
Bronze Leaf

Ordinary guy, ordinary accidental destruction of his universe, ordinary rebirth in a family of ordinary shinobi. This ordinary story will describe the life and death of an ordinary man who became a politician by the will of circumstances, and did not lose his humanity in the process.

uchiha_izuna97 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 2

  The Hearth has been launched.

Kekkei Genkai activation - successful.

  Customization of Kekkei Genkai by the user. 


I realized that I could choose the vector of my development. In front of me "appeared" a kind of menu from a role-playing game known to me from my memories, but there were some differences. Some choices had already been made, such as gender, race, worldview, and class, and my "origin traits" were also labeled for me. 

I-body wasn't surprised, I-body couldn't show emotion at all, and I-body just couldn't realize what was going on. 

I guess that's what the machine thinks, bare logic, decisions based on available past life experience, in which there is no room for dreaming. 


  Genome Customization: 

- Gender  (set to male)

-Race  (set to superhuman/chacro/shinobi) 

  -Class Selection  (Set - Shinobi: Path Not Selected  )

-My belief  (established - true neutral).

-Characteristics .

-Precise  customization of skills and abilities.

-Descriptions of  Origin (Established - Descendant Shinobi of Konohagakure) 


I-spirit "looked" at the "interface" and analyzed what was happening in a detached manner. I-spirit could not draw conclusions, because of the lack of information, and I-spirit did not waste time on making meaningless theories that could not be confirmed in any way. I began to adjust the settings.


The class was automatically selected, and was asked to define some sort of path from the six available. I knew what each one provided. I just knew. There were still premium paths, and the possibility to choose the second class from several possible ones at the next level, so I made my choice with future pumping in mind. 


  - The Way of Taijutsu:

2 Jutsu/level; Strength + 4; Dexterity + 3; Stamina +2 Path skills unlocked; Additional skill every 2nd level; Additional skill at 1st level;


  - The Way of Ninjutsu: 

5 Jutsu/level; Dexterity +2; Stamina +2; Intelligence +2; Wisdom + 2; Charisma +2 Path skills unlocked; Additional skill every 3rd level.


  - The Way of Genjutsu: 

3 Jutsu/level; Intelligence +3; Wisdom +3; Charisma +3; Path skills unlocked; Additional skill every 3rd level; Mental Jutsu effectiveness +25%.


  - The Way of Iryonyinjutsu: 

2 Jutsu/level; 3 iryoninjutsu/level; Intelligence +4; Wisdom + 3; Charisma +2; Path skills unlocked; Additional skill every 4th level; 


  - The Way of Fuinjutsu: 

2 Jujutsu/level; 2 Fuinjutsu/level; Wisdom +4; Dexterity +2; Stamina +3; Path skills unlocked; Additional skill every 4th level; 


  - The Way of Senjutsu:

2 Jutsu/level; Stamina +4; Charisma +4; Wisdom +4; Path skills unlocked; Additional skill every 4th level; 


It was possible to make one of the paths forbidden, and choose an additional path to the main one right away, but the additional one would not give a bonus to the characteristics. I considered it foolish to refuse any path, because the main skills of the path, which do not depend on the choice, will be unavailable in this case. It's worth noting that there are quite a lot of such skills, just if, say, I choose the taijutsu path now, then some skills from the ninjutsu path will be available later (the first at level 6). 


If I had emotions, I would have struggled with the choice. All paths are important and necessary, I want to choose all of them, and most likely I would rush from one to the other. But since I-spirit had no emotions at all, and the connection with me-body was not so deep that I-body influenced the decisions of me-spirit, I chose based on pure logic. 


I reasoned like this: I'm in an unknown place where people have access to some unknown power, I'm from the warrior caste, or something like that (Origin hints), then I should choose the most universal class. If the choice coincides with the requirements of the realities of life, then it will be possible to bring the class to epic (above level 20), if not, then level 1 is not terrible and the fact that the characteristics are scattered more or less evenly will give me the opportunity to bring to epic (in this case, the level of the "character" should be raised above 21). 


It's also worth explaining that although I knew what bonuses and skills of the first order (D class) gives this or that path, but I don't have descriptions of the paths themselves, and what is taijutsu or genjutsu in general. My Japanese (why classes and skills have concepts in a language I've learned poorly, I haven't realized yet, but I assume it has something to do with parental genes) from my past life is too bad. Oh, and the right memories aren't enough to translate accurately. 


