
BTS Jungkook's Ff (Cold ceo)

Jungkook is a CEO of his own company while Yn is a simple girl who has been appointed as Jungkook's secretary now. But suddenly Jungkook makes a deal with Yn and she Agreed for it not knowing the consequences after. Will this deal lead their life to something they didn't expected? Thanks for showing so much love on my fanfic!! If you're liking my writing then please check out my other account @Elsie_ot7army and @Elsieyuji... i wrote many one shot fanfics there :)

LOt7army · Realistic
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23 Chs

Force or love marriage?

They both were sitting in the car and Jungkook stopped in a place.

Jk: M-Miss Yoona-

Yoona: No!! I can't Marry like this Mr.Jk. Marriage is not a game and i am NOT playing this anymore.

Jk: Please listen... listen to me.. calm down.. I swear to god i didn't knew that was their plan!! If i have knew it i wouldn't have told you to act as my fiance.

Yoona: You know it's my fault that i said yes to you plan. For god sake, What are we gonna DO NOW??

Jk: I Told you if i have knew it I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS SHIT!! god damn it!!..

Yoona: Now tell me what is your next plan. What the hell we will do now?? They are gonna meet my mom tomorrow.

Jk: Urghh... this... this everything is fcked up!!

Yoona: Before it was your problem then..but now I'm unfortunately involved in it.So not only "you" but "we" both have to fix this asap!!

Jk: Right.. you're right! We have to find a way to get out if this situation..

Yoona: For now.. we have to let them meet my mom..

Jk: Then???

Yoona: Then we'll tell them all of this is a lie!

The car was silent for a moment...

Jk: ..Right... *sigh* I'll drop you at home now.. we'll think about it tomorrow..

Yoona: Hmm...

The whole night Yoona and jungkook couldn't sleep well and Jungkook's parents even called Yoona's mother and told them about their "relationship" And Yoona's mother was Ofcourse happy about that, she was already shipping them together.

*The next day*

Jungkook's parents came at Yoona's house and were talking with Yoona's mother. Yoona also came down after sometime with forcing a smile on her face. She sat down beside her mother with juliet on her lap.

Mrs.Jeon: Y/Mom we can't wait to have your daughter as my daughter in law.

Y/Mom: That's so sweet of you Mrs.Jeon.

Jk: Ah mom, you all can continue i have something to talk with Yoona.

Mr.Jeon: Son, you're already so desperate to marry her!

Everyone laughed except yoona and jungkook.

Yoona and Jungkook went to her room.

Yoona: What are we gonna do now?

Jk: We'll just straight up tell them the truth.

Yoona: Mr.Jk...

Jk: hmm...

Yoona: Do you think what we are doing is right?

Jk: Huh??

Yoona: N-nothing...

Jk: We s-should go n-now...

Yoona: ...yea...

They both were coming downstairs. Their minds were full of thoughts. What they were doing was right or wrong.. They didn't know..they were lost in their thoughts.

Jk: Mom, dad, and mam we have something to tell you...

Mrs.Jeon: Oh you two came.

Mr.Jeon: There's a good news for you two.

Y/Mom: Yeah and the good news is that your wedding is in 2 days.

Jk and Yoona: What???

Y/Mom: See i told you they are gonna be so happy.

Their parents were so happy which made them sad bcz if they tell their parents the truth they will be heart broken. And Jungkook was afraid bcz finally he made his parents happy and he didn't wanted to break their heart and Yoona was also afraid bcz after so many days she saw her mother happy from the bottom of her heart and she didn't wanted to saw her mother sad in anyway.

Mrs.jeon: But what did you wanted to tell us Son?

Jungkook and Yoona looked at each other with almost tears in their eyes.

Jk: Its N-nothing mom... We're happy that you're happy.

Yoona: Yeah.. he is right. Your happiness is our happiness.

Y/mom: But aren't you guys happy??

Yoona: *looks at jk* Ofcourse we are happy....

Jk: Yeah we're...happy *looks at yoona*

Mrs.Jeon: Perfect then. All set.

Mrs.Jeon came and pats/caress Yoona's head and suddenly juliet comes barking.

Y/mom: Oh looks like someone is jeolous here for not getting any attention!

Mrs.Jeon: Omo!! *pats Juliet* don't worry we'll find you a Romeo too.

Everyone laughs.

Mrs.Jeon: (whispers to Yoona) i guess you already know jungkook is afraid of cute puppies.

Yoona: (whispers back) Yeah i know bcz he thinks of himself more cute.

They both laughed quietly.

Jk: (coughs) Can we go now??

Mrs.Jeon: Sure.. Bye Y/Mom and My soon to be daughter in law.

They bid them goodbye.

*at night*

Yoona called Jungkook to clear out things.

(on the phone)

Jk: Firstly, do you l-love someone else??

Yoona: Noooo And you??

Jk: Ofcourse no!

Yoona: Mr.Jk, *sigh* what if our parents finds out that we are lying to them?!

Jk: Miss Yoona, don't worry.. just..just 2days before our marriage... as we are doing this for our family's happiness.. let's just not disappoint them..

Yoona: yeah that's why we agreed to this marriage...

Jk: let's just marry each other...

Yoona: For our parents...

Jk: *sighs* i guess we should sleep now. Mom and dad told me to go shopping with you tomorrow..

Yoona: Yeah.. i know. Good night.

Jk: Good night.

( sorry i posted lately today.. i couldn't sleep the whole night.. Take care of yourself and your health guys💜)