
Brutal world

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


In a room both Eshi and the lieutenant were sitting on a chair facing each other in the room there were also four other soldier two standing behind the lieutenant and two behind Eshi. All ready to follow any command from the lieutenant.

"so, what will you choose" the lieutenant asked with a genuine looking smile on his face.

"... what do you think of me, a grown up fool" Eshi said with a smirk " I very well know that what you are asking me is no choice but an order and a warning for me to get registered and go to your damn military academy"

"..." there was no response from the lieutenant but still there was a smile on his face which never fade fir even a single second.

"kid don't cross the line, looks like you don't know who run's this place" the soldier standing behind the lieutenant said ready to beat the hell out of Eshi.

"Hahaha... Well kid, I give you that one you are not a fool as we thought you would be" the lieutenant said still not breaking the poker face

" so, we will do your registration, the school will starts in two months and till then you will train with the soldiers. You will be teleported on the military base seven on planet Nova 009

There you will train under training commander Mathew." The lieutenant ordered

" why?" Eshi questioned.

" well you see to enter the academy you must have at least level one Muladhara chakar activated but if what you see about growing up in the damp yard, I assume you have never train you chakras. "the lieutenant informed.

" Take him to the resting area . He will need some sleep before leaving to the military base " Lieutenant ordered the soldier, But the smile on his face never fade not even once.

' Damn this man' Eshi thought. As Eshi stand up to leave he suddenly remembered about his inspect skill which he got after leaving up, he looked at the man sitting in front of him and uses his inspect skill


NAME - Richard Dawkins

RACE - Human

HP - 17000/17000

LEVEL -????

SKILL -????




AGILITY -?????



NATURE -????


Eahi just got stunned as he was unable to get much info but the one thing that he got to know was his HP which was almost seventeen times his own HP.

'wait how did anybody can have this much vitality' Eshi thought. Then he left the room with the soldiers to go to the resting room.

"you will not try to kidnap me again right because if you want to tell me before hand man, I don't like to get disturbed while I am sleeping" Eshi said to the soldier trying to make a joke but failed horribly . As they reached the resting logging the soldier told Eshi that they will come to pick him 6'O clock sharp and left.

"hmm, well that could be much worse right" Eshi said to himself. As Eshi tried to sleep he was not able to get any as he was too on edge that they may come back and just shove him in a bag and then throw him back at some truck to get him teleported but all these thoughts he soon fell asleep.

Early in the morning two soldier came to Eshi bed and throw a bucket full of water


"WAIT... the fuck not again, what did I do now" Eshi shouted trying to open his eyes.

"Nothing it's time for your registration kid, get your ass of the bad now and follow" The soldier ordered.

"you could just said something" Eshi told the soldier

" Get used to it kid, if you don't wake up on time this is how military wake the lazy ones" the soldier told Eshi.

"FUCK.." Eshi cursed.

As Eshi get out of the tent he saw that the temporary military camp was already half packed and a huge teleporter was placed in the center all the things that were by them were getting loaded in trucks and were going back to their own planet from the teleporter to the military base. As Eshi follow the soldiers he also saw the beautiful doctor Zenith who was getting in a military car with all her equipment which was in the truck behind her car.

"well don't you guys have ships" Eshi asked the soldiers.

"well why would we need them here" the soldier responded in confusion.

"well so you all just travelled here on a planet that was attacked without battle ships" Eshi questioned.

"Look kid don't think about it too much the military have their own secrets that you don't have to know" the soldier responded frustrated by Eshi's comment.

As Eshi walked silently behind the soldier. They escorted him to the one of the camp which was still standing. As he entered the camp he saw a huge machine. The machine was like a tube made up of glass on the bottom on which they asked Eshi to stand was a plate black in colour and had strange carvings on it. As Eshi stand there without a clue what was going to happen one of the soldier showed a thumbs up sign to Eshi and then the curving under Eshi's feet started to glow up blue and Eshi felt a strange energy covering his whole body and within five seconds the curving stopped glowing and the glass tube opened but the thing which surprised Eshi the most was the notification he got.


NEW SKILL UNLOCKED - hyper sense(level - 1)

This skill helps the user to drastically increase in senses.


"woooo...but what does it mean" Eshi said to himself totally confused.

As he was standing there beside the soldiers looking at his skills panel he soon get a watch. " keep it safe, if you ever lost it informe your senior who can temporary block it as it actually contain all your information, and trust me if anybody used it for something bad you are fucked" another soldier told Eshi.

"let's go.. Your ride is waiting" one of the soldier that accompany Eshi said.

As they left the registration camp they all moved to the centre where teleporter was situated. The soldiers bring Eshi to the back of a truck which was filled with the field troops that were going back to the base.

"well there is your ride to the base kid... Now get in fast they can't wait any longer" the soldier told Eshi with a smirk on his face.

'Motherfucker' Eshi cursed the soldier in his head as he got on the truck. He looked at the soldiers faces who were definitely not happy from his company. 'Well it's not my fault' Eshi thought.

Soon the truck started to move towards the teleporter and as the truck passed the teleporter, Eshi found himself in a Hangar which was huge Eshi was check his surroundings as he jumped down from the trucks back then a soldier approached him

"Mr. Eshi this way.... your will train under training commander Mathew's" the soldiers told Eshi.

"You will be appointed under Battalion 85."

As Eshi followed the soldier he was looking at his surroundings with curiosity as he passes various mechs some of them were being operated by the soldiers. They soon get inside a jeep as the military base was very big and jeep was a very good way for transportation for the troops. Eshi looking at the base saw various ground where different kind of training were under way some were practicing driving mechs some were doing different drills.

As Eshi soon entered the Battalion 85 resting quarters the soldier soon show Eshi his room.

"this will be your room for next two months" the soldier told Eshi and then left.

Eshi entered the room. The room was like a small cell with one bed and a study table. There was a single window which opened towards a training ground. Eshi's room was on the third floor. As Eshi sat on the bed thinking about all what happened to him in such a small amount of time and also the mysterious man who watch the wall and all of what he said about the door about someone bad coming and he has to do something. He soon lay down on the bed.

"So, I will be living here now huh.." Eshi said to himself as he soon felt his consciousness fading and soon he felt asleep.


Thank you for reading today's chapter I just hope you are liking the story till now.

Plz if you all fell any problem plz tell me I. The comments.

So thank you again and see you all tomorrow.