

Brother is about two detectives, two brothers, and a mysterious and murderous figure coming to terrorize the small town they all inhabit. No one is safe, not even the religious or accepting.

Emica_Dolion · Horror
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30 Chs

Chapter 30

Johan faces the boy, "It's ok, Elis, come here," he gently pats his lap. Elis shyly goes sitting on Johan's lap, he sits looking at Jonathan, and Jace politely bows his head.

"Good boy Elis, I'm sorry you had to do that." Johan pats the boy's head, "It made your hair grow, let me just," he made scissors with his two fingers, and with a cutting motion, Elis's hair now only went to his ears. Elis looks and hugs him in a soft-spoken tone, "Thank you," Elis lets out a soft yawn.

Johan gently rubs his back. "I'm sorry, Elis, you must be exhausted. Why don't you take a nap as I talk with these gentlemen." Elis nods and lays his head on Johan's chest, he closes his eyes, and Johan turns his attention back to Jonathan like, "Cecil doesn't exist, not in this world. Your wife was pregnant with your child. A baby boy but this cult-like sperate victim away from the outside world like all cults do, no connection whatsoever. So, unfortunately, your ex-wife aborted your unborn child before even having a chance to live. And she did die in a horrible car crash."

Johan hangs his head, covering his mouth with his hand as he starts to sob; Johan looks at him, saddened, "I'm really sorry; you really weren't supposed to be up; you were supposed to be dreaming about the rest of your life."

"Dreaming about the rest of my life?" Jace just gets quiet again, trying to process everything. Jonathan collects himself; he looks at Elis:

"Who is that?"

"This precious, tormented boy is Elis Moore, the son of Cecil and Margaret Moore."

Jace looks at him. "You said it was a daughter named Pearl Moore,"

"I did say in his journal he wrote he had a daughter named Pearl Moore. But in truth, he had a son; his mom did die from childbirth. I never lied to you; I just withheld some information, and she didn't go missing. You see, his father blamed Elis for ruining his life, taking away the only thing he loved, which was his beloved Mag. He hated his son; Cecil ignored his existence until Elis decided to grow out his hair and dress like a girl; only then his father gave him "love" and attention. Cecil Moore messed with religions and rituals; none of them worked, so he started mixing things up. And well, Elis here was just another sacrifice."

Jonathan looks at Elis as he remembers the chat he had with 'Cecil'; he looks at the ground blankly in thought again. Jace looks a Johan, "You did lie, and you manipulated me!"

Johan looks at him with a hurt expression, "I never did such a thing" he points to himself, "This body I had way before you, his name was Isacc, he was a new pastor for the church, his story is the one I told you. The only difference is the police officer he went to was corrupted, he was sacrificed, and I took his body and persevered it for years until I needed it, just like the other bodies you found. Jace, I really did like you, I never used you, but I guess spending time with you and not being honest was self, but honestly, would you have been with me if you knew everything? I am truly sorry that I hurt."

Jace sits in thought; his face cringes a bit. "Oh god!'

"So when Cecil was mixing things up, he summoned you?" Jonathan asks as he relaxes against the bench:

"he did"

Jonathan groans, rubbing his temples. "Just explain everything."

"Alright, well, due to the manner in which he 'summoned' me, he forced me here, I don't have a physical form, and I don't have my own energy to use my powers. So the soul and life force of humans preserve me and help me use some of my magic. He wanted me to bring back his wife, and in order to do that, I needed lots of sacrifices, so he came up with a wish in which the cult would never disappear and though the tiniest of connections can bring the cult back until he and his wife are brought back it life. And Elis here is a strong-willed child; he was thrown into a pit after his father gutted him. I was surprised he was still alive and fighting after a week. I shamelessly used his anger, hatred, and broken as a tool to get my own revenge and hopefully break free from this accursed curse . " he looks down at Elis, "Unfortunately, he was too pure and sweet, so I had to give him what you call a split-personality which was Elis himself and with all his negativity forced into one, that would be Aizen."Johan takes a breath, "You think your tired of this? We all are. Elis has had his mind broken multiple times; I have to; how do I say this? Glue it back together many times. Sadly it's getting harder to do, so he needs to be freed, I need to be freed, every soul dammed to needs to be free. Because as long this church exists, we exist; the more people die and suffer, the more he suffers. Heck, I had Aizen take a break from the murders to collect family and friends of the forensics team. The bodies of Agents Ron and Angela and everyone they know." he pats Elis's head:

