

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 70

The atmosphere grew silent.

Sura only stared at Cayn who faced him.

He still couldn't move or stand up.

He still, couldn't do anything as his body was terrified.

But he still managed to utter these words, "Why me?"

Cayn didn't walk to him like the others.

He stood there a few meters of distance.

"Why, am I last?"

As his destiny was doomed, he regained some leeway for his mouth to speak more.

If his fate was already predestined, what could he lose more?

Torture was coming either way, and Cayn's murderous aura disappeared after Raphael's death.

"Shouldn't it have been your friend who cheated you? Why me?"

Cayn seemed silent, but Sura gradually began to feel something growling from him.

As if Cayn was trying to control himself.

As if he was trying, to maintain his calm.

This made Sura even more confused.

What was Cayn hiding?

Yes, Raphael should have been the last one as he was the one who cheated Cayn.

Odomon was merely an accomplice, that was why Cayn left him to be swallowed by the sword of his comrades.

Ursy raped his brothers and sisters like a succubus, robbing them of their energies and torturing them for years before having enough of them and throwing them away.

Ajan used them as burning material for his hell alongside who knows how many souls.

Raphael was the cause of all of this by being a traitor, even the cause of Cayn not seeing the souls of his parents.

But he had already given up on seeing them ever since he was a child.

Still, why did Cayn still go easy on Raphael?

Why did he, seem rushed the more he tortured each one of them?

Why was Sura left for last?

Cayn stood there not saying a word.

Veins slowly appeared on his forehead.

As if he was remembering the vision.

As if he was recalling the memories of the messed up future he saw.

No, something more.

And it only made him enraged.



This was the first time Cayn would show such an extreme expression on his face.

This was the first time, Cayn would show this side of him.

The one who didn't have much of a reaction ever since his family died in front of him as a young child.

The reason was evident enough.

He only showed such expression when his mother was being shit-called.

But even then, not to this extreme.

This time there was no cigarette.

This time, something must have happened.

Something even bigger.

Because Cayn right now, looked more demonlike that a human.





Cayn who stood before Sura right now, was the VILLAIN.



As the silence grew so did a dark aura leaking from his body.

His black hair started dancing slowly raising.

His eyes were hidden, no matter how Sura tried he couldn't see his eyes or expression.

His expression darkened even more.

Sura started shaking.



His heartbeat hastened.


That wasn't his.



Badump. Badump.

Like a drum beating in his ear, he could hear Cayn's heart.

Getting louder.

And louder.



What was happening to him?

What was he reminiscing?

What was he seeing?

"No matter," Cayn's voice rang, dark, depressing, "what I do to them it will never be enough?"

"Yet I just wanted it to end."

"Yet I just wanted it to begone."

"Yet I just wanted to forget."

"I tried."

"I tried to rest."

Sura clenched his heart as if it was about to burst just by hearing Cayn's voice.

He struggled to catch his breath.

Suddenly everything became dark around him.

"I tried everything for peace."

Little by little dimensions, realms and universes kept appearing around them.

An infinite amount of worlds.

And each one of them was expanding, creating new life, forming billions of galaxies and planets and different kinds of lifeforms.

Sura wasn't surprised by this.

Because he alone was reining over millions of such worlds.

That was what the creator gods were.

Beings above the timeline and space of the created dimensions. The beings who spoke the first words of let there be light to create them.

But in front of him, were billions of such worlds.

They were probably all of them.

Right now, in front of him.

"But people like you just keep poking."


But soon did Sura see, all these worlds becoming as small as pieces of dust, and the plane where the creator gods lived to get in the picture.

"And again."

Sura was stupified.

Because there is only one plane.

One dimension.

So why?

Why were there billions of them in front of him now?

"I just wanted to rest."

"I just wanted a normal life."

Then he got his answer, because he saw, that in each one of them, his army to kill Cayn was there.

In each one of them.

Cayn, was killing them.

In the most terrible ways ever known to savagery. The first time even drinking their blood.

In some, he tortured all the gods.

In some he grew so enraged he killed them with merely a look.

In some, he conducted even more terrifying tortures and experiments personally.

The mad eyes Cayn had.

They were always there.

"And even now I crave it so much I wish to kill them and get back as if nothing happened."

