

In the world of btth , a man finds himself to be in the young body of Xiao Yan . After knowing about his situation , he gradually excepted it and waited for his Dou Qi to get extracted but that incident never happened . Later he came to know that , Yao Lao was dead . After knowing that , will he follow the same path as original Xiao Yan did , or will he create his own legend ?? ............ I do not own this story , but certainly this fan-fic is my own creation . So please do support .

Darkknight001010 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Learning Flame Mantra

The next day , first thing he did was to learn the most important thing and that's ' Flame Mantra ' , the path to become a Dou Di .

It was of low ' Yellow ' class , which can evolve .

There were four kind of qi method in this Dou Qi continent .





Of course in the ' Bone flame ring ' there were countless Qi methods that Yao Lao had gathered in these years . There were even few Earth class Qi method but despite all these alluring qi methods, the flame mantra was something that can't be compared to anything else in the world .

So without a slightest hint of hesitation , he started practicing the ' Flame Mantra ' from the ring .

On the mountain range behind Xiao mansion . He was sitting in a cave for a while , he was in his meditative state and busy learning something.

Around two hours later , he opened his eyes . His face looked much more lively after going through the training , he checked his body once and said " Hmm...so this is Flame Mantra huh ?? . But my stamina and strength would be lot less until and unless it doesn't go though evolution by using a heavenly flame.

Even though I have ' Bone chilling flame ' with me ...."

He stopped saying anything after this and then he waved his hand and touched the flame seal on his forehead . A wisp of white coloured cold flame appeared on his hand.

The moment the white flame appeared , the temperature decreased significantly . Freezing the cave in an instant . In just a fraction of second , a thin layer of white coloured ice blanket spread over the entire cave.

Seeing this , a hit of joy appeared on his face. He then saw that the white flame that was on his hand wasn't causing any harm to him .

Apparantly due to Yao Lao giving his ' Bone chilling flame ' to him with his will . After Yao Lao died the current bone chilling flame was without any master . And it didn't had any will of it's own either .

The current bone chilling flame was like a new born baby with no master and due to flame seal on his forehead , he was easily able to control the bone chilling flame to a certain extent.

Ofcourse if he wanted to refine the flame right now , he will only end up dying in an instant.

Even though the flame didn't had lot of resistance towards Xiao Yan but if he will try to devour it now , he will only force him to take actions in protecting itself .

He will need to make himself familiar with the ' Bone chilling flame ' . Only after the resistance will be next to zero , he will be able to refine it .

And the strength of the bone chilling flame was too tremendous ,that it could easily make him a Dou Emperor or may be a peak Dou King if consumed now , but the word if was still there .

And it will take quite a while before he remove the word if . And he who was a btth fan in his previous world knew this very well , and thus he wasn't in any kind of hurry .


After a while , the Bone chilling flame on his hand started to effect him as well . It has only been few seconds , before the flame started to oppose him .

But on the other hand , it was quite obvious . As it was the 11th strongest flame , not a joke.

" Accha.....off...oh...shit!!!....." Screamed Xiao Yan .

He hurriedly stored the bone chilling flame in his forehead seal and saw his burned hand .

In just less then a second , his hand was burned . If it wasn't for the seal and the passing down of the flame by Yao Lao himself , who was the original owner of this flame for centuries , he would have been turned to dust till now .

" Damm..... I can't even think of refining it . It feels like it will take few years before i completely eradicate the resistance of the flame .

Ok....but that's good . The day I will refine this flame , my strength , it will skyrocket. In original timeline . He managed to increase his strength by two stars at Dou Venerate rank which is so tremendous that it can easily make me a Dou Emperor if I managed to completely refine it in early stages.

May be I can become the youngest Dou Emperor if I can make it till the age of fourteen or fifteen kekeke..... kekeke... hahaha.."

" But if really everything happened as i expect then I can stop the massacre of the Xiao Clan and the abduction of father. Yes .....I can ....till 17 , i will surely be a peak Dou huang or may be even a Dou Ancestor if I can consume the bone chilling flame and ..yes.....yes....if possible.....it really is possible...

Ok....ok....now i should increase my strength as fast as possible . And also I should keep on making myself familiar with the bone chilling flame ..... " Said Xiao Yan to himself .

After discussing everything with himself . He started his usual training for the next few days .

He even started practicing ' Octen Blast ' , a high ' Black ' level Dou technique which was practically almost as good as low Earth class Dou technique .

Ofcourse the requirement to learn the technique was just too great so he started torturing himself by ruthlessly beating himself by any object which he found , as the original Xiao Yan learner it .

Even though Octane Blast doesn't have high requirements of one's Dou Qi, it has a huge toll on the body. This technique is a close combat Dou Technique and with weak arms and legs, if you really try to use it, you'll probably end up with broken limbs before you even touch your opponent , as a result he need to train his very own limbs by ruthlessly smacking it every day and night to enable himself to learn it.

He even started to learn the technique of pill refinement , ofcourse he couldn't refine any pills , yet he tried to go through all the theory , notes that was present within the ring .

He continued his practice till next two months , until one night his father arrived at his door .

He was busy meditation when his father entered his room , sensing someone has come in , he stopped his mediation and looked at the man who had come.

After coming in the room , he gave a warm smile to his son Xiao Yan and sat by his side .

Even though the current Xiao Yan wasn't the real one but still after living with this man for more then Ten years , he has already developed a deep feeling for him , actually any body would . And he knew how pity full his fate as the leader of Xiao clan was going to be , so he was already doing his best to change the future and now , he even got a golden finger , which would definitely grant him enough power within six years to protect everyone close to him .

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