
Brutal world

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CAT and Mouse

"o.. no..no..,get off me you bastard" Eshi shouted on the rattler.

When the rattler jumped on Eshi just with in a second moved the briefcase between them to save him from its front teeths

Rattlers was trying it's best to take a piece of him but the briefcase was getting in between.

Kicking the rattler in the abdominal he jumped backward. From years he had lived in the junk yard ,the only way of travel is by foot as it was the fate of a prisoner to live without any kind of luxury.spending his life like this his body was in peak condition and also he was very athletic.

As he jumped back, he could see in the eyes of the beast, the pure frustration as his meal has just escaped from his Jaws.

Then Eshi saw the worst thing that can happen to him now, the rattler started to screech by rubbing his jaws to one another. It so loud that Eshi had covered his ears but then saw from the back of the rattler red eyes started to pop and he saw more then Twenty rattler were moving his way to tear him awart limb to limb.

In the movement of panic, he jumped to the side and started the straight climb. Upon reaching the top he saw below the he could see all the rattlers were starting to climb the dump hill at great speed. He start to run in randomly as he doesn't know where to go or how to get rid of them as he was pretty sure that his stupid armour will not protect him even a bit.

He started jumping from one hill to another as they were not that apart he could cross. But as he looked behind, he could see twenty rattlers hundred meters away running as great speed.

Eshi knew he can't outrun them as he knew the will get him eventually. He has think of something fast if he want to see another day.

Running as fast as he could, Eshi noticed something from the corner from his right eye there was a deep canyon which nobody can jump across even for beast it was an impossible task and there was a single hanging bridge there and he knew that was it.

Running towards the bridge he noticed that it has to be very old because it was missing it's flooring.

It was a mystery to what this bridge doing here and how build it. But it doesn't have the luxury to think these things now. As he started to cross the bridge, " man looks like before these rats kill me, I will die by falling form this damn bridge".

As he was moving to the other side the strong winds were making his anxiety worse as the bridge continue to swing from left to right. Upon reaching the centre he looked back the rattlers were already arrived the bridge. But they were very cautious about crossing it to go after there pry. And seeing this Eshi increase his pace and moved to the end of the bridge as fast as possible.

Back at the start one of the rattler has stepped on the start of the bridge the slowly started to cross, seeing this others also begin to jump on the bridge.

As Eshi moved towards the end but at that time noticed five rattler had jumped on the bridge the bridge started to move vigorously.

Eshi also started

to run

But soon one of the rattler caught upto him. Moving his front legs it made Eshi fall forward. He doesn't stop moving on his belly he heard something. That's when he saw rope break " Me and my luck"

And soon everybody fall into the depth as the bridge broke.


In a building that looks like auditorium some actors were performing a play. At one side of the building there was a man sitting in the vip corner on a throne like chair.

He built was extraordinary for a human to achieve, he was big as a mountain. Sitting on throne he was holding a glass rotating the wine inside.

Then a man came inside, "today's report sir, there still no news of the package"

Standing up, he moved towards the edge of the room looking down at the stage.

"why do think that we are weak, it's because we are trying to find fish inside the dry river"

"give the message to the dark guild, we have a work for them"

'Destiny huh!' he murmur to himself.

"looks like they started to move sir!! " the man said giving the rest of the news.

"what about the king"

"there is no news sir"

At that second the man broke the glass with his bare hand, a yellow aura could be seen leaking from his body.

"sir, Duke!!!!" a man opened the door in rush.

Duke looked from the corner of his eye, without moving from his spot.

"sir.. There is a news from the castle, The... KING... he is found dead in the throne room."

Moving Duke could be seen leaving the room,both men could seen shivering couldn't imagine lifting their head. As one of the man with all the might he have he lifted he head his eyes widened as he see a duke leaving the room with the mischievous grin on his face.


Somewhere on a planet a girl with beautiful long sliver hair could be seen brutally injured,holding her arm which could be assumed broken leaving the cave which opened into a dark gloomy forest.

Moving slowly into the forest she started to mumble.

I will kill... I will kill.... Him... "

Moving randomly without any destination. She accidentally came across a wagon pulled by a strange horse like creature having eight legs four in front and four in back in pair.

The wagon was filled with boxes that tower 2 meter in height.

It was moving slowly as the coachman could be seen sleeping holding the crop.

She slowly came out of the bushes and started to move closer to the wagon from the back as quitly as possible.

Upon reaching the wagon she pulled herself up with one hand grinding her teeth the pain was unbearable but still without making a single noise she pulled herself inside the wagon. Breathing heavily she laid her body facing towards the sky.

Night sky was crystal clear two moons could be seen. "beautiful" she said to herself.

She could feel her vision getting blurry as strength started to leave her body as soon she passed out.

Waking up she saw bandages wrapped around her body. She tried to move her body but the pain was overwhelming.

"you shouldn't move sweet heart" the coachman said.

Looking him he was a elderly man in his Seventy's

"did you crawl out from one of the boxes, I didn't think anybody will be alive in them." the man said.

"what do mean" the girl asked.

"these boxes contains the bodies of those who lost their lives on the front line" the man informed the girl.

"if you didn't came out of the box then, who are you?" the man questions.

"my name is Raelsa" the girl said "I sneaked from behind"

"ooo... But why and who injured you this badly, looking you it's like you were fighting multiple people at the same time"

"yes it's something like that" Raelsa confirmed "I got betrayed by my team."

"that's sad, what happened to people now a days, the world had become more carzier after the death of our king, everybody is attack us to get some of our land. I don't know how it's possible to even kill the king". the man said

"what do you mean by that" Raelsa asked.

"so, you are one of them, who doesn't care about the political stuff. Haha.."the man said laughingly." you see that everyone is attacking our kingdom, well it's because recently our emperor has been murdered by someone and nobody has a clue. Some thinks it's done by the rival kingdom,some thinks its done by the kings younger brother and something it's done by the council as they thinks that he was not fit for the throne. "

" well what do you think" Raelsa asked.

"Well for me I thinks it's done by someone else, as you see fit or not but the king is one of the strongest person in the whole kingdom and for someone to actually able to kill that person and leave without even a trace he must have twice the strength of the current king. See that why I said the world had become crazier." The man said " and you see I think it's just the start of something. Something that no body is ready for"

"we will be reaching the Village soon, you want me to drop you to the hospital first as you can see I have to deliver them pointing towards the boxes and I think a young lady as you should not see this now."the man said

Reaching the hospital the man helped Raelsa to move inside.

" well look its time to go "the man announced to Raelsa

" Thank you soo much, I don't think I will be able to manage to arrive so soo. "Raelsa said.

" its my pleasure, to help you "the man said

Saying there goodbye's the man left.

"... Hmm.. So, the king is dead.. "Raelsa murmured.


Next chapter -GLUTTONY