Sura couldn't understand.

No, he didn't want to.

Because in front of him were not only visions.

But these events happened.

And every time, Cayn would look at the point of view of the vision.

And go through a portal, to appear in another plane.

And torture them again.

And again.

Every time he appeared through the portal behind Diana.

Every time.

How many billion times did Sura see his fate ending?

He stopped counting.

It seemed like, Cayn, lived this moment, more than a trillion times.

Cayn lived through this scenario, an infinite amount of times.

"I thought to myself, why would it even matter if I keep torturing them."


"I grew bored of it after a while."

Sura was shaking the more his realization was becoming clearer.

That Cayn became a being beyond the plane of creation itself.

Cayn, created time, in a dimension where there was no concept of it.

In a dimension that was supposed to be watching over it all.

That meant Cayn, controlled time even beyond what he could ever imagine.

So how many times did Cayn kill Raphael?

How many times did he make Ursy live through a lifetime of rape?

How many times did he burn Ajan?

This was the first time.


Because this was, the most boring thing for him now.

They just, weren't worth it anymore.

Sura noticed, that in all these past experiences before Cayn would rewind time, he would kill Sura first before anyone else.

Before they could even exchange a word.

So why was he left last this time?

He didn't have to think hard for this one.

The expressions Cayn had whenever he killed him, were always as if he was impatient to do so.

He always aimed at him first but Sura was too weak and died too early.

So Cayn would torture the others to death.

But he would rewind time.

Meeting Sura's eyes, his face, he would kill him in a breath.

Then be left again with the others.


And again.

As if the reason Cayn kept repeating this was merely because he wanted Sura to live longer.

But he always killed him first or the middle.

He always killed him and would only get back to himself after doing so.

As if there was something.

Something that made Cayn, not control his urges even when he tried billions of times.

And even if he kept torturing the others it was never enough.

He would rewind time, then kill him again.

Sura was sitting there silently.

He seemed to have realized the truth.

That Cayn loathed him more than anyone else here.

This was the first time Cayn could control himself to leave him for last.

This was the first time, Cayn wouldn't stop in the middle of torture and just end him, not wanting to even look at him.

Cayn wanted something.

Something that no matter how much torture and blood would give him.

And it seemed like he knew it will never be enough.

Cayn understood.

Nothing would ever be, truly enough, to satisfy his hunger.

Truly, nothing.

Sura's expression changed.

There was no chance from the beginning.

Watching all of himself in the other timelines had him in a deep state unknown to anyone else.

What could he do?

What more he could have done?

What more, could have been done to him?

What else, was there?

Sura stood up.

Even in the face of this dark creature, he stood up.

As if he was a hero of light.

As if he was the one to bring salvation.

He thought he would at least die a warrior's death in this lifetime.


He thought so.

He thought he could.

Even in the face of this evil-looking being.

He thought he could.

He stood straight, calling upon a sword in his hand.

He will die.


Even if he hasn't experienced the hell the other Sura experienced.

He would be happy if he were to die fast.

And it seemed like Cayn, already grew tired enough.

"I am tired," Cayn's depressed voice rang again.

Sura's sword almost left his hand as he trembled.

He never knew the reason why Cayn was doing all of this. He didn't want to.


"This will be, the last time," Cayn's voice, was more terrifying that anything before.

Sura, as he held his sword, had a tear falling from his eye.

As if his mind was breaking.

A warrior's death.

Was he stupid?



He will keep standing up.

He will die standing up this time.

He wished.

Cayn's energy suddenly disappeared.

And he stood there as nothing more than a human.

Nothing else.

Nothing more.

Sura didn't dare speak a word.

Cayn's hair fell on his eyes.


"So for the last time. No torture, no sword."

"I will let it out."

"Don't die too fast."

Sura started shaking harder, preparing.

"For you have touched what is more precious to me."

"For you!" He growled.

"Have touched both of them!"



The dimensions around them cracked and they were left alone in the middle of nothingness.

For his mother and wife.

Anything done to Sura, would never be enough.

So for the last time.

For the last time, he will let it go.

"You DARED!"


Massive dark energy bursted from him.

His hair danced wildly.

His eyes were finally shown.



His eyebrows were sharp and crossed.


The face of a nightmare.