
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


opening his eyes Alex tried to sit up, Keyword: tried.

looking down he was tied up, so with a burst of air magic, he cut the ropes and looked to his left where he left a presence.

"Hello" Alex greeted, as he looked over at her and she nodded in response, only to stare at him, not saying a word.

Alex looked down at his brother and kicked him, waking him up.

"I'm up, I'm up" he grumbled until he remembered what happened and franticly looked around until he noticed Alex and the woman who was observing both of them.

Unlike Alex, he burned his ropes and stood up, before bowing down and greeting the woman.

"my name is Ghislaine" came from the woman, as she handed Rudeus a letter, and another to Alex.

Alex opened it and began to read, after each sentence his eyebrow twitched threateningly.

'Hey there Alex, it's me, your old man.

I'm sorry for knocking you out but it had to be done, you would break my hand before going otherwise.

so you remember when Rudy said that he would work right? well, I decided to get you a job as well, you will be guarding the girl Rudeus will be teaching while training with that woman that is sitting in front of you. she is a Sword king, even I could only defeat her in bed.

anyway, You guys will be back when you're done with the job, and you aren't allowed to write letters to us.

I permit you to make moves on the Little Lady named Eris, but it might be a competition between brothers.

hands off Ghislain though, she's mine.

-Love, your totally cool and awesome, Father'

he looked up from the letter to see Rudeus finish reading out his letter and then both of them looked over at him expecting him to do the same.

Alex only folded the letter and put it in his pocket, and looked over to Ghislain.

"so, I guess we will be working together now, while you train me, my name is Alex" he introduced himself and extended his hand which Ghislain shook,

"Paul told me you have talent in both magic and sword, though you lean more towards the sword, I watched your little fight with you're father but could you tell me exactly what level you are?" she asked while letting his hand go, and awaiting the answer.

"im advanced in all three styles, though still inexperienced" to say that she would be impressed would be an understatement, both of her eyebrows were raised! but by sword king's standards that might just mean 'impressive'.


-Alex POV-

watching my brother get hit in the face was amusing, to say the least. but looking at him running from Eris almost made me burst out in laughter.

what did he think was going to happen when he slapped her? she would apologize for being mean and understand what she did wrong...


I take a step forward, deciding to help him out of his predicament when a hand on my shoulder stops me.

looking up, I see my new mentor shaking her head, so I just shrug and wait it out.

but I count help but ask.

"is she always like that?" while looking at Ghislain for an answer, she gives a short "yes" and continues to watch the chase.

with a sigh, I watch as Rudeus hides under a table.

-third POV-

Alex looked at his brother who had a swollen cheek and then at Philip, who had that irritating smile on his face.

"you are agreeing to this?" Alex asked, knowing that he would agree from the novel- which he was forgetting after all these years- is one thing, but actually witnessing it is another.

"I don't see anything wrong with it," said Philip, shrugging.

(what the hell?) with a shake of his head, he walked out, not wanting to deal with any of that right now.

as Alex walks outside he went into the yard, where he saw Eris, just sitting there.

(oh? what do we have here?)

heading towards her, making sure his footsteps were heard, she looked up to see him and mistaking him for his brother, which is still a wonder how,- he got blond hair from his mother, while rudeus got his brown hair from his father - she tried to punch him, he caught the hand and looked at her.

"hello there," He greeted with a blank look on his face, ignoring her look of surprise since he caught her attack.