"Those murders of the seven deadly sins Aizen had been doing for the past months to keep him well-behaved and under control. The only reason you didn't deal with them is that Elis here enjoyed you, Mr. Engelram as his father; he wanted to spend as much time with you before everything came to an end. The only reason you, Jace, and Malachi are alive. He was the same reason Jace and his father lived that day. he admired your father, seeing a loving, caring father. The reason he loved you, Jonathan. I am no father figured I just dammed him to suffering, and I deeply regret it."

Johan stands, walking over to Jonathan with a sleeping Elis still in his arms, "He wishes to spend the last moment with you if you'll have him; if not, it is completely understandable."

Jonathan looked at Malachi, then up at Elis, who was still resting. Jonathan thinks and then stands, taking Elis from John. He sits back with Malachi. He frees an arm and grabs Malachi pulling him close. He kisses both the boys' heads, "Very well, do what you need to do. No more deaths, no more suffering. I hope you are telling the truth." He closes his eyes holding his boys.

Jace looks at them and smiles softly; Johan goes sitting next to him: "I do love you, Jace. I've always admired you and had a soft spot for you. I would have saved you and your father regardless of Elis's choice. You were my most beloved and treasured human; I loved watching you in all your lives. I've loved every version of you, from the worst to the best. I'd give you my name if I could, but I don't have one. If I could, I'd show you my true form, but I would destroy your mind in the most unpleasant way." he goes gently touching Jace's face:

"If you hate me, that's understandable, but I truly care about you." Jace looks into his eyes, "Does it really have to end like this?"

"It does, but you all will be free. And the suffering will finally end. We've done everything we can to ensure it does. All you have to do is go to sleep, and you'll be alright, I promise." Jace caressed Jace's cheek, "You just have to go to sleep; I'll take care of you." Jace starts to cry for the last time as he closes his eyes as he feels Johan's last embrace.

Well, thanks to your guys support! I'll write a sweeter ending:

Jonathan wakes to the chirping of birds; the sun shines bright through the creaks of his curtains. Jonathan stands and stumbles into his bathroom; he showers, getting ready for the day. He comes down to the smell of freshly brewed coffee; he enters the kitchen he smiles, looking at his boys as they eat, "Morning Malachi, morning Elis."

They both smile at him , "Morning, dad!"

Jonathan looks, spotting an envelope on the table,' What's this?"

"A wedding invitation from Jace and Johan." a woman's voice responds.

Jonathan grabs the envelope sits down, opens it, and begins reading a cup of coffee set in front of him; he smiles, looking up, "Thank you love."

Nia smiles, "you're Welcome" she sets Jonathan's food down before sitting down with her own plate, "So, how goes your paintings?"

"Very well, I'm almost done." Jonathan takes a bite of his sausage. Malachi and Elis both stand, taking their dishes to the sink they go kissing their mom on the cheek, "Bye, mom, bye, dad will see you later!" they said, sliding on their shoes and running out to catch the bus.

P.s. I will be gathering research for one of my next works! Something on the line of the Edo period, Yokai, 9ft Rōnin, and ninja? Masamune's Blade(Yawaraki-Te, Tender hands) ad Muramasa's blade (Juuchi Yosamu, 10,000 cold nights). And if you would like to learn and pick what yokai you'd like to see in the story, feel free to join me on my writing stream Wednesdays. At first, I wanted to do the Edo period one, but I found one of my older works that sparked a deeper interest, so that one may be next, we'll have to see! :P