
Jacks Normal Day!

Jack was headed to school on his bike on a normal Friday morning.

He waved high to the people he knew on the way to school. He

lived in a busy city of New York so he met a lot of people on his way

to his school. Half way to his school his friend Mike shows up and they

ride together through the busy streets. "Hey dude, have you heard. The

new V-Maxpro comes out today." Mike says in a enthusiastic tone.

"Whats that?" Jack questions.Mike exclaims "Its the worlds first vrrpg and if you don't

know what that is its basically a 3d game and you enter a whole different

world!" They soon reach the school and the day goes by fast. On the way

home Jack goes to a store to buy the new V-Maxpro. "HOLY CRAP!" Jack screams

then quickly shuts up realizing he is in a store as he looks at the 1,000$ price tag on

The V-Maxpro. "This better be worth it". He whispers under his breath as he buys it

and heads home.

Please let me know how to improve my writing and grammer mistakes i have done i want to create a fun novel for you all to read!

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