

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs

chapter 54

Diana had many expressions drawn on her face as she listened.

What broke her heart more than anything was how he spoke of all his misfortunes with a smile.

As if nothing mattered.

But when he spoke about the God creator his expression softened, while also carrying a soft but sharp killing intent.

She raised her hand to his cheek, gently caressing it.

"This creator God, and your rival, the true angel. You seem to cherish them."

She had a warm smile on her pretty face.

Cayn closed his eyes, tenderly holding her hand and immersing himself in her soft touch.

He smiled slowly.

"Yes. I do. I guess, they were the first to understand me."

Diana sighed, pouting as she tried to change the mood. "I feel so small in all of this. gods that I revered all my life are but mere pets for beings like you."

They chuckled.

"So, the real threat is the creator God or Gods going after yours, ours, who created our universe. And they summoned a being to this world to help with the evil god's plans."

"Yeah. The fact I still don't know how many beings were summoned already shows the level of the threat. The creator God, my rival, and the rest of the angels under him are already busy in territorial battles with another of the top three creator Gods. They can't help. I will need, the assistance of the strongest after them."

"But who are they? There should be so many dimensions under our Creator God."

Cayn smiled. "Under all those dimensions I was the strongest. That is why I was chosen. Who do you think will come after me?"

Diana's eyes widened. "The family of your past life. But, why this world and not your last?"

"Even with the millions of years passed in that realm only two years passed in my first world before I was reborn here," Cayn smirked. "Adding twenty-four years, the young men and women I raised and left with Malik at their side, I am sure they have grown at least on par with him. That is if he is not their bitch already."

"This world must hold something precious for their plans. Knowing our Creator God is busy fighting for his territory. they still haven't made their move while being in this world for so long. Either they are looking for something or they are waiting for the right time to use what they already have. Either way, it's a big threat to the Creator God and his worlds.

He smiled. "Even if I am confident in controlling my supreme power, I am not confident in drawing the line between allies and foes before I do. I need them by my side if I ever unleash my seals. At least they can buy a few minutes for me to organize my thoughts. But for now. I still can't feel the energy of the summoned beings. I am afraid they may be at a level close if not the same as my rival."

"Hah, suicide again. Hmm, are you not afraid?"

He pushed her hair behind her ear. "Are you?"

His eyes were cold. Cayn got back his strong presence and intimidating passive demeanor.

She raised her eyes like a little girl, frustrated.

She nodded saying no. She smiled sadly. "For some reason, I just know everything will go well if it's you."


Far away from the palace Cayn and Diana stayed.

The four kingdoms were in turmoil.

All preparing for war, ready to swallow the Sylvia kingdom and purge the demons away.

None of the royalty, nobility, or people of power could stand still.

The menace of the demon gods was made clear to everyone.

They need to be prepared.

Because as soon as the demons take over the newly made desert.

An all-out war shall begin.


A year later.

In a deserted place where mountains reached the skies.

Seven shadows were walking up the highest mountain.

Looking ragged, tired, and breathing heavily.

The figure of Shiro in his human form walking ahead of the other six.

His eyes were sharp. His teeth clenched angrily.

He slowly raised his head as they reached a cave.

Shiro helped the others.

With the bit of light and hiding of the heavy storm, the figure of Nu and Ryujin appeared.

The other figures were a man and a woman.

Their injured faces couldn't hide their accurate resemblance.

The last two figures walked next to Shiro.

A man surrounded by a golden light and another woman with a red aura.

Entering the cave none of them dared to make a sound walking.

Carefully watching ahead of them till they reached the deepest part.

The back of Ariel appeared before them.

He didn't mind them and kept staring ahead.

Watching a little altair in front of him.

The shadow of a woman was sitting there.

As soon as their eyes fell on her they staggered in surprise.

Shiro didn't know what to feel. Happy and proud, or jealous and angry.

One thing's for sure everyone here watching, was jealous of her.

A calm dark red energy layered on top of her body.

They couldn't feel it.

These eight powerful beings in this world, couldn't feel the aura of someone who stood so close to them.

They swallowed their breaths.

The more they stared the more sweat appeared on their foreheads.

The energy suffocated the room.

It was growing.


Covering up the entire space.

They slowly lost control of their bodies.

Even making them unable to notice they stopped breathing for a while.


They didn't even feel the pain in their lungs.

All they had in their minds.

Was, but the feeling of two knives on their necks.

They could feel it.

The sharp edge slowly traces their skin.

They fought this woman way too much for the past months for them to imagine this scene.

The scene of their deaths.

They already put down their pride too low to spare with her in teams.

Now they felt they wouldn't even be close in such a way.

They instinctively knew.

That even if they all went together.

Half would remain alive to tell the tale.

That was too big of a hit for their pride, especially after regaining their former power.

But then again, what could they say about Cayn?

Their eyes didn't leave her body, sitting crosslegged in the Altair.

The dark red suffocating energy suddenly all went back to her body.

For it to erupt.

Like a sword from the heavens, it pierced the cave's roof to the skies, making a big hole that shook the mountain.

She opened her eyes.

Raging with a red and murderous light.

The eight figures.

The eight beings.

The eight gods.

Fell to their knees.

They watched this woman grow.

Some even mocked her strong will a few months ago.

Cayn was right.

She was a different being.

The woman started flying as her aura roared and brought down rain and heavy weather.

It took hours until she got down, absorbing all the energy.

Her feet gently touched the ground.

The light in her eyes dimmed down slowly, showing her brilliant red eyes that shone like gems.

Diana, slowly raised her eyes to look at the black knife her man made for her.

With a smile.

A light, heartwarming smile.

But also an evil one.

She wanted.


She craved, to fight more.

And Cayn was waiting for her.

Her lips curved into a murderous smile as she stared in a certain direction outside the mountain.

"It seems like, they also finished getting ready."

Ariel's body suddenly shook.

He bent his waist down.

"I will go inform his majesty the primordial god!"

He disappeared.

The eight others stood there, looking at Diana.

"Get ready. It's time." Her commanding voice shook the mountain.

Everyone sat down to heal themselves.

She stood there, walking up to hold the black knife.

Closing her eyes.


The world around her grew silent.


She was alone.

All alone.

Slowly the sounds of raging wind resounded in her ear.

She opened her eyes gently.

She was standing alone, in front of a huge dark and grey castle that gave such a terrifying aura.

Her skin shivered but she smiled.

Looking around it was built on the hill of a huge mountain.

So close to the sky.

Not giving her time to enjoy the scenery a massive red dragon flew above her.

Landing in front of the castle gate.


Diana hide her face behind her arm as the air raged around the dragon.

She made her double small swords appear. Grinning.


it's been months since she started sparring with the eight gods.

And ever since then she didn't see Cayn anywhere.

Leaving her with only one hint.

The black knife.

Cayn at this moment was sitting crosslegged in the darkest room in the castle.

Only a candle in the middle of the room was lit.

Eyes shut. Naked top, sweating, covered in dark grease as if he was purifying his body.

A weird calm sound was ringing.

A weird, but the soft melody.

The air around slowly started dancing.

The darkness drew a figure behind Cayn.

The fire on the candle trembled.

The figure was like a cacoon englobed in its wings.

The air screamed, hissing.

The wings opened.

The light disappeared.

Utter darkness.


A pair of golden dragon eyes shone.