
Riding A Crane To Work

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Early the next morning, Chen Shaojie started assuming his post.

Thanks to the help from the bigshot, he directly graduated from the induction course to start a happy life as a well-paid white collar worker.

That was not all. In view of the fact that he had not started formal cultivation yet, he could not freely travel between Qing Ming Peak and Qing Dai Peak, so the bigshot actually left him a ride - an immortal crane with graceful movements.

"Brot...Brother Crane, can you fly a bit slower? If you fly too fast, my hands might slip and I might fall."

It was the first time Chen Shaojie had ridden a crane. In order to prevent the flight from becoming a flight straight to heaven, he tried to discuss the matter of speed reduction with the crane in a gentle voice while hanging onto the white feathers on the crane's back for dear life.

Previously, when Tuoba Guoyun handed the crane to him, he explained that the crane was over 500 years old and had become sentient, so it was able to understand human speech. Chen Shaojie should have no problem communicating with it.

But to Chen Shaojie's chagrin, not only did the crane completely ignore his words, it even--


After letting out a clear-sounding cry, the crane actually accelerated instead. It flew so fast that Chen Shaojie could hardly keep his eyes open. He was so scared that he lay flat on the crane's back, not daring to move an inch.

After some time, the crane finally stopped.

Chen Shaojie opened his eyes and saw that they had landed. They were now right in front of the Embroidery Pavilion.

Good god, that scared him half to death...

Chen Shaojie felt a bit weak in the knees. He took some time to calm himself down.

He stared at the crane resentfully and saw the freaking bird turning back to look at him. In the pair of pitch-black eyes, there was actually a trace of playfulness.

It really had become sentient. It was clearly toying with Chen Shaojie...

Chen Shaojie gnashed his teeth in chagrin seeing the bird's response, but there was not much he could do about it.

The only thing he could do was to keep what happened today in mind so that he could pay it back in the future.

While he was catching his breath--

"Brother... Brother Chen!"

Chen Shaojie heard a familiar voice and turned to it.

He saw the chubby Wu Fulai standing in front of the Embroidery Pavilion's front door, waving at him.

Chen Shaojie initially planned to take his time getting down the crane because he was still weak in the knees, but after he saw Wu Fulai, he spiritedly pressed his hand on the crane's back and leaped off. With a "thud", he landed safely.

Fortunately, after achieving Bronze Skin and Iron Bones, his physique had been enhanced somewhat. His landing was not that stable, but he still managed to remain standing. His movements were beautiful - crisp and clean.

"You're already here, Senior Brother Wu!"

"There's no need to call me Senior Brother anymore. You're an upper court disciple now. I should be calling you Senior Brother instead."

Wu Fulai walked over and looked at Chen Shaojie enviously. He checked out the immortal crane behind Chen Shaojie and sighed. "Things have indeed changed, Senior Brother Chen. You even have an immortal mount now."

Chen Shaojie laughed it off. "This is actually no big deal. The hall master knows that my cultivation is shallow, so he left me a temporary mount to make it more convenient for me to travel. It doesn't mean anything."

After a short pause, he added, "But please address me as Junior Brother like you did before, Senior Brother Wu. After all, I joined the sect later than you did. If you're my Senior Brother for a day, you're my Senior Brother for life. Let's not become so distant."

Wu Fulai was touched by Chen Shaojie's words. "I knew I was right about you, Junior Brother. You're loyal and righteouss. You're not like the other guys who became completely different people after joining the upper court."

"You flatter me, Senior Brother."

Chen Shaojie smiled and gave a modest reply.

Completely abandoning one's former social network after joining the upper court? How big a hole must one have in their brain to do something like that?

Chen Shaojie was not that kind of person.

For him, the lower court was his base that he certainly could not lose.

Of course, maintaining a friendly relationship with Wu Fulai was also very important.

Chen Shaojie turned around and and patted the immortal crane, pretending to be friendly with it, "You can go now. When I need you, I'll call for you. Don't miss the call!"

Although the immortal crane had gained an understanding of human nature, it was still very limited in its understanding of more nuanced behaviors like showing off, so it stared at Chen Shaojie curiously. Finally, with a cry, it spread its wings and took off, disappearing into the distance.

Wu Fulai stared at the back of the immortal crane and could not help remarking enviously, "If only I have such a smart immortal mount on which I can ride the wind like you do. I'll have no more regrets in this life."

Chen Shaojie turned back to Wu Fulai and told him with a smile, "Brother Wu, there's a saying I'd like to share with you."

"What saying?" Wu Fulai wondered.

"Things can change with time. Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate. Don't look down on the young and poor."


"Who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Don't underestimate yourself, Senior Brother Wu."

"Well said, Junior Brother. You're right, I can't underestimate myself. Who knows what will happen in the future."

"Come, Senior Brother. I'll explain to you in detail what I need you to do in the Embroidery Pavillion."

"Okay, Brother. I'm listening!"


The two of them walked into the Embroidery Pavilion after having a long discussion outside.

Upon entering, they were once again met by the harmonious scene of bustling activities and chatter accompanied by the occasional laughter like what Chen Shaojie had experienced yesterday.

Chen Shaojie recalled Tuoba Guoyun's actions and Tuoba Guoyun's instructions from yesterday. Following Tuoba Guoyun's example, he stood at the entrance and struck a pose as soon as he entered.

His face was completely expressionless and he emanated a freezing cold vibe as his eyes swept over the embroideresses in the workshop with the most merciless gaze.

The entire workshop fell silent.

The laughters were gone, the chattery was gone, and the harmonious atmosphere was no more.

However, the embroideresses did not lower their heads one by one like they did yesterday under the gaze of Tuoba Guoyun.

Instead, they met Chen Shaojie's eyes boldly, staring intently at his face.

Chen Shaojie frowned a little. He was about to say something but then saw the person in charge of the Embroidery Pavilion, Wenjie, walk forward. "Come here," she gestured at him.

Chen Shaojie went over to her with large strides and gave her a ceremonial salute. "Senior, my name is Chen Shaojie. The hall master sent me here to oversee the changes in the vestment production process."

"I know, Senior Brother Guoyun already informed me yesterday."

Wenjie nodded and pointed to a man next to her, "This is Old Chu, an old experienced member of the Embroidery Pavilion. If you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask him."

Chen Shaojie took a glance at Old Chu. He was an old man with a white beard.

The old man looked rather ordinary but for a large, unique-looking gourd canteen hanging from his waist.

The word "wine" was written on the large gourd canteen. The old man also had a red nose. It was obvious what his favorite pastime was.

"Old Chu!"

Chen Shaojie greeted with a cold expression.

"What a fine young man!"

Old Chu's voice was like lukewarm water. He said a little drunkenly, "You look a lot like me when I was young. Alas, how time flies. So many years have passed in the blink of an eye. I'm already getting old now..."

Wow, how much wine had he had to get this drunk?...

Chen Shaojie maintained a stiff face and did not say anything in reply.

Wenjie probably could not bear to listen to Old Chu's drunken words anymore. After introducing him to Chen Shaojie, she introduced Chen Shaojie to all the embroideresses in the workshop. "This is Chen Shaojie, a steward sent here by the hall master. Starting from today, he will be staying in the Embroidery Pavilion for a period of time. Everyone in the pavilion is to obey his instruction. You will do as he say. Understand?"


The eyes of all the embroideresses once again focused on Chen Shaojie. They started whispering among themselves.

The rustling whispers sounded very harmonious.

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