
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Arnold vs Darkseid

[3rd person POV]

Darkseid walks towards Cyborg, intending to finish the fight. But before he can, an explosion goes off on his neck.

Then suddenly the area surrounding him is filled with smoke, obstructing his vision. By the time the smoke clears, two more men stand in his way. It's Nostradamus and Batman, who stand before Darkseid.

"Go with Cyborg and activate the portal. I can deal with him." Nostradamus tells Batman.

Batman and Cyborg run off while Nostradamus talks to Darkseid "I suppose you're not in the mood to talk, are you?"

Darkseid responded "And I suppose you're intending to die by my hands."

Nostradamus thinks 'Jesus Christ, this guy needs something for his throat. His voice sounds like a cheese grater trying to sing.'

Nostradamus thinks in his head 'I would like to redeem my free power up.'

[Ding! Activated perk. You have 15 minutes remaining.]

At that moment, Nostradamus feels an insane amount of information flood his brain. Six eyes quickly get to work, analysing all the new information in his head. Arnold can only think 'Holy shit! This is… Fucking amazing. I feel so light… Everything seems so beautiful. I'm not worried about fighting this guy at all. Is this how Gojo Satoru first felt when he got RCT?'

Unfortunately, Darkseid doesn't allow him to enjoy the moment as he fires off his Omega beams straight at Nostradamus. The beams rush forth, straight at Nostradamus at near imperceptible speeds, only to stop mere metres before Nostradamus before they are split into two.

"Oh how annoying, very well, Let's deal with this guy first." Nostradamus blurts out loud.

Although they were divided, the beams continue moving and with the beams inches away from him, Nostradamus claps his hands as he and Darkseid switch places, causing the beams to explode on Darkseid's head. Obviously, this annoys Darkseid greatly as he rushes towards Nostradamus intending to bash his skull in, with his heart hands.

With a massive wind up, he swings at the masked man, only for his fist to stop mid-air, inches away from its target. Nostradamus then grabs Darkseid's arm, and Darkseid's entire body catches fire.

"Argh!!" Darkseid grunts in pain, before recovering from the blow as he once again charges at Nostradamus, this time he intends to grab him and smash him into a wall, but Nostradamus unleashes a wave of cold, freezing Darkseid. Darkseid easily breaks out of the ice before continuing his assault.

Before Darkseid can land another hit on him Nostradamus teleports away, resulting in Darkseid grabbing nothing but air. Darkseid turns around only to see Nostradamus lying on the ground and hand stretched out towards the ceiling.

Nostradamus rambles in a lost voice "Woow, my hand is soo detailed, every cell of my leather glove can be seen."

This angers Darkseid "You DARE mock me? I AM DARKSEID, THE DEATH OF GALAXIES AND YOU-"

Nostradamus cuts him off "I DON'T CARE! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, now I get where your son gets his preachiness from."

Darkseid's expression turns grave as he moves towards Arnold with a speed he had not shown before. He launches his fist at Arnold as he holds his arms up in a cross sign while reinforcing his arms with a tremendous amount of cursed energy. Although Darkseid's fist launches him away, he is relatively unharmed.

He then ignites his hands and launches a couple of fire balls at Darkseid, all of which are brushed off as Darkseid rushes towards him once more.

Darkseid punches him but Nostradamus deflects the punch before grabbing Darkseid's head with both arms and ramming his knee into Darkseid's jaw.

This stuns Darkseid who takes a step back, as Nostradamus goes for a roundhouse kick straight at Darkseid's head.

Darkseid then fights back, using his Omega beams at point blank range. But before the beams can leave his eyes, a bunch of bramble covers his eyes, causing the beams to explode on his face. The explosion is so tremendous that just the shockwaves launch Nostradamus back.

Arnold gets up from the ground only to see Darkseid, with his face charred and one of his eyes missing.

Both of them charge at each other as Nostradamus slides underneath Darkseid's massive frame before kicking Darkseid on the back. Darkseid turns around punching Nostradamus but he dodges the blow before proceeding to grab Darkseid's arm and slam him onto the ground.

Darkseid recovers quickly before getting back up and stomping on the ground, destroying the floor and causing Nostradamus to lose balance. Darkseid then punches Nostradamus and he blocks, still being flung away due to the sheer force of the impact. While in mid-air Nostradamus claps his hands, switching places with Darkseid.

His motion is still preserved however, as Nostradamus flies towards Darkseid. He uses this speed to kick Darkseid straight in the gut.

Darkseid endures the kick before launching a punch so powerful that it obliterates Nostradamus' arm and sends him flying back.

"Ouch! That really hurts!" says Nostradamus.

Darkseid mocks Nostradamus "All that hubris, only for your flimsy limbs to go flying with just a single blow."

Nostradamus speaks up "Well I'll admit this, I got a bit overconfident. But it still doesn't mean that you can beat me."

As these words come out of his mouth, Nostradamus' hand starts to grow back at a tremendous pace. In only a matter of moments, his hand is reattached, as good as new. Nostradamus cracks his knuckles and takes a fighting stance before saying "Now then, if your warm up is over, let's begin this fight."


A/N: Now begins the final fight of this arc. The next one begins in a few chapters.