
BTS: My Mysterious Hateful Love ...J.Jk

They say Love is a beautiful moment that happens in your life, You become a new person when you fall in love ~~~But sometimes it's not necessary that the love of your life will be always successful ..... "I never loved you~~~" "I Hate you with all my heart ..." "Am sorry " "Never come infront of me ,I don't know what I will do " .. Once you break someones trust you cannot build it up ,and once you broke someones heart it cannot be joined back again ...Are you ready to Enjoy this Mysterious Hateful Love of Mine ? The story is based on author's imagination The characters in this book has nothing to do with real life everything is fictional . copyright belongs to Ddevil.S

Ddevil_Staeswife · Others
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105 Chs

A Song....

Jimin's POV

Everyone left as it was only us now..cooky was already sleeping on my shoulder as I had him in my arms I looked at Y/n who was looking at cooky in awe.."I'll take him to room baby " I said as she smiled "jimin about jae where do we make him sleep ?" she asked as she looked at jae who was playing with jungkook "let him decide baby " I said as I made my way towards the room...Why do I feel like I've seen him somewhere...I have to find out everything about him....

Authors POV

Taehyung smiled as he looked at Y/n who was looking at Jae and Jungkook playing over there "you still love him don't you ?" tae said as Y/n just glared at him "don't you dare start is again tae " she said as he rolled his eyes "If you were not gonna be with him why did you even divorced me ?" he asked seriously as he wanted to know the reason why the girl who cried on her knees for divorce and forgiveness infront of him and asked him to help her to find his brother desperately 3 years ago what happend now ? now that his brother is here ...she is not even talking with him "tell me " he said as she looked at him "Please tae I don't wanna talk about it " she pleaded "you do realise I was gonna ask you this today or tomorrow anyways right ? you got together with jimin I didn't said anything because the situation was like that but you have jiwoon who is my kookie's child!" Taehyung said as he gained attention from jungkook and the kid..."How many times should I tell you that jiwoon is not his child for God sake tae not you too please " She said as she didn't mind to raise her voice a little at her ex husband making taehyung chuckle "thens who's child it is ?" he asked as he was also losing it ,he loved her he still do but he broke hard when he saw her that time crying desperately in pain like somone had stabbed her heart..."Its jimins for God sake How many times should I tell you,you want me to run a DNA test or what ???" she yelled back as she was about to lose her shit too but when she heard the gasp of the kid present in that room with them ,her eyes immediately soften,taehyungs eyes softened watching her soft side again..."I I'm sorry " she said as she looked at Jae "Umm sorry Jae if aunty scared you am sorry it's already late where do you wanna sleep ? you wanna sleep with uncle jeon ?" she asked as she kept looking at the kid who was also staring at her his eyes holding little tears as Y/n's own eyes had tears too "I would like to sleep with aunty " he said as he left jungkooks hand and ran to her...

Jungkook and Taehyung both watched Y/n and the kid going up something about them made both brothers feel something...the bonding was way stronger than it should be...The softening of Y/n can be understandable because she has her own child too but the kid...the kid should not be crying just because Y/n was about to cry...No This is not how things should go..."Hyung You you knew about it ?" jungkook asked as he couldn't look up feeling guilty about everything that happened before..."Jungkook ahh only if you would have told me before marriage things would have been different then " taehyung said as jungkook looked up at his hyung with tears in his eyes "Hyung only if I would have known that the girl your getting married was Y/n before your marriage i wouldn't had let it happen...but the fact that I got to know everything on the marriage day ....i couldn't do anything " Jungkook said as tears left his eyes "I i was so confident that she will come to me when i was leaving Seoul, i was trusting my love with everything but she never came..." jungkook said as he looked down with rage and hurt...Taehyung's eyes widened "what do you mean ?" taehyung asked as he held his brothers shoulders "what do you mean by she didn't came ?" he asked again as jungkook looked up and saw taehyung's confused face.."she didn't came to me " he said as taehyung's eyes widened "she did came....she ran like crazy to meet you that day ..." Taehyung said as jungkook sighed "no hyung she didn't how do you know that she came you weren't even here " jungkook said as his eyes widened when he realized that he did missed few strings he remembered her words when they talked that night..."if I didn't loved you why would I run to meet you like crazy...leave it " he remembered her saying that his eyes widened as he was about to go to her.

His brother held him back "not now...Tomorrow You will get your answers but ask them slowly one by one..don't lose her this time kook " taehyung said as he patted jungkooks back and went away....Leaving a confused jungkook behind.

Y/n's POV

I gave change to Jae as he wore them by himself..I changed my clothes as jimin was working in the gallery and Cooky was already asleep.."do you want me to sing you to sleep ?" i asked jae as he looked at me shooked it's cute "I I don't wanna trouble you " he said as I smiled ruffling his hairs "it's not trouble baby it's my pleasure come " I said as I held his little hand in mine and pulled him to bed as I sat beside him covering him with duvet I told him to close his eyes as I patted his head but he kept looking at me "which song do you want me to sing ?" I asked as he started thinking about it ....And looked at me with hope...

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