  Class Set - Shinobi: The Way of Ninjutsu. Kekkei Genkai Setting - 12h 48 min. 


In this way I had access to a clock, and taking it as a basis, I started counting the time to myself, so that when the timer disappeared, I could count the elapsed time more accurately to myself. It was necessary for accurate orientation in the fourth dimension (time).


When the customization was finished, the next item became available, namely the distribution of characteristics or properties of my body and chakrosystem. A total of 32 points were given for distribution, but when investing more than 6 points in a characteristic, the cost of the next increase is worth 2 points already, after investing 8 - 3 and so on. When getting characteristics with a level (after every 4th one) the usual count goes: 1 point - increase of the characteristic by 1 point. 


Initially with bonuses it looked like this:


  Strength 8 (90%) - Physical strength, speed, and skills tied to them. Damage from taijutsu, kenjutsu, bukijutsu, etc. Gain from accelerating the movement of chakra through the chakro channels. 

Dexterity 10 (100%) - Reaction speed, movement coordination and accuracy, as well as skills tied to these properties. Speed of preparation Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, etc. 

  Endurance 10 (100%) - All-round development of the body. Development of the hearth and chakrochannel system. The amount of physical energy (Yang) produced by the cells of the body.  Skills tied to resilience. 

Intelligence 10 (100%) - Number of skill points gained per level. Control of one's chakra(Changing the Form, Changing the nature of the chakra). Amount of spiritual energy (Yin). Skills tied to thinking. 

Wisdom 10 (100%) - Mental defense, keen senses and intuition, and skills tied to them. Control of Outer Nature Energy (Sen). Fuin, Juin, and Kekkai effectiveness. 

Charisma 10 (100%) - Attractiveness and ability to persuade, as well as understanding of the interlocutor. The power of the elemental chakra. Control of one's chakra within another's body. 


I first raised Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma and Stamina to 16(130%), then Strength and Wisdom to 10(100%) and 12(110%) respectively. I was left with 4 points, which I had a problem with allocating. I could raise one of the characteristics to 18, making it the main one, or I could develop mental defense to 16. Due to some reasons (being in the mother) I couldn't know how safe it was outside, but I also knew that even with the defense developed at 130% I wouldn't be able to protect my mind. Comparing an infant to an adult who has been practicing genjutsu for years is not worth it. I decided to continue on the path of versatility, so I increased my strength to 12 and my wisdom to 14. 


Strength 12(110%)

Dexterity 16 (130%)

Endurance 16 (130%)

Intelligence 16 (130%) 

Wisdom 14 (120%)

Charisma 16 (130%) 


Thus, even in the case of a failed path, I can take a different one without harm. Of course, with such characteristics, there's a chance of becoming inept at everything. But being blind you can be 100% sure that there's a wall or a bush in front of you, right? The role of luck is important, and if it were in the characteristics, I would put quite a few points into it. 


The next stage of customization was the distribution of skill points and the selection of two "character" skills from the proposed list.  There were unexpectedly many skills, ranging from fishing to Kekkei Tota, which allows you to merge 3 elements with some probability. But if fishing was initially 10 points, and each invested point increased the skill by 2 points, then in Kekkei Tota -100, and the increase went to 1 point, and that's just to go to zero. For any successful result it was necessary to develop the skill to 25 points (50% chance), and even better to bring it to 50, in the minus goes also the fact that the maximum level of the skill is tied to the level, that is, to raise to 50, you need to be 50th level. Not enough restrictions? Here's another one, to raise Kekkei Toth above 0, you need to have a Shape Change skill above level 50 and a Natural Property Change skill above level 100. 


After going through an extensive list of skills, I decided on the ones that would increase my potential as a shinobi. Since I am a hereditary shinobi, it is logical to assume that I should not develop such skills as Blacksmithing or Weaponsmithing, etc. 


I had a total of 35 points available to me. Each skill at level 1 (except for the likes of Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Tota and a couple of others called higher and having ranks A and S) could be increased by 4 points at a time (each subsequent level, a skill could be increased by 2 points, except for the usual A and S, which must not exceed the value of the "character" level). And profile skills (ninjutsu paths) and simple skills (D rank) increased by 2 points per point invested. There were also a couple forbidden ones that required 2 points per increase. Every skill except the highest ranked (S) skills depended on characteristics. For example, the Change Shape skill originally had a value of 6 (Int - 10), meaning that the effectiveness and efficiency of an action tied to the skill increases by 12%. 


