
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Darkseid vs Justice league.

[3rd Person POV]

"Lord Darkseid, I am ashamed to have disappointed you in such a manner. I am deeply regretful for my actions." Granny Goodness apologised.

Darkseid gave her a sideways glance before nonchalantly stating, in a deep, horrific voice "It is of no consequence. Everything shall still be as per my will."

He then looked over to the heroes, with a gaze that seemed to peer into their very soul. After a moment he spoke up "I am Darkseid. My word is law. Submit to my authority and you shall die without much pain."

He then looked towards Barda and Mr. Miracle before talking to them "If it isn't my incompetent son. I suppose I should've expected that you'd be as insufferable as your real father. But worry not,for I shall not suffer such indignation any longer. And as for you Barda, you've turned out to be a gigantic disappointment. Sacrificing glory for mere affection? Very well, if I think about it, It seems this is a positive outcome as now I can remove such filth from amongst my ranks personally."

This terrified Barda and Mister Miracle. Shazam, still confident in his chances, called out Darkseid "Oh yeah, we'll see about that. Have a taste of this, Black heart the death eater or whatever your name is."

He then proceeded to hurl a Massive bolt of lightning at Darkseid, which hit him directly on the centre of his chest. Unfortunately for Shazam this had little effect other than pissing Darkseid off, as he spoke to Shazam in his booming voice "I shall kill you last."

The heroes didn't wait around any longer as all of them attacked Darkseid simultaneously.

The flash rushed straight at him, punching him once, before dodging out of the way as Superman hit Darkseid with his heart vision, while green lantern created a gigantic sledgehammer from his ring before slamming it into Darkseid's head, causing the sledgehammer to be obliterated instantly. Shazam then attempted to hit him with another bolt of lightning, although it was about as useful as the first time. Then, Barda charged up a shot of her mega rod before firing it off hitting Darkseid on the back. All of this happened as Superman was constantly hitting Darkseid with his heart vision.

Darskseid simply moved onwards as this happened, into the room with Cyborg and the Father box, before tossing him out of the room.

He cries out in frustration,while getting up from the floor "Damn it, I almost had it! I just need to touch the father box once more and I'll be able to reverse the portal's polarity, sending all of our invaders back."

He then looks towards the secret room, only to see Darkseid emerge without so much as a scratch on him. He turns one of his arms into an energy cannon and fires it at Darkseid, actually pushing him back, but still not doing any visible damage.

Flash then again jumps into the action, punching Darkseid before running away, and then circling around to punch him again. He tries to go for the third blow but just before he can land the punch Darkseid grabs is fist. With just the slightest bit of force, he snaps the Flash's arm, before throwing him into Green Lantern, who was trying to hit him with a truck made out of green light.

Barda then tries to hit him with her mega rod once more, but he brushes her attack off without even looking. Superman flies into Darkseid pushing him back, even causing him to visibly grunt, signifying the first bit of damage dealt to the new god. He continued to punch him, until Darkseid got annoyed and grabbed Superman by the shoulder, before headbutting him with enough force to cause a small sonic boom. This blow disoriented Superman, before Darkseid once again sent him flying with a single punch.

Wonder Woman stepped up next, with a peculiar sword in hand, as she remembered the incident that occurred a few minutes ago.


"Take this, you might need it." Arnold told Wonder Woman, handing her the «dragon bone».

"Will you not require it to stop him?" she asked.

He then explained "No I won't. Use the small button under the hilt to activate the thrusters, and be aware, you'll need to wait for a bit before the thrusters charge up enough for you to use them."

Wonder Woman rook the blade and then replied "I'll use it well. Thank you."

Arnold simply replied with a "I hope you do."


With the «Dragon bone» in hand, she rushed towards Darkseid, swiftly getting close to him before using her excellent swordplay to slash at Darkseid. However, the sword fails to cut through Darkseid despite her enormous strength.

She deftly dodges a blow from Darkseid before aiming to attack him again, this time activating the sword's inbuilt thrusters. The thrusters roar as they provide an extra force to her blow, this combined with the innate strength belonging to a demigod is enough to slash through her adversary's body, drawing blood.

Shazam once again charged up a bolt of lightning, this time twice as powerful as before, this time finally being able to stun the new god for a split second, providing Wonder Woman enough time to dodge an incoming blow before kicking Darkseid in the jaw. Unfortunately, this gives Darkseid an opening to grab one of Wonder Woman's legs, slamming her into the ground.

He then gets hit by another blast from Superman's heat vision, while simultaneously Barda hits him with an energy beam from her mega rod.

"ENOUGH!!" he screams, getting annoyed by what he sees as bugs biting and stinging at him. The sound alone makes everyone but Superman halt.

His eyes then glow red and from them emerge two rays of light that head straight towards Barda and Superman. The beams hit them without giving them a chance to escape.

"AAHHH!!" Barda cries out in pain as the beam hits her. Mr. Miracle quickly rushes to her side.

"ARGH!!!" Superman howls, writhing in pain

Both of them lie down on the ground fainting from a single blow. Darkseid then looks at the rest before saying "I hope you listened to those screams well, you bugs. For that will be your fate for centuries to come."


A/N: Bros thought they could jump. Bros thought they were jjk characters.