
Brutalis: The crucible of life

Ethan, was a young boy was thrust from his childhood into one of loneliness and despair due to the actions of a dark cult that he was raised in. After the cult that he grew up in called Tenebrosus used him as a sacrifice to bring forth their dark god Zaggoth. He was broken as a person due to the stress of watching his family being eaten in front of him. This was set up to become the vessel for the dark god Zaggoth, Zaggoth wanted a new host to bring the world into despair and darkness. This is the story of Ethan's journey into the world of Brutalis, a world of brutal monsters and evolution. I am going to put a warning here, the first couple of chapters are very dark. If you cannot handle that, I would suggest maybe skimming it. However, it does play a part into why Ethan is the way he is as they are important to the story. But chapter 3 and on is more light hearted in certain scenes.

Jason_Coonce · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 14: They were as fast as lightning

Just as Cassiopeia let go of Davek he jumped into the air before he lost his weightlessness and was at least 50 ft higher than before. Which put him at least 100 ft in the air above Ethan.

"Don't disappoint me, I want a fight. Not a massacre." Davek said as he kicked away from Cassiopeia with a massive shock wave. He closed his arms and began falling rapidly towards Ethan!

Ethan's senses went off and everything told him to dodge... to run. He jumped as far as he could away only to make it about 20 ft before hitting a barrier as he did he heard a chilling laugh from Cassiopeia. " Trying to run insect? Good luck with that, this combo has killed many monsters before you, and will continue to do so when you are dead and broken down. Just die with dignity"

"So that's their game, lock me down so I can't escape this attack. Alright, two can play at that game. If they can block me from leaving to the sides. I bet they can't do it from above being as that's where the attack is coming from. I'm going to try something. Hopefully this works!" Ethan thought to himself as he jumped into the air towards Davek.

Davek laughed as brought his leg down in a falling axe kick. "Goodbye insect."

"I'm an arachnid." Ethan said in his mind as he suddenly shot to one side away from the attack and disappeared as Davek flew past and cratered the ground raising all of it up in a massive explosion that buckled the barriers set up.

"Now I take them down now while they are confused." Ethan thought to himself.

"Where the hell did it go!? I thought it was supposed to be weak and mindless!" Cassiopeia said with a snarl as she looked around her frantically.

Davek and Cassiopeia kept hearing hollow thuds as swarm-lings started appearing and filling up the barrier. "What the hell are these things!?" Davek yelled as he began smashing them left and right, taking out several at a time with the force of his blows.

Every time they were destroyed, another took its place. They would swarm around Davek and bite and tear at him whenever they got an opening. " Argh! Get these things off of me! I cant kill them all!"

"Thats the point" Ethan chuckled as he moved around the enclosed space putting himself into position to strike.

Every time Davek was bitten or hurt, Cassiopeia would heal him rapidly or place buffs on him. She then would follow the act up with area wide debuff's that she hoped would slow them down as well as possibly hit their invisible enemy.

"Where is it!? How is it doing this? I thought it was a monster.. monsters are mindless!"Cassiopeia said as she pushed more mana out and created more debuff's. Flashes of light and dark purple smoke began going off around the battlefield as she attempted to find their prey.

Too bad they didn't look up.

Finally Davek had enough and slammed down, creating another crater and launching himself into the air trying to get back to Cassiopeia. Trying being the operative word. As he was intercepted by webs that wrapped around him and as soon as he was wrapped in the web, his eyes started to go lifeless as he went under the effects of the mind control.

"No! I'll heal you! " Cassiopeia yelled as she raised her hands to begin casting a spell. Shortly thereafter she began screaming as a sharp leg Pierced both of her hands together and mandibles wrapped around her throat. "Ahhhhhhh!" She screamed as her hands were mangled.

Ethan then moved around to in front of her and he looked her in the eyes. He saw the fear and anguish in her eyes as she started choking over her own sobs while the pain overwhelmed her.

" I..I..I just need a moment to heal myself and heal Davek and we can pull this back" Cassiopeia thought to herself as a way to get out of this predicament. Cassiopeia began channeling mana to try to cast a spell. The mana began to pulse around her almost getting to the point where she could try to cast a spell, which was rather difficult with her hands the way they were.

" I dont think so" Ethan stated as he stretched out his mandables and primed them to strike.

"You know, I didn't want to kill you two. But you came out of nowhere and attacked me. Not only that, but you treated me like a resource. Not a living creature, the only way to fight something like that is to fight fire with fire." Ethan brought his mouth close to her face "this is goodbye, if it's any consolation... I'm sure you are tasty " Cassiopeia began to scream but was cut off with a crunch as Ethan began crunching her into bits and swallowing her. Davek's eyes went soulless as his last hope just died.

Ethan slowly and methodically moved towards Davek under the spell of webs. He launched out and bit him to inject him with his mind control venom. "Now you and I will have a talk, who sent you and why?" he projected into Davek's mind.

Davek began trying to struggle a little as the last bit of willpower left him and he became more and more broken and information was forcefully pulled from his mind.

Davek squirmed as the information in his mind was peered into and extracted without him being able to do anything about it.

Once Ethan had gotten his information he eyed Davek over " You know, after all of this. I think you owe me a snack..." Ethan lunged out and bit down with his mandibles onto Davek's chest crushing him down and feasting upon him as he gurgled in protest unable to do anything as he was devoured.

"Ahhhhh, you know even though they were monsters in human skin.. they sure were tasty."