a pure white lotus blooming in the yellow sand, drawing many heated glances.

These fiery gazes made Ye Xian'er frown uncomfortably.

Wei Yang could do nothing but shake his head helplessly and quicken their pace.

Soon, they found a decent-looking inn ahead and went in.

After booking an upper room and preparing hot water, they washed away the dust.

That night, Wei Yang meditated briefly before going to bed early.

Having flown for seven days from Wu Tan City and walked half a day in the desert, he was exhausted.

Especially since the black iron scroll had drained much of his soul power during the day.

He had a premonition that this mysterious black iron scroll might hold great potential.

However, due to his current strength, he couldn't yet explore its hidden secrets.

But in the future, it might bring him a great surprise.

This was a natural intuition that Wei Yang couldn't ignore.

The next morning, they followed the directions they had gathered and arrived at a map shop called «Ancient Map.»

Standing before the shop, Wei Yang curiously observed the seemingly simple establishment.

It wasn't as ostentatious as other shops but exuded a subtle sense of antiquity.

This place was the hideout of the famous investor Ice Emperor Hai Bodong, an old Dou Huang.

This figure was similar to the renowned investor Zhuge Tao in the Swallowing Sky.

Unfortunately, Wei Yang wasn't an alchemist, so he probably had no chance to connect with Hai Bodong.

However, Hai Bodong's remnant map of the Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame was quite tempting.

He almost wanted to rob him.

«Ancient Map? What a strange name for a shop,» Ye Xian'er remarked.

«Let's go in and buy a detailed desert map,» Wei Yang suggested with a smile.


They stepped inside.

(End of Chapter)

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