Since I have 35 points, I can upgrade 8 skills by 4 points and another one by 3. I chose the following skills:


  (Int) Shape Shifting 14 (28%) - Ability to shape chakra, the simplest control of chakra inside and outside the body. Chakra shape-shifting efficiency (how much chakra is spent directly on the transformation) 

  (Int) Chakra Nature Change 14 (28%) - The ability to convert one's chakra to elemental chakra. The chakra efficiency of converting your chakra to elemental chakra. 

  (Catch) Dexterity 14 (28%) - Speed of folding hand seals and flexibility of fingers. Chance of a successful action requiring dexterous hands. 

  (Catch) Acrobatics 14 (28%) - Body Control. Chance to avoid self-inflicted damage when body flexibility is exceeded. 

  (Int) Knowledge 14 (28%) - Responsible for memory, understanding of what is written and heard. Chance to recognize characteristics when analyzing the object being studied: Equal to level - 28%; Below level - 56%; Above level - 14%. Chance to learn a technique from a rank scroll: E - 56%; D - 28%; C - 14%; B - 7%; A - 3.5%; S - 0.1%.

(Mood) Genjutsu Recognition 12 (24%) - Chance to recognize genjutsu of rank: E-48%; D - 24%; C - 12%; B - 6%; A - 3%; S - 0.1% 

  (Wyn) Concentration 14 (28%) - Chance to perform an action completely ignoring any negative factor. 

(Har) Charm 14 (28%) - Chance to be liked by others (appearance, unconscious facial expressions, smell, voice). Chance to understand the desire of the interlocutor. 


It may seem that some skills are a cat in the bag, because I don't know exactly what chakra, form and so on are. I don't know all that much, but when choosing skills, I chose the skills that would open up the most useful skills (unfortunately, I don't have access to the hidden skill requirements) and the ones that would be useful in any society. I still had three points left, and I put two of them into a skill tied to strength.


(Force) Chakra Enhancement 6 (122%(110% +12%))  - Chakra enhancement factor for physical parameters of the body.


It was the skill most dependent on the characteristic, but that's not why I took it. When reaching a value of 30 units and the value of the characteristic stamina of 20 points, it opened the skill Energy Point, allowing you to activate one of the proposed points. There were 7 in total, and each one gave something different, for example Muladhara seriously increased bone strength, gave immunity to medium poisons, well, and to the point of strongly improving the sexual system, whatever that means. 

Not knowing where to put the last point, I decided to please my target-self, who will probably want to develop something useless but interesting under the influence of curiosity. I give him-self a vector of interest by investing a point in Kekkei Genkai, which has the lowest requirements of S rank skills. 


(S) Kekkei Genkai -49 (0%) Enhancement Requirements (Above 0): Chakra Nature Change 50; Chakra Shape Change 50 - Chance to blend two elements into one. The first successful result is secured by Kekkei Genkai.  When the chance reaches 100%, the element formed by fusing two elements is recorded in the genome. A fusion customization scale is available: 1st Element - 2nd Element. 

Finished with the skills, confirmed the choices and proceeded to select two skills. There were as many skills as there were skills, even more. It is worth saying that there were class skills, path skills and others, such as focusing on a particular path (talent), if you choose it, will be available "Great Focus on the Path" (genius), after reaching level 20 "character" Epic Focus on the Path (Epic), which in turn opens access to the last stage of the skill "Divine Focus on the Path" (God of the Path).  In addition to these "simple" skills, it was possible to increase resistance to some element, disease, or poison through the skill. Now I see why the Way of Taijutsu was competing with the Way of Ninjutsu when I was making my choice? 


Originally, as one who chose the Path of Ninjutsu I was given two class skills:


  Memory for jutsu - the space occupied by jutsu above rank E in the jutsu book is reduced by 1 cell.


Two Elements - predisposition to two selected elements (Element 1; Element 2)

The choice of element from the circle was given, and each subsequent element suppresses the previous one and strengthens the one ahead: Wind - Fire - Water - Earth - Lightning - Wind. It is a little unclear how Water will strengthen Earth. 

I-Dukha not very much with fantasy, because it is tied more to emotions, and to understand what element will give because of incomplete data is impossible. 


I decide to choose based on the remnants of memories of my past self. What did I like before? Fire, water, earth, lightning, wind? 


Before my "eyes" a picture of a powerful discharge high in the sky comes into view, I little one mesmerized watching it, ignoring the cold water pouring down from the sky. 


Lightning is a delight.


Going through my memories looking for another emotionally colored memory associated with any of the elements.

