
BTTH 斗破苍穹

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to west of the river, never underestimate the determination of poor youth!" At just 15 years old, Xiao, the waste of the Xiao family, made a vow here. From now on, he will step by step towards the pinnacle of the Continent of Qi Combat! This is a world belonging to the Qi Combat, devoid of flashy and colorful magic. Here, all that exists is the pinnacle of evolved Qi Combat! Curious to know the state of the Qi Combat in the otherworld after reaching its peak?"

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 33: Confirmation

 Looking at the sturdy young man who took the lead in challenging, the other tribesmen who failed immediately sighed with some regret. From the looks of them, they seemed to be very envious of the first person to take the risk.

  Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up and down at the young man in front of him. Although he did not recognize all the members of his family, he had some impression of this young man.

 If I remember correctly, the young man's name is Xiao Ke, and he is from the Great Elder's faction. He usually follows Xiao Ning around like a lackey. He also treated Xiao Ning very well when Xiao Ning was down and out.

  Slowly recalling some old events in his mind, Xiao Yan's mouth corners suddenly raised a somewhat dangerous arc.

  Turning his head to meet Xun'er's playful gaze, Xiao Yan smiled slightly. Under the gaze of everyone, he nodded and chuckled, "Okay, I accept."

  Seeing Xiao Yan agreed so readily, Xiao Ke's eyes twitched. An inexplicable uneasiness quietly rose in his heart. His throat rolled, and Xiao Ke suddenly regretted his recklessness.

  However, although I feel regretful, the arrow has already been drawn and there is no time to regret.

 "Illusion, improving four levels of fighting spirit in one year, no one can do it, this guy must have used some tricks to deceive everyone! I can definitely defeat him!" After a bit of encouragement, Xiao Ke forced a smile and said, "Then let me experience the strength of my cousin Xiao Yan!"

  Xiao Yan smiled without saying anything, stood up, walked to the training ground in full view of everyone, and then made a gesture of invitation to Xiao Ke.

  Seeing Xiao Yan's calm face, Xiao Ke felt even more uneasy. He smiled awkwardly and walked slowly into the field with somewhat stiff steps.

  Looking at the two people on the field, everyone near the training ground quickly shifted their gazes over there.

  On the high platform, Xiao Zhan took the cloth handed to him by the follower behind him, wiped the water stains on his hands, and stared closely at the audience. There was a hint of hidden tension in his eyes.

  To be honest, not only those young people found Xiao Yan's achievements unbelievable, but even Xiao Zhan himself had a sense of unreality deep in his heart. It was not his fault that he did not believe in Xiao Yan. After all, to improve his fighting spirit by four levels in one year, this speed could almost be described as incredible. Even Xiao Yan three years ago had never achieved this speed.

  And precisely because the achievements were so great, everyone found it hard to believe.

  But whether you believe it or not, as long as Xiao Yan fights with others, his true strength will be exposed, and then everyone will be able to see Xiao Yan's true level!

  Beside Xiao Zhan, the breathing of the three elders became increasingly rapid. Their dry palms left a deep mark on the chair handles, and their cloudy eyes stared at the scene with complexity.

On the bluestone training ground, all eyes were fixed on the two people in the field. Whether Xiao Yan's terrifying performance was true or not would be revealed once they started fighting!

  "It's absolutely fake!" At the edge of the square, Xiao Ning licked his dry lips and said in a low and fierce voice.

  "It should... be fake, right?" Xiao Mei said bewilderedly in the crowd, biting her rosy lips. It was also hard for her to believe that this young man who had been silent for three years could suddenly achieve such a terrifying result.

  Under the complex gazes, Xiao Yan and Xiao Ke in the field had completed the etiquette before the fight.

  With his palms slightly raised, a faint fighting spirit lingering on them, Xiao Ke took a deep breath, stomped his feet on the ground, and rushed straight towards Xiao Yan.

  There is nothing dazzling about low-level battles, everything is just the simplest confrontation.

  "Mountain Splitting Palm!"

  He quickly approached Xiao Yan, and the fighting spirit on Xiao Ke's right palm condensed slightly. He swung his right palm and slashed towards Xiao Yan's chest fiercely.

  The Mountain Splitting Palm is a yellow-level intermediate fighting skill. Only members of the clan with a fifth-level fighting spirit or above are qualified to learn it!

  A light breeze blew up Xiao Yan's hair, revealing a pair of ink-black pupils underneath. He blinked his eyelids, and Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes and stared at the hand that was getting closer and closer.

  When his palm was about to reach his shoulder, Xiao Yan took a step to the left without haste. A year of physical training had made his reaction nerves extremely good.

With just one step, he dodged Xiao Ke's attack. With his body slightly tilted, Xiao Yan's palm passed through Xiao Ke's arm and casually imprinted on his shoulder as if he was picking leaves from a flower.

  "Stone Crushing Palm!"

  Stone-breaking Palm, a low-level yellow-level fighting skill, can be learned with only three levels of fighting spirit!

  "Bang!" With a muffled sound, Xiao Ke's ruddy face turned pale after being hit by Xiao Yan. With a muffled groan, he staggered back, and finally lost his footing, went limp, and fell on his back.

  The whole audience was silent. Xiao Ke's defeat was a good confirmation of certain facts.

  After defeating his opponent with one palm strike, Xiao Yan shook his head in boredom. This kind of opponent was really not challenging at all. Not to mention using his trump card, he had not even used half of his true strength.

  Of course, unlike Xiao Yan's own boredom, everyone outside the field at this moment slowly closed their eyes. Since Xiao Yan could defeat a clansman with the sixth level of Dou Qi so easily, then his strength must be above the seventh level.

  If that's the case, then the terrifying results Xiao Yan showed earlier... were real!

  Improving four levels of fighting spirit in one year, this achievement is a miracle among miracles!

  On the high platform, Xiao Zhan let out a long breath, and finally let go of the huge rock hanging in his heart.

  "...Really, it's the seventh paragraph..."

  Looking at the defeated Xiao Ke, Xiao Mei slowly covered her red lips with her small hands, muttering in shock.