
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

End of volume Miscellaneous shit.

I wanted to do some end of volume stuff that authors typically do.

So please use this chapter as a QnA segment.

Also we'll have a short poll regarding something I'd like input on. So please answer below.

How do you like the pacing?

1.Too fast

2.Too slow.

3. Good enough.

Should the fight scenes be longer.



3.Good enough

Would you like to start seeing some romance in the story?

1. Yes


If yes, Should all the mcs get love interest of only some of them.



Should I kill off a main character after hyping them up?

1.Jk I'm not gonna do that.

2. Or will I?

And now, here are some questions that are commonly asked and I just wanna answer straight up so that they don't take up space.

Q.When will the other brothers get a chance to shine?

A. During vol. 4 and onwards. I want to create a situation where they'd have to show up and give them reasons to be in the story rather than just have them there for cool factor.

Q. What power scaling are we following?

A. This universe is an AU amalgam of young justice and the JL unlimited tv show. So yeah, expect those sorts of feats moving forwards.

Q. Will there be a harem?

A. No. An advantage of having multiple MCs is that you can have multiple Romantic interests without making it weird. Plus something about having one soulmate just sits right with me. What can I say. I'm old-school like that.

Q.Are the other brothers OP as well?

A.Yes. I don't necessarily think that Arnold is the weakest, but Arnold is definitely not the strongest of the three. That's all I'll say.

Q.Do you have an ending in mind?

A. I originally did, but not anymore. I have character arcs I want the brothers to go through but no conclusive ending in mind yet.

Q.Will you ever write a good story?

A. Not for a while longer, but I plan on getting around to it someday.

Well, thats it for now. I hope you ask me questions. I'll answer them the chapter before the start of Vol. 3 so you guys have 2 days to ask what you want. Except spoilers of course. And please, drop a review as it helps me gauge how the story is being received.