
Brutal CEO

"Sweet little Ari," He said with a dark chuckle, his fingers brushed her cheek lightly. Ariana wished for nothing more than to disappear from this intimidating man. "I don't think this can work." she blurted, shutting her eyes, she could not hold his gaze. Ariana Delaney, a middle-class girl who went about her daily life with little or no excitement to it. This, all that was about to change when she finds out that she has been arranged to marry into the most famous and richest family in the state. Damien, a young billionaire and a force to reckon with in the cold world of business needs a simp for a wife just to keep up appearances and Ariana seems to fit, but he sure is in for a surprise. Would she over look the obstacles and give herself to him or it was the other way round?

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 27

I hiccuped severally as I cried, leaning my back on the bathroom door. I did not know how long I had been there but I was sure it was a really long time. Damien rapped on my door for a while, asking, more like commanding me to open up but I did not move an inch. He gave up eventually and left. I heard him storm out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I flinched at the sound.

I never thought that things would escalate to this point. Well this was our first major fight as a married couple, the rest were just trivial squabbles. But somehow I knew that this was nothing compared to the ones to come in due time.

I cried because it hurt so bad after he threw my phone into the pool. It was actually a gift from Nolan and it was just a few months old. It was so special to me.

Nolan thought to buy me a new phone for my birthday because my old phone had packed up on my birth week and my father was admitted in the hospital back then so I could not go about getting a replacement considering how distraught I was at the time.

"Ariana?" I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

"Ma Rosa?" I called back, when she knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yes honey, open up."

I stood up and washed my face quickly, cringing at how puffy it looked, before pulling the door open. My eyes met hers briefly before she took my hand and led me to the bed, she made me sit on it.

"My dear, have you been crying?" She asked as she caressed myself.

There was no point in denying it when it was so obvious. I nodded slowly staring down at my fingers, my rings shone brightly reminding me of the cause of my tears, I shut my eyes for a second to rid myself of thoughts of Damien.

She lifted my chin up and made me look up at her, my eyes went down shortly after.

"Damien did something, didn't he?" She said confidently.

My eyes flew up to hers immediately. How did she know?

"Oh, I know that boy so well and I can tell he's the one who hurt you." She scowled.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you two?" She asked, taking a seat next to me.

"I know it's way too early in our marriage to be having such an altercation but-" I was saying before she butted in.

"It's never too early with Damien and his trouble." She tsked and looked like she wanted to beat him to a pulp. I almost laughed at her reaction.

"So here's what happened Ma Rosa, I was talking to my father on the phone, we had talked for a long time and I was just ending the call when I turned around and found Damien watching me closely. I was so startled and I let him know." I looked up at her to make sure she was listening to me. She nodded and gestured for me to continue with my narration.

"Then he asked who I was talking to. Ma Rosa I would have told him but his tone sounded rude and somewhat suspicious and when I told him it was none of his business, we argued briefly before he picked up my phone and threw it down into the pool." I hiccuped as the thought of my phone being ruined hit me again.

Ma Rosa gasped in horror.

"How could he?!" She exclaimed as her face contorted in annoyance. She stood up, probably going to find him.

"Ma Rosa please, I don't want anyone finding out about what I just told you." I pleaded. Words usually spread like wildfire and I did not want that to be the case.

"Of course I'm not telling anyone anything, I'm just going to call him to order." She marched out before I could stop her. I sighed tiredly, I really wanted to go after her but I did not want to set my eyes on Damien for as long as possible.

I had begun to abhor his presence greatly. It's true what they say about beauty not being enough reason to want to be with someone. The beauty of Damien's exteriors did not penetrate his interiors at all and it was just heartbreaking.

I swallowed and sniffed for a while before someone came in through the door. It was Ma Rosa.

"He's nowhere to be found but I did drop a stern warning for him via my husband." She assured.

"Now my dear, don't cry over his sorry ass anymore, okay?" She said, arranging my hair as she held my face in her palms.

I nodded like a kid. I had not felt the need to cry like this for a long time. The situation may not necessarily have warranted my tears, it was just a catalyst to let out some pent up emotions.

"Now, go freshen up and come down for lunch." She instructed kindly before leaving me to myself.

I went into the bathroom and freshened up before heading downstairs for lunch. All that crying, coupled with the fact that I did not have breakfast earlier, made me really famished.

I adjusted my blue sleeveless sundress before heading into the dining room. I met everyone already seated.

"Oh hey Ariana, I haven't seen you all morning." Jesse said, I smiled at him.

"I'm sure she and Damien were busy after their gym session." Aleena smirked earning laughs from everyone.

I shook my head with a plastered smile on my face as I took my seat.

Lunch was served and quietly, I dug in.

"Where's Damien?" Aleena asked halfway through her meal. Typical Aleena always asking about the source of my worries and his whereabouts.

"Don't tell me he still left for work even after you made him stay back?" She asked as she took a spoonful of rice straight into her mouth.

"Wait, she made Damien stay back?" Jesse asked with his mouth agape when he turned to me.

"Oh yes she did."

I picked up my glass of water and took a sip. I was currently in a bad mood so answering them was out of the question.

"I don't believe it." Tracy sneered as she spoke.

"I was there, Tracy, right there." Aleena retorted with a slight eye roll.

"Someone could actually make Damien not want to go to work?" Jesse asked with his eyes widened.

"Well, that's the power of love." Mom said as she held her husband's hand and they stared at each other lovingly. Cute.

I almost burst into laughter at her words. I scoffed inwardly, Damien and I, in love? Can never be us. I did not want my name and his put in the same sentence.

"It's probably because they're in the honeymoon stage." Tracy said with a dismissive wave of her hand. She was apparently not a fan of us. I wish I could shock her and let her know I was not a fan of us being together either.

"I believe that they're in love." Fiona retorted earning a glare from her older sister.

I hated how everyone was talking about me like I was not even present, I just wanted to exit the room so bad but I had to finish my meal first. I really wanted to yell but I could not so I decided keeping quiet was the next best thing.

I did not involve myself in any of the chitchat that went on while we were at the table, this led to Fiona asking if I was okay because she was seated next to me. I nodded in response.

I soon excused myself after having my fill. As usual I was heading for the bedroom. I made up my mind as I mounted the stairs, that I was not going to say a word to Damien whenever he arrived from whereever he had gone to. I crossed my heart on that one and I would avoid him like a plague.

I thought of how I was going to replace my phone. I did everything including my financial matters via it and now it was resting at the bottom of a pool, no thanks to a wealthy, arrogant, irritating asshole.

I just wanted to punch him so bad but that would be at my detriment because his body was like a rock.

I pushed the door open and smelt the strong scent of his cologne. He was here.

I looked around the room, searching for him but he was nowhere to be found. I assumed he had just left or he was in his study, working as always. I shrugged, I could not care less what he did anyway.

But, night came and he was no where to be seen. No shuffling heard in the room, no opening of doors, nothing. I felt he had slept in another room in a bid to avoid me after what he did but as usual I was so wrong.