

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 57

Cayn was behaving weirdly.

Even the dragon on his shoulder started being alert, looking anxious as it stared at him.

It jumped and stood in front of him.

It turned to look nervously at Diana, who was still immersed in her thing.

It shook its eyes and screamed, for the scenery to change.

The dragon changed the area into a distant place.

Stars and planets, galaxies were surrounding them as if they were alone in space.

One big enough to shoulder the dragon's big appearance.

It started growing bigger, and it only took a few minutes to make Cayn's figure look as small as an ant compared to its head.

But its eyes never left Cayn.

Because it knew, the stronger it got, so did Cayn.

It howled anxious calling it's Master.

But he was deaf.

The whole time Cayn never met its eyes.

He was staring down, his eyes looking in front of his feet.

They were lifeless, with his eyelids falling halfway closed.

The light dimmed.

The dragon begged in his heart for Diana to finish earlier.

Cayn eyes started shaking, turning hastily looking everywhere as if he was seeing something, visions or dreams with his eyes wide open.

His eyes widened as he realized something.

His voice shook as he murmured a few incomprehensible words.

The dragon, little by little, started understanding.

"No, no.. no..." was uttering Cayn.

The dragon stood there in confusion. But it could feel Cayn's emotions turning like a roller-coaster.

It started sweating. It screamed scaredly.

It finally decided to fight her master to wake him up before it was too late.

"Will it, happen again..." was still speaking Cayn with his shaking and painful voice.

A voice, while deep and strong, while it held strength and anger, looked like it was on the verge of breaking.

The dragon had enough and opened its mouth readying its breath.

"Ah, those bastards. Well, I am glad they are coming here." Cayn smirked but his smile didn't last long. For his to turn cold. His hand covered his eye. Enraged. He was. "I am, glad."

The dragon hissed at the killing intent emitting from its master.

Its eyes widened. its body froze in place. Like a being that was ready to die, it stood there, terrified.


The ten figures were making their way inside the dimensional rift.

Malik was following behind to find all the ten of them standing all of a sudden.

As soon as he walked a step further toward them, his heart sank, and so did everyone.

"Let us hurry!" Spoke the second brother shaking.

"It's definitely, big brother." Spoke a woman.

The second brother looked at the others then Malik and shook his head affirming.

"Let's go," hurriedly said Malik as he disappeared ahead followed by everyone else.


Diana breathed heavy steam as her feet landed on the ground. She was majestic and even more beautiful than ever. Her beauty would give her the name of the goddess of love but her eyes were those for war.

But she didn't get to enjoy her new ascension before doom fell on her. Murderous intent filled the entire realm.

Little did Diana know that this terrifying killing intent was felt by all beings. all over dimensions and universes.

And it was even growing thicker by the second.

Every being, animal or creature whined as their heart clenched on them, their throat felt harsh and hard to swallow their breaths.

No one minded who was next to them or what they were doing.

All of them stared at the skies or whatever covered their heads.

While everyone thought this was the end. No one could scream or react.

It was suffocating. As if they will die without making a sound.

They could only beg whatever god or being they believed in, for mercy.

This feeling was the same even for Diana, Amina, to the ten figures, and Malik.

But there was only one thing that left them still able to walk. For some reason, they knew it was Cayn's even when it was their first time feeling it.

Amina just stared at the skies, around her was a battlefield with humans and demons alike all letting go of their weapons and holding their hearts, on their knees, all waiting for their deaths with this evil energy from her son.

Rather than begging for her life, she was begging for him to be okay. She was begging, that her son, was okay. Diana's image ran through her mind. She could only hope for Diana to be there for him.

Diana suddenly was reminded of her black knife.

She looked for it finding it a few meters away from her where she put it before her fight.

She held it and opened it. She screamed Cayn's many times with her shaking hands unable to control the knife's full powers yet.

She held the knife hard to tame its energy while screaming her man's name.

She was hoping he would hear.

She was hoping he would stop.

This wasn't even his power.

This was merely his killing intent.

She will die.

No, she felt it in her heart, everyone will die.

"CAYN! CAYN!!" No one could hear her words.

She couldn't even fly towards this ominous energy that was light years away from where she stood.

She was suddenly reminded of her dragon. She closed her eyes and begged for this to work.

She was trying to communicate with him so he can reach Cayn's dragon.

"Please, please please," she murmured.

The dragon next to Cayn shook at the message happily and its eyes lit up with hope it screamed unleashing its full power while it was bleeding from its mouth. Merely standing a few meters from the core of this killing intent. It was lucky it was growing stronger the more Cayn did. If it wasn't it would have turned to dust already.

The dragon now roared to call upon Diana.

But before that, the ten figures appeared in front of Cayn while Malik was still running late.

They stood in front of him but they all fell to their knees. This time it wasn't of respect nor because he was their emperor.

This was the first time. They fell to their knees, because of fear.