
Bruh Guy Gets Isekai'd

BRUH GUY gets sent to another world he doesn't know about

Vancelament · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 14

The following day, the hospital courtyard was filled with a mixture of happiness and sadness as Vince and his friends prepared to be discharged. They had all made significant recoveries, and it was time to return to their normal lives. However, a cloud of uncertainty still hung over Vince, and it didn't go unnoticed by his friends.

As they chatted and shared their plans for the future, Hiro, Aiko, Rina, Takashi, and Keisuke couldn't help but notice Vince's somber mood. It was as if something had weighed on his mind, and they exchanged concerned glances but refrained from prying.

Before they could inquire about Vince's well-being, Vienna appeared once more. Her presence drew their attention, and Vince couldn't help but sigh in resignation.

Vienna: "Vince..."

Vince: "Vienna, what are you going to tell me this time?"

Vienna's demeanor had shifted, and she seemed more earnest than before.

Vienna: "It's not like that. I'm here to help."

Vince raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her words.

Vince: "Help with what?"

Vienna: "Do you remember why you were never accepted as Vanessa's fiancé?"

Vince fell silent, the memories of his failed engagement resurfacing.

Vienna: "It's because you weren't strong enough. The Alathea Family only accepts strong individuals."

As Vienna's words hung in the air, Hiro, Aiko, Rina, Takashi, and Keisuke couldn't contain their surprise.

Hiro: "Wait, Vince, you were engaged to a princess?"

Aiko: "How did we not know about this?"

Rina: "This is like a fairy tale!"

Takashi: "Vince, you've been keeping secrets from us?"

Keisuke: "Man, you're full of surprises."

Vince rubbed his temples, trying to process the situation. He had never intended to reveal this part of his past, but Vienna seemed to have other plans.

Vince: "Vienna, this isn't something I wanted to bring up."

Vienna: "I understand, but if you want to prove yourself to the Alathea Family and Vanessa, you'll need to get stronger."

Vienna's words hung in the air, and the weight of her suggestion settled on Vince's shoulders. He couldn't deny that he had unfinished business from his past, and perhaps it was time to confront it.

As the group continued to discuss Vince's unexpected engagement and the need for him to become stronger, the conversation took an intriguing turn. Hiro, Aiko, Rina, Takashi, and Keisuke couldn't help but praise Vince's incredible talent for learning and mastering various skills.

Hiro: "Seriously, guys, you wouldn't believe how quickly Vince picks up new things. It's like he was born to excel."

Aiko nodded enthusiastically, her admiration for Vince's abilities shining through.

Aiko: "Yeah, and have you heard about his 'Vandal'? It's absolutely mind-blowing."

Takashi, who had trained alongside Vince, chimed in with a proud grin.

Keisuke: "I remember sparring with him once. He's on a whole different level."

Ian and Zane, who had seen the battles of Vince, added their perspectives to the conversation.

Ian: "His potential is off the charts. I've never seen anyone adapt and evolve in the middle of a fight like he does."

Zane: "And trust me, I've fought some strong opponents, but Vince, he's something else."

Vienna, who had been quietly listening, couldn't hide her surprise at the praise Vince was receiving from his friends.

Vienna: "Wow, Vince, it sounds like you've been keeping some pretty incredible talents hidden."

Vince shrugged modestly, his friends' words making him feel both proud and humbled.

Vince: "I guess I just like to challenge myself. But Vienna, what does all of this have to do with Vanessa and the Alathea Family?"

Vienna: "Well, if you have the potential to become even stronger, then maybe you can prove yourself to them."

The idea of proving himself through strength intrigued Vince, and he began to consider the path that lay ahead.

<{Quest} >

<{Prove your worth}>

-Rewards: 120,000 SC

The appearance of the quest, "Prove your worth," marked a turning point in Vince's journey. The enticing rewards it offered, along with the newfound determination of his friends, fueled his resolve to face this challenge head-on.

With a confident nod, Vince accepted the quest and made his decision known.

Vince: "I'll do it."

The moment his words left his lips, a wave of cheers and encouragement erupted from his friends. Keisuke, always the optimist, offered words of reassurance.

Keisuke: "Don't worry, man. We'll make sure you become so strong that the Alathea Clan will regret their decision!"

Takashi, the dependable brother figure, chimed in with unwavering support.

