
BTTH 斗破苍穹

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to west of the river, never underestimate the determination of poor youth!" At just 15 years old, Xiao, the waste of the Xiao family, made a vow here. From now on, he will step by step towards the pinnacle of the Continent of Qi Combat! This is a world belonging to the Qi Combat, devoid of flashy and colorful magic. Here, all that exists is the pinnacle of evolved Qi Combat! Curious to know the state of the Qi Combat in the otherworld after reaching its peak?"

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 30: Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated

Looking at Xiao Yan walking side by side with Xun'er, all the young men in the field showed some jealousy on their faces. In the Xiao family, the only person who could be so close to Xun'er was probably this famous loser...

  At the edge of the square, Xiao Ning, who was surrounded by a large group of people of his age, stared at Xiao Yan with anger in his eyes.

  "You little bastard, let's see if you still have the nerve to be with Xun'er after today." After cursing softly, Xiao Ning sneered with glee.

  Ignoring the glances filled with jealousy and anger, Xiao Yan led Xun'er directly to the back of the team, and then they talked and laughed in low voices to each other.

  Seeing Xiao Yan's relaxed and comfortable appearance, the family's senior members on the platform couldn't help but be a little surprised. Doesn't this guy know that today's test will change his future path?

  "Hehe, I'm afraid you're planning to just throw the jar into the air." The second elder sneered and said sarcastically.

  Originally, he thought that after saying this, Xiao Zhan beside him would be furious again, but the Second Elder waited for a long time and did not notice any movement. He could not help but look at Xiao Zhan beside him in surprise.

  "Second Elder, let's wait until the very end before drawing any conclusions. Otherwise, you will only end up slapping yourself in the face..." Xiao Zhan took a deep look at the young man with his head bowed and eyes closed in the field, and said lightly.

  The corner of his mouth twitched, and the second elder snorted coldly: "I hope so. I also hope that he can give me some surprises."

  "Okay, the time is up, stop dawdling." The Great Elder interrupted the confrontation between the two with a deep voice.

  Xiao Zhan nodded slightly, stood up, looked around the quiet training ground, and said in a concentrated voice: "You are all the fresh blood of the family, you should know how important today's test is to you. According to the test rules, those with the seventh stage of fighting spirit and above are qualified, otherwise, they are unqualified. However, according to the previous additional regulations, after the test is completed, those with fighting spirit below the seventh stage have the right to challenge their companions above the seventh stage. If the challenge is successful, they can also enter the qualified area!

  "Now that everyone is clear, let the test begin!"

As Xiao Zhan's deep shout came down, the boys and girls on the training ground suddenly became nervous.

  Next to the black stone tablet, the indifferent examiner took a step forward and took out a list from his arms. His cold voice made the people whose names were called shudder all over.

  Sitting cross-legged on the clean bluestone floor, Xiao Yan calmly looked at his peers who were crying sadly because they failed the Dou Qi test. He curled his lips indifferently, without feeling any sympathy in his heart. Those who liked to laugh at those who were lower than themselves were not worthy of sympathy.

  When they were seeking pleasure from tribesmen lower than themselves, they might not have thought that this day would come to them sooner or later.

  Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated.

  Sitting next to Xiao Yan, Xun'er had an elegant face and a calm expression, like a pure green lotus. Her slender hands played with a strand of black hair, and she only occasionally glanced at the young man with lowered eyes next to her. Like Xiao Yan, she did not pay too much attention to those dejected boys and girls.

  "Xiao Mei!"

  The tester's cold voice made Xiao Yan raise his eyebrows slightly, and his drooping eyelids also lifted lazily.

  Xun'er, who had been paying attention to Xiao Yan from the side, couldn't help but wrinkle her nose slightly when she saw him like this.

  "Haha, she was very attached to my brother Xiao Yan back then..." Xiao Yan chuckled lightly as he narrowed his eyes and looked at the red-dressed girl who walked forward calmly.

  Xun'er blinked her big, watery eyes, tilted her head to look at the hint of sarcasm on Xiao Yan's face, and smiled, "I'm curious about how she will treat Brother Xiao Yan after today?"

  Xiao Yan shrugged slightly and said softly: "Some things are destroyed, and they are destroyed. No matter how to repair them, there are still glaring cracks. There are not many people in this family that I can identify with, only a few people..."

  "Does Xun'er count?" Xun'er asked with a sweet smile, her rosy little lips raised in a playful arc.

  Xiao Yan smiled warmly, stretched out his hand, pinched a strand of Xun'er's black hair with his fingers, and slid it down slowly, smiling: "Of course!"

  Shui Ling's big eyes curved into a beautiful crescent moon, Xun Er's eyes were slightly blurred, and the picture that almost penetrated into the soul slowly appeared with a bit of warmth...

  When I was a child, the little boy sneaked into my room in the middle of the night and used such clumsy methods that made people want to laugh to nourish his seemingly weak body. Although he knew that it didn't have much effect, the little boy persisted for two years...

  A cute dimple appeared on her delicate face. Xun'er tilted her head slightly and smiled softly in her heart: "There are not many people in this family that Xun'er can truly identify with. You are the only one..."

  From a distance, Xiao Ning's face twitched as he watched Xiao Yan's affectionate behavior towards Xun'er. The flame of jealousy in his heart made him want to rush over and stomp hard on that poor face a few times.

  "Fighting Power: Eighth Stage!"

  A strong light burst out from the black stone tablet, and large, neat characters floated on the surface of the tablet.

  "Xiao Mei: Fighting power, eighth stage, advanced!" After taking a look at the black stone tablet, the indifferent tester nodded slightly and announced in a deep voice.

  Hearing the examiner's voice, Xiao Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and then a look of pride rose on her little face. In just one year, she had advanced from the seventh stage to the eighth stage. This kind of progress was enough to rank her in the top five in the family. With such remarkable results, it was no wonder that the girl was so satisfied.

  When the examiner's voice was heard, there was a commotion in the training ground, and many envious eyes were directed at Xiao Mei.

  "I have only improved my Dou Qi by one level in a year, that's barely enough..." Touching his nose, Xiao Yan commented indifferently.

  "Hmm." Xun'er played with her black hair, and her eyes casually glanced at Xiao Mei, who was surrounded by everyone like a princess.

  After Xiao Mei's climax, among the dozen or so people behind, only one person reached the seventh level of fighting spirit, and the others were eliminated.

  "Xiao Xun'er!"

  The tester's cold voice actually had a hint of emotion under this name.

  The eyes of the whole audience followed the sound and suddenly shifted to the spotless and pretty girl.

  "Brother Xiao Yan, don't be surprised later..." Standing up straight, Xun'er leaned over and smiled playfully at Xiao Yan.

  Raising his eyebrows, Xiao Yan looked at the beautiful and attractive figure of the girl and murmured, "Could it be that she has been promoted to a fighter?"