

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 22

The city was busy this morning, preparing to welcome the princes and princesses of the other kingdoms. The palace where the balls would be held was even busier, with the three siblings meeting the guests.

Diana was already back, dressing up before meeting up with her brother, who was waiting for her outside her room.

They both walked towards the guest room, where Allen and Rai entertained the guests.

The maids opened the door for them.

In front of Diana stood Rin, reading through a couple of documents, the crown prince of the Roz kingdom, holding a drink in his other hand. A tall handsome man who gave the impression of being too wise for his age.

"It's an honor to finally meet your royal highnesses," He said bowing his head slightly.

"The honor is ours," she answered holding her dress elegantly.

A woman came to his arm, "This is my beautiful wife,"

Yuki, the princess of the Yamato kingdom.

These two countries have always been close, but a marriage between their heirs was a first. And these two didn't seem to hide their affection for each other in front of everyone else, making Diana smile gently.

They paid their respects to each other before she took a look around the chamber.

Two others stood up to introduce themselves.

Haru, the little sister of Rin, a charming young lady.

Followed by Ryo, the prince of the Yamato kingdom, and the little brother of Yuki.

Diana could see a third person, who took her time to introduce herself.

Unintentionally, she seemed to be the focus of the room.

A fragile figure, yet it showed strength in the way she carried herself.

Diana slowly met the woman's eyes. Beautiful was too little of a word to describe her, nor did any artist possess the tools to draw her. Her ocean eyes were like pair of blue jewels, her golden hair outshined the sun's rays of light.

Sakura, the crown princess, the eldest of the three siblings of the Yamato kingdom, is portrayed as the most beautiful woman in the world, so stunning that she could be mistaken for a doll.

Ella and Diana could be the only ones who didn't fall short next to her, as the chamber was filled with chatter.

"It seems like the Sylvia kingdom will be a little late, joining us directly at the ball this evening," spoke Rin.

Ryo suddenly jumped, "What about the third prince? I don't see him anywhere."

Everyone turned to the three siblings.

"He isn't much of a fan of gatherings, so I hope you forgive him for not joining us at the moment," answered Ella.

"Does that mean he may not show himself at tonight's ball too?" Asked again Ryo.

"Enough," spoke Sakuro with a cold stare that made Ryo sit back afraid to meet her gaze, "I hope this young man didn't give you much trouble, but I am also curious about your brother's behavior." She smiled.

"No worries, I know my brother's character may seem disrespectful, but he was brought up differently from the rest of us. I am sure everyone here knows the reason," said Ella with a smile.

"Oh, yes we do. Who didn't hear the story of his majesty King Julien falling in love with a commoner? Is she as beautiful as the story described?" asked Sakura.

"You will witness her presence tonight at the ball, and see for yourself," answered Ella.

"I am looking forward to it. Well then, I guess we will continue this conversation at the gathering," Sakura stood up, followed by everyone else.

The guests left the room.

"Do you think Cayn will show up tonight?" Asked Ella.

Being the only two left, Diana sighed, "He will, he just got his way of doing things."


Cayn was meditating in the cave, sitting crosslegged, while Shiro was still sleeping on the side.

Suddenly the beast god opened his sharp blue eyes, growling menacingly.

A figure stood at the entrance of the cave, bowing his head, waiting.

It took a moment before Cayn finally opened his cold eyes, making Shiro stop with the terrifying sounds.

"Come in," He said coldly.

The figure slowly walked inside the cave, showing the face of a dazzling handsome man.

"The god of angels huh," spoke Cayn again.

The man bowed his head in embarrassment, "I don't dare call myself a god in your majesty's presence, for I am but merely a messenger."

"Our first meeting wasn't favorable for you."

"I came this time at the primordial god's request, and I wish for your excellency's forgiveness again in the mind of my past behavior intruding your room, and hope you will bestow an ear to his request."

"Go ahead," Cayn stared at the figure coldly.

"My name is Ariel, also known as the king of angels even though I hold no contact with my race anymore. I stood in the war of the gods by the side of his majesty the primordial god of this universe in his realm, that is why I am not portrayed as a god to the humans, and history shows only seven gods who stood on their side and seven on the demon side. And as you know for the gods below him," he raised his head to take a look at Shiro, he was speaking about the likes of the both of them, "while each of us got his obligations we still all got a will of our own-"

"Make it short." The pressure in the room increased at the words of Cayn.

Ariel shivered, "The primordial god is still cursed and injured as a result of his fight with the evil god. The result of their fight was the creation of this world. The emotions of their fight it gave birth to us, the eighteen gods below them if we include me, followed by the races under us. And now the demon gods below the evil god, seem to prepare for another war. "

"And why would I care for some little gods' war?" Cayn's bloodlust increased.

Ariel started sweating, bowing his figure even lower, "Our primordial god would have relayed this to you himself, but he can't make any movement to not be noticed right now. The evil god and the seven demon gods seem to be regaining their strength at an astonishing speed."

"Is he asking for my help?"

"No, he doesn't wish to trouble you, as it is his fight, and ours. I shall call for the other gods under him in the material realm, so I also come to relay his request to Shiro, the god of darkness and beasts, and I shall do the same to the six others. I will sadly have to say that this war is already growing out of our reach, since the three gods of the afterlife cannot join. And that it may bring the humans, angels, and the different races under each god in the mortal realm to fight side by side if we wish to stand a chance against the growing evil god and his army."

"So it's about the races gathering to fight the demons, including the humans. And you are here to notify me ahead of time."

"Yes, your majesty."

"When is the war due?"

"By his majesty's prediction, the first wave will begin in four years. He is focusing on healing himself at the best of his ability."

Cayn's eyes grew cold for a moment, freezing the cave.

"Answer to your high god, that I shall repay the favor he has shown me in due time. For now, I shall watch by the sidelines." Said Cayn as he closed his eyes to meditate once again.

Ariel smiled happily and bowed again, "Your words are my command, I shall bring this joyful news to his majesty."

He disappeared.

"Are you going to participate, my lord?"

"Your true lord needs you right now, stopping calling me that," Cayn answered with his eyes closed.

"I pledged my being to you." Shiro bowed his head.

Cayn didn't say a word.

"Even if you join, other than you and Ariel the other six gods seem to have slept for too long. They won't stand much of a chance against the demons. Adding to that your injured primordial god wouldn't be able to fight the evil god. I won't help until I deem it necessary, otherwise, all of you will grow dependent on me, and that is not my duty. So prepare to fight with your life on the line since it is yours, you got four years. Grow." Cayn said, as his voice grew harsher, immersed deeply in his meditation.

"I understand, my lord," Shiro spoke softly to not wake him up.