Takashi: "You're not alone in this, my brother. We'll all help you become stronger."

Ian, the senior among them, made his stance clear.

Ian: "As your senior, I can't let something so blasphemous happen. I'll personally ensure you reach new heights."

Zane, the martial arts expert, even extended an offer of mentorship.

Zane: "And if you want, I can teach you my martial arts. It might give you an edge."

Vince was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and camaraderie. In his previous life, he had often felt isolated and alone, with only a handful of friends to rely on. But now, in this new world, he had found a family of friends who cared for him deeply. The realization brought a swell of emotion to his heart.

Vince: "Thank you, all of you. I never imagined I'd have so many people who care about me like this. I won't let you down."

Vienna, watching the scene unfold with a gentle smile, knew that Vince had found something truly special in this group of friends. Together, they would face the challenges ahead and prove Vince's worth to the Alathea Clan.

The days that followed were marked by intense training sessions and heartfelt conversations among Vince and his friends. They had all rallied behind him, determined to help him reach new heights of strength and prove his worth to the Alathea Clan.

Hiro, always the strategist, devised a rigorous training regimen to maximize Vince's physical abilities. He emphasized the importance of conditioning and honing his combat skills.

Hiro: "Strength alone won't be enough, Vince. You need to be agile, precise, and strategic in your battles."

Aiko, with her knowledge of the supernatural world, delved into researching the Alathea Clan's history and traditions. She hoped to uncover any clues that could aid Vince in his quest.

Aiko: "Understanding your opponent is key. We'll find a way to approach the clan on your terms."

Rina, the compassionate healer, offered her support in a different way. She provided Vince with soothing ointments and potions to aid in his recovery after intense training sessions.

Rina: "You're pushing yourself hard, Vince. Don't forget to take care of your body too."

Takashi, Keisuke, Ian, and Zane each contributed their unique skills and knowledge to Vince's training. Whether it was martial arts techniques, combat strategies, Vince had a team of experts guiding him every step of the way.

As the 4 days passed, Vince's progress was undeniable. His physical prowess grew by leaps and bounds, and his understanding of combat deepened. He felt a newfound confidence, knowing that he had the unwavering support of his friends.

One evening, as they gathered around a campfire, Vienna spoke up, breaking the momentary silence.

Vienna: "Vince, I know this journey won't be easy, but I believe in you. And I promise to help in any way I can."

Vince nodded, a sense of determination burning in his eyes.

Vince: "We'll face this challenge together, Vienna. And when the time comes, we'll prove my worth to the Alathea Clan."

Their adventure was far from over, but with their bond of friendship and determination, Vince and his friends were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The training and preparations continued, each day bringing Vince closer to the moment when he would have to prove his worth to the Alathea Clan. The group's camaraderie grew stronger as they supported Vince in his quest.

One day, as they took a break from training, Hiro couldn't help but reflect on their journey.

Hiro: "You know, it's amazing how far we've come in such a short time. Vince, you've grown into a formidable warrior."

Vince smiled, grateful for Hiro's guidance.

Vince: "I couldn't have done it without all of you. Your faith in me keeps me going."

Aiko, who had been researching the Alathea Clan's history, had a thoughtful expression.

Aiko: "I've learned a lot about the clan's values and traditions. Vince, I think you'll find a way to resonate with their principles."

Rina, always attuned to the emotional well-being of the group, chimed in.

Rina: "Don't forget to take breaks and relax, everyone. We're in this together, and we need to stay healthy."

Takashi, known for his optimism, added his two cents.

Takashi: "I've got a good feeling about this, Vince. You're going to make quite an impression."

Keisuke, with his determination, spoke earnestly.

Keisuke: "We're going to help you achieve greatness, Vince. Just remember to stay true to yourself."

Ian and Zane, the seniors of the group, shared their insights.

Ian: "You've come a long way, kid. Keep pushing your limits."

Zane: "And if you ever need guidance in martial arts, you know where to find us."

Vienna, who had become an integral part of the group, had a soft smile on her face.

Vienna: "You've all shown me what true friendship means. Vince, I'm proud to be a part of this journey."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the group shared a moment of unity and determination. They were a diverse group brought together by fate, and their bond was unbreakable.

The path ahead was uncertain, but with each other's support and unwavering determination, they were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on their quest to prove Vince's worth to the Alathea Clan.