Fire. A nasty blister blows up on my arm - scary. 

Earth. Great mountains I am on their background an ant, an insignificant insect - greatness.

The wind. An unstoppable tornado that lifts houses into the air as if they were made of straw. I pull the girl against me, reassuringly brave and determined. 

A vast expanse of clear blue water, just me and her, and a couple of dolphins swimming around our boat - peaceful. 


What is the most important emotion for me? It's hard to answer, because I'm a spirit and have no emotions. It is logical to choose fear and determination, but you can also choose greatness and admiration. 


I decide to rely on luck and make a choice. 


  Next, I dwell on two skills useful in any situation. 


Capable Apprentice - Apprenticeship gives 25% more skill points

Resilience - Your body is resistant to harmful effects (wounding, blood loss, poison, etc.). A small amount of damage regeneration. 


The genome customization is complete:

- Gender  (set to male)

-Race  (established - chakro user (shinobi)) 

  -Class Selection  (Set - Shinobi: The Way of Ninjutsu)

-My belief  (established - true neutral).

-Characteristics :


[Strength] 12(110%)

[Dexterity] 16 (130%)

[Stamina] 16 (130%)

[Intelligence] 16 (130%) 

[Wisdom] 14 (120%)

[Charisma] 16 (130%) 


-Precise  customization of skills and abilities.



(Int) Change in Form 14 (28%)

(Int) Change in the nature of the chakra 14 (28%) 

(Catch) Manual dexterity 14 (28%) 

(Catch) Acrobatics 14 (28%) 

(Int) Knowledge 14 (28)

(Mood) Recognizing Genjutsu 12 (24%) 

(Youn) Concentration 14 (28%)

(Har) Charm 14 (28%) 

(S) Kekkei Genkai - 49 (0%) Enhancement Requirements (Above 0): Changing the nature of the chakra 50; Changing the shape of the chakra 50 




[Capable Apprentice] - Apprenticeship grants 25% more skill points.

[Resilience] - Your body is resistant to harmful effects (wound, blood loss, poison, etc.). A small amount of damage regeneration. 

[Memory for jutsu]- The space occupied by jutsu above rank E in the jutsu book is reduced by 1 cell.

[Two Elements] - predisposition to two selected elements (Lightning; Wind)


-Special  Origin (Established - Descendant Shinobi of Konohagakure) 

-The name is  indefinite

-There are  248 hours until the  birth. 


The clarity of thought immediately left me, and the connection to my body became even stronger. I began to feel the uncomplicated desires slipping through me more and more clearly. 


Everything ends someday, giving way to the new. My time as a mother was over too.

It didn't happen unexpectedly, but rather unpleasantly, with pain.  I began to be pulled downward, the connection between spirit and body strengthened so strongly that separation became impossible. The old spirit faded, the new life flared up with a bright spark. 

With a scream and pain, I came into the world. 

The lights and shadows of someone close by. My eyes can't see very well, and my only wish is to find HER as soon as possible. I'm screaming like a madman. Where is she? Where is she? 


I am wiped down and given into a warm embrace. I realize it's SHE! 


I look at the vaguely guessable outlines, and I want to laugh, but the pain is too great. 


Someone says something concerned. I felt a touch, and a warmth spread through my insides. Something inside was returning to normal, calming down, and the burning pain that had spread from the top of my stomach to my whole body was gone, leaving only a tugging sensation inside. 


I don't want to scream anymore, I want to smile, but I, weakened by what has happened, fall asleep. 




- Phew. You have a boy, and to Rikudo's credit, no outward signs of an enhanced genome," the elderly irienin rubbed his temples tiredly. Hotaru's labor was difficult, the baby didn't want to leave his mother.


The father of the young family stomped anxiously away, not knowing what to do. Should he run to his wife? Or should he take his son into his arms? 


- Let them rest, let's go, Ibo-kun," Kayoshi wanted to leave the mother alone with her son. 


- Wait..." Hotaru asked tiredly. A baby with bronze skin and hair a little darker than his skin was sleeping in her arms. 

- Give him a name, Ibo," Hotaru demanded as the young father very gently took his son in his arms. 


- Aki, let his name be Aki," the happy dad named his son in the fall. 


His wife smiled that smile that won the heart of the burnt-out cynic Kumagai Ibo. 


Then Fukui Kayoshi came in and dispersed everyone. The baby was tucked in beside the mother, and the father was dragged away to the study where the enterprising irienin kept his stock of top-quality sake.