

Do you believe in love? Or rather Destiny? What if Destiny plays an important role in bringing two different people from two different worlds together, opposite in everything! Meet Enya Bailey Francis and Kang jeon min who are total opposites to each other with different personalities, customs, cultures, and countries, not only are they polar opposite but they have a four years age gap between them. Enya is twenty six years old and Jeon is twenty three years old. There is one more thing which is that once upon a time Enya was a married woman but she got divorced from her husband due to some reasons. Enya is broken by her marriage beyond repair. She despises love and relationships. She doesn't easily trust anyone. She had built walls around her pretty strong. Enya is a strong independent woman who is a professional event manager and a successful one. She is professionally strong but within she is so broken and alone. Enya is abandoned by everyone from her husband, friends to her parents. Kang jeon min is a twenty three years old Korean pop singer who is way more popular than any other celebrity. He is not only popular in Korea but also worldwide. Jeon has pretty much everything: money, fame, name, and all types of luxuries. He looks like a bad boy but Jeon is one hundred and one percent decent and down to earth. He loves to make friends and make people happy. I always like sunshine. Follow Enya and Jeon in their journey to find out what happened to them and how they met despite every oddity against them. There will be drama, betrayal, and love.

Rooh_Shaik · Urban
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19 Chs

Movie night

" I understand that you were or are not dating but still how can he move on so easily from you?" Siya scoffed, anger clearly written on her face.

" It's okay Siya, don't spoil your mood and just enjoy the ice cream."

" Ugh, How can I when my niece's baby daddy is cheating on her mother."

" Oh My God Siya, as I said we are nothing it was just…..just a one-night stand nothing more," I said not meeting her eyes, why is it so difficult for me to utter these words.

" I'm sorry Enya it's just I don't want you to get hurt and come let's go and meet Andre and plan something." She got up from her seat taking her ice cream with her and I followed her.

She came in a taxi so we took my car and went to my office to meet Andre, I was somewhat calm after seeing that picture because of Siya's presence. She can easily make my day.

" So, what do you want to do?" She asked while driving, she didn't want me to drive because I can't take any stress in her words.

" Umm, maybe a movie night!" I suggested.

" Okay, sounds good."

We reached my office and went directly to Andre's Cabin where he is sleeping on his table. Maybe he is still got the hangover.

"Andre! Andreeeeeeeeeee....." We both yelled in unison startling him.

" Ahhhhhh...…" He yelled aloud getting up from his chair with wide eyes.

We started laughing at him, he is looking so funny startled, and confused. We are laughing so much that tears were streaming down my face and I just sat on the ground holding my stomach because it's paining due to excess laughing.

" Oh My God! Look at him, he is looking so funny. I can't stop laughing." Siya said in between her laughs.

" Same, I can't even breathe properly….."

" Seriously? Are you guys laughing at me? Huh!" He is glaring at us throwing daggers with his eyes.

" Sorry, sorry. We were just having fun, Andre. Don't be serious." Siya said moving towards him.

" I am sorry too, Andre," I said getting up from the ground and moving towards him to hug him.

" Whatever Guys, you both were so mean to me." He playfully rolled his eyes at us before hugging us back.

" We planned a movie night, are you in?" Siya asked Andre.

" Umm, let me check my diary." We frowned at his attempted and failed joke making him scowl at us.

" You guys are no fun and yes, I will ne joining you with pizza and soda."  I know he will join us no matter what and they are true friends who will always be with me no matter what.

" Okay, then we are going to Enya's apartment. Be on time."

" Okay, madam!" He saluted us before ushering us out of his cabin.

" Do you have popcorn?"

" Yes, I have and all the snacks are available at my store. So don't worry." I joked.

" Please, no you and Andre are both some. You both can't even crack a joke properly." Siya laughed at my scowling face.

" Whatever, let's go I am hungry," I said taking long steps towards the exit.

" You at one big bowl of ice cream half an hour before Enya, how can you be so hungry?" Siya teased me.

" I have to eat for two Siya." I gave her a sweet smile before getting into the car.

We reached my apartment and cleaned the kitchen and the theater room. Prepared some snacks and called Andre if he started or not.

" Andre has started and he will be here in 10 minutes. Let's take all this stuff to the movie room and wait for him." I said taking some bowls to the room. I started munching on some cookies as soon as I put my leg in the apartment.

" Okay, and stop eating so much Enya! I know you are eating for two but please leave something for us too." Siya yelled from the kitchen stomping her feet on the ground.

" Stop behaving like a child Siya, we have plenty of food. So don't worry." I yelled back before stuffing my mouth with some popcorn.

" Enyaaaaaaaaaaaaa….." Popcorn flew out of my mouth and hands startling me from hearing my name yelled by someone.

I ran out of the room towards the kitchen to see what happened but I just see a fuming Andre and sheepish Siya standing in the kitchen.

" What Happened? Did someone break into the apartment?" I asked breathlessly.

" No one has broken into your apartment but why didn't you tell me that I am going to be an uncle Enya." Andre fumed, glaring at me.

" Oh! I...I wanted to tell you but I didn't get time to tell you….." I said not looking at his eyes.

" When Enya? When the baby comes into the world then you are going to tell me? He scoffed folding his hands.

" I am sorry Andre, it was hard for me and I was shocked to learn that I am pregnant," I confessed not meeting his eyes.

I dont want to see the disappointment in his eyes. What will he think if he learns that I got pregnant by a one-night stand! We called Andre on the day I found out that I was pregnant but we didn't tell him the news and I stopped siya to not tell him just now.

" Stop thinking so much Enya, I am not disappointed I was just sad that you guys didn't tell me."

" I am sorry."

" No worries, I am happy that I am going to be an uncle. Let's go and celebrate this." He dragged me and siya to the movie room.

We watched movies line by line, eating popcorn, pizza, and candies enjoying ourselves laughing together at silly things and crying on the sad scenes. I have never been this free and happy before. This baby has made my life easier and happier with two friends who always stand by my side.

My phone vibrated in my pocket breaking me from my thoughts and I retrieved the phone from my pocket to see I have got a notification from Facebook that Kang Jeon Min has accepted my friend request and I have one unread message from him.