
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


right now Alex and Eris are in a carriage, the horse wasn't theirs, so they had to leave it at the guild.

(Dont kill him).

and he was holding the urge to slice the head off of this noble, who was Flirting with Obviously uninterested Eris.

"once I was against fifteen snow lizards, almost lost an arm, but managed to get out of there, took down a few of them".

the noble named Rane, said with a grin, hand on his sword, and looking at Eris with lustful eyes.

(Dont kill him!).

(But you can cut off his arm, that won't kill him).

(shut up Brain!)

"say, what is a beautiful Lady like you doing here?".

the snob tried to put his hand over her.

suddenly Rane started freezing, literally, it stopped as soon as it froze his hand and only left his head intact.

his party members started to get up but found their legs frozen to the floor.

Eris looked over to Alex who was glaring Daggers at the noble, and felt a chill run up her spine, it felt like facing the Dragon god yet again.

"if you want to pretend to be a strong adventurer, fine, but keep your hands to yourself before you lose them".

He threatened, Dragging the still stunt Eris to his side.

"Who-" he was cut off by Ice covering his mouth.

"Who do you think you are? you present!" yelled one of Ranes party members, which irritated him even more.

"let's go, we will walk there" He jumped off the carriage, still holding on to his companion's arm.

"is something wrong?".

asked the one meaning the carriage, looking back at them.

"nothing, we will walk the rest of the way, we're close to the mountains anyway".

Alex answers and starts walking before he hears a voice from behind.


looking back Alex saw a tomato Named Eris, and raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to continue.

"you're... still holding my hand" she pointed out and he looked at their intertwined hands before looking back at her.


he questions, tilting his head before smirking as she reddens even more and looks down.

the next two hours to the Mountains were spent in silence.


"Can we keep one?".

asked Eris looking up at the sky where giant dragons were flying over their heads.


Alex answered not looking back at her, it wasn't the first time she asked this it was the seventh.

with a disappointed sigh, she relents and remains silent, staring longingly at the dragons.

"... fine, I'll see what pets I can find when we go into a big city alright?".

said Alex with a sigh, looking over at the few buildings where Rudeus was probably staying at.

it has been a little more than half a year since they left the Dojo, and they were finally here, ready to go on a few adventures.


Ignoring the shout, he starts walking faster towards the village, hearing Eris Run after him.

after twenty minutes of walking, he finally reached a barn, where a lot of voice was coming from.

"I'm just annoyed at how polite you're acting and that smile annoys me to no damn end".

a male voice was heard, it was annoying and irked Alex to no end.

"Leave him alone Soldat, he's having a hard time already, we all know why he's doing things like this, and you're just making his job more difficult!".

this time a female voice responded, he had enough and pushed the door open, making the two bickering people and others who were looking at them looked over to the door.

(queue dramatic music and this would be perfect).

slowly walking up to the stunt duo he speaks.

"have you two seen... Rudeus Grayrat?"

he asks, looking at the male than the female, awaiting an answer.

"who's asking?".

the question came from the girl, she had short brown hair, with black pants that fit right to her legs and black boots comfortable for running, and a brown most likely warm, long-sleeved top.

she was wearing a feather-shaped earring and had a bow and quiver with a few arrows in it, it looked like she had just came back from a quest.

he just stares at her with a raised eyebrow, unnerving her.

"would you answer already? that joke is getting old," said Eris who walked into the room, an arm on her hip and furrowed brows.

with a sigh, he turns back to the arguing duo before answering.

"im his brother, now where is he?".

the two look him up and down, one with interest and one with scrutinizing gaze.

"he's in room fifteen".

said the girl, pointing at the stairs behind her.

(I guess we still resemble each other since she would have questioned me otherwise, I'm pretty sure I would be questioned more).

he knew who the girl was, he just didn't remember the name, the only reason he recognized her was because of the earring, it was an artifact that he remembered from the novel.

opening the correct door he came to quite a sight, Rudeus, kneeling on the floor, and doing what looked like praying to something on the table...

(those are Roxy's panties aren't they?)

the two brothers stare at each other until Alex closes the door, slowly.

Eris looked confused, judging by the raised eyebrow, but waited.

opening the door again Alex saw Rudeus sitting on the bed, making figurines of a man with a spear.

"...Hello there".

he greets narrowing his eyes as Rudeus does the same.

"General Kenobi".

he responds and the two stare at each other before bursting out in laughter.

walking inside they shake hands while still laughing and Eris comes into the room, even more, confused than before.

"you two are weird".

she remarks as both of them look back at her, Alex smirking and Rudeus with a surprised look.

"Eris, I thought you wanted to train at Sword sanctum, what are you doing here?".

asked Rudeus with a raised eyebrow, looking between Alex and his former Party member.

"we're here to help, duh. I offered her training and she accepted and now we're traveling together".

Says Alex crossing his arms and looking around the room, seeing the Box under the bed... and ignoring it.

"that's great if we form a party, the progress will be faster, the chance If Mom hearing about us is Higher".

he exclaims excitedly and starts pacing around the room, while the other two occupants watch before Alex decided to ask.

"so you going to introduce me to your friend downstairs? she seemed adamant on standing up for you".

Rudeus blushes a little before starting.

"she's a party member of "counter arrow" and we just came back from a quest, Soldat started to argue with me but I wasn't in the mood so I ignored him".

he responds while scratching his head, and a sudden look of annoyance crossing his face.

Deciding to kick Soldats ass if he tries to pull something like that on him again he heads down to get two rooms, they would be staying here for a while.