
Brutally mine

Whitney Fox is a high school girl who likes to show off and have luxurious things even though she's not rich. She have a boyfriend named lucas who's the famous and rich guy of the college and she sees him as her atm machine more than her boyfriend. She really hates this girl, Sadie, in their group who also lives in Lucas' area and constantly tries to flirt with him. Sadie's as rich as lucas. Whitney's bestfriend, Perry, who's not into these stupid things, avoids them. But since she's friends with Whitney she cares for her. Lucas does not like her vibe and often asks Whitney to unfriend her. During the school year a new guy gets admitted to their school named Kim Taehyung. He appears to be very timid and a whole nerd. He gets bullied by his gang way often. As much as of a poor guy he seems, he also have this other side to him that nobody knows about. He's not Kim Taehyung when no one's looking. Whitney's life is about to change after she unravels hidden truths and encounters different perspective of her perfectly cute life.

Aysh_Aysh · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 26

8 PM...

V getting ready for movie night, his hairs color is bright red he dye his hairs after a long time, but he is happy, he wear a frill turtle neck shirt and grey pants with belt. He is all set. Door bell ringing he get active cause Whitney don't know his home address he open door it's Mr Lee his mother manager.

"hello Mr Lee"

"hello Mr Kim, hope you are good" he bend.


"can I come in?"

"Ohh... Yes why not" he allow him, closes door.

"are you going somewhere?"

"yes, actually with friend"


"is this your business?"

"no but your mother told me to inform her every second report" V roll his eyes.

"movie, with friend"

"fine, I join you"


"I'm sorry sir but I can't leave you alone with strangers"

"she is my good friend"

"she?" he amaze, they afraid of girls now, cause they had really bad experience with she pronounce.

"yes.." he down his lashes.

"mam knew about her?"



"Mr Lee" he get irritate.

"I'm sorry Mr Kim but we can't trust anyone, specially you are in other country"

"she is just friend and she don't know about me, she even don't know where I live, she no need my money"

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feeling but its my duty sir, let's go" he look more excited than him, and can't refuse him cause its his mother orders. He follow him.

"so which car sir? Black or white?" his expensive cars collection.

"no car... I prefer walk, after 15 min walking distance we'll hire a cab"

"why sir?"

"cause she don't know I have car, I don't show off my wealth"

"but you should use your cars sir, if you want we can drive my car" he point his red Mercedes. V sigh.

"fine... Let's go I'm already late"

They get in car.

"btw your specs looks good sir" he remain silent.

"are you wearing them purposely?"


"that's good, are you showing fake identity to people?"


"because of that incident?" he glare him through mirror he stay quite.

"but I wanna say you still look good. If you want to be nerd then change your fashion style too" V again glare him he gulp.

"sorry" they reach her house. His manager beep horn, Whitney look out from balcony she can't believe that a car standing outside of her house, she thinks car is for someone else and park at wrong house. She wear her heels and come down. She wore a red top and black pant. He come out from car she surprise.

"hi..." she walk to him. Her mother standing on door she smile at V he smile back.

"hey, I'm sorry I'm late"

"no fine, you are on time... Btw is this your car?" she amazed.

"aaahhh... Yes...."

"then why don't you drive?"

"actually i can't drive"

"Ohh..then why you bought?"

"Ohh jesus why you taking interview?" he get interview.

"Hmmm rich people shits" she taunt him.

His manager come out. He bow his head. She repeat his action without knowing. V smile at her cute response.

"why you people bowing all time?" she whisper.


"Hmmm....you know i like it" she grin.

"hello mam... We are sorry we are late" he apologize, she feel like his Prince come to pick her and his servant apologizes. She proudly tilt her head.

"fine" she acting. V laugh silently.

"let's move, we are already late,"

"byee mom..." she wave hand and sit in car, V going to sit in car when he see Laxi standing in balcony in next house he stop for some time, Whitney call him he look her then sit in car.

"let's go" Mr Lee start engine.

"so who is he?" she ask him about Mr Lee.

"he is our manager"

"Ohh your mother's... Great... I hadn't have idea about your luxuries" she laugh.

"Hmmm... I don't like to show off"

"but people do, you are different, btw i like your hair color it's cool"


"everything is red tonight, no?" she ask to Mr Lee he nod.

They arrive theater, V go to food counter to order food and Mr Lee go to ticket counter. Mr Lee return first.

"your tickets" he give her two tickets.

"and yours?"

"Ohh I have this, but this is another show ticket"

"Ohh why don't you join us?"

"no i dont want to interrupt you"

"come on, we are friends.. Not bf gf that you third wheeling between us" he laugh.

"I wanna say one thing you are pretty good girl a had ever meet, it's really nice to meet you mam" he again bend she smile.

"it's my pleasure... Hey did you meet his Korean gf?" she ask him, he shockingly seeing her he thinks she talking about Loona.

"uuhhhh.. Did sir told you about his gf?"

"yes... I caught him red handed" she says proudly. Meanwhile V return.

"let's go"

"Mr Lee said I'm best, he said I'm the prettiest girl he had ever meet." V smirk.

"and you know he admits that I'm better than your bitch" V laugh.

"this is your jubilation"

"come on... Mr Lee said I'm better than her or not" he see his face, V nod.

"yes.. Mam you are please enjoy" he leave them alone.

They go to theater room. Mr Lee standing there silently.

AFTER movie..

"I'm so tired... Please drop me home" she put her head on his shoulder she is sleepy he sit her in car and said Mr Lee to drive her room, they drop her at her room.

"good night... Mr D" she give him kiss on his cheek and walk up to her room, he get little bit shy in front her mother he say good bye and leave her house.

They reach home. He is too tired he change his clothes and go to bed.

"sir you need anything?"

"no Mr Lee, off the lights and don't disturb"

"sir one last thing"


"did she know about Loona," he join his brows.

"no... And it's better if she never know, i burn my past memories and I don't know who is Loona" he turn oppose side. He close the door and sleep on sofa in hall.

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