
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


"How did we get here?" asked Alex, looking at the hole in the wall, which was made by Rudeus, the said boy was anxious, it looked like he was getting ready for a scolding.

the three adults burst through the door Paul and Zenith came towards as Paul looked around for any threat as Zenith asked Rudeus about what happened.

his brother just started stuttering and couldn't answer, then she noticed the Magic book and got a smile on her face that send shivers down his spine.

"Paul, let's hire a magic tutor!" she exclaimed, excited about their child's talent.

"But we agreed that if it was a boy we would train him in the way of a sword" argued the father, while crossing his arms and looking away.

"like you ever keep your promises" she glared at her husband with a huff.

"This isn't about me" Paul shot back, glaring right back.

(they are acting like a married couple... they are a married couple) though Alex watching his parents argue.

"Why don't you teach them the sword in the morning and Magic in the afternoon?" suggested Lilia, who already started cleaning up, so Alex got up to help her.

"thank you young master" she thanked him, already used to it since he never listened when being told that he didn't need to help.

"that's a great Idea" they both exclaimed and started hugging.

(PFT, they might be adventurers but they are still normies)

Thought Alex, as he continued cleaning the mess.

the next day they started their training, which consisted of running and working out, they still couldn't hold a sword.

and like that a week passed, and their tutor arrived.

a blue-haired, short girl... wearing a wich hat.

"Hello," she greeted as the others- Except for Alex who waved- continued to stare at her.

"Small," said Rudeus, not breaking eye contact with her.

(dude, really?)

five minutes later they were both sitting in the backyard watching as Roxy performed a water ball and launched it at a tree. Zenith's favorite tree.

"That was Mom's favorite tree, she took care of it since it was a sapling" Rudeus pointed out with a blank look on his face.

after panicking and using healing magic, it was back to normal.

"okay. now you give it a try" she said gesturing Rudeus to step forward and repeat what she did.

Rudeus did so, but he cut off the incantation midway since he got...*cough* distracted.

"do you always abridge the incantation like that?" asked Roxy still surprised.

"We usually skip it" answered Alex with a shrug, while Rudeus looked sheepish.

after a bit of Drama where Roxy acted like a villain plotting to make us two her little minions to take over the world, we resumed our lesson until it was time to eat.

and like this year's passed, one and a half to be precise.

both Rudeus and Alex attended their lessons for the sword and magic, Rudeus showed more talent in magic while Alex did the same for sword though he could use magic it was more for support.


"bend your knees and go like woosh," said Paul while swinging his sword, when he finished the demonstration he glanced at his two sons who were looking at him like he was an idiot.

with a sigh of exasperation, Alex came forward and tried to repeat what his father had just done, which was harder than it looked since he had a crappy teacher.

he jumped and spun but it was not fast enough so he failed to make a strong downward swing.

"you need to swing faster if someone tries to sweep you off your legs, this is the best counter at your level," said Paul encouragingly, watching as Both of them tried to pull it off.

Alex managed it first and Rudeus followed just a few tries later.

Alex was progressing fast but was not so enthusiastic about magic while Rudeus was excellent at Magic but was staggering at the Sword.

"Alright, good job Kids, let's head inside, the food should be ready," said Paul as he picked both of them up and put them on his shoulders one on each.

"did you guys finish training already?" asked Roxy holding two plates, as she was helping in setting the table.

"yeah!" exclaimed Rudeus as Alex only Nodded.

they sat down enjoying the meal for the great of the evening before heading to the bed.