

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs


"Cayn! Julien!" screamed Amina as she was being pushed away.

The view from Ella's point of view shook, before showing again the King and Cayn aura's rampaging in the palace, freaking out everyone.

"Alright let's not take too long," said Cayn as he massaged his neck.

"You won't have your way a second time!" roared The King as his figure disappeared, destroying the ground where they stood.


For little Ella, she couldn't see them because of the gap in strength. Today was the first day she will see this scene and slowed down to see what happened.


The king slashed with his sword as his figure appeared in front of Cayn.

His hands holding the sword tightly, raising his arms, his golden aura raging wildly focused on the sword, then bringing it down while Cayn's figure stood still.

Thunder descending.


The women watching had their eyes wide open.


The same for the King, as he saw his sword being held by Cayn's fingers.

The ground trembled, and everything standing behind Cayn was destroyed by the effect of the King's slash, piercing the palace walls to the royal garden, yet Cayn remained unwavering.

He stared at the King coldly, "If you are not coming with the intent to kill," while holding the sword he crushed his other hand forming a punch behind his back as he bent down, "then this will be a waste of time."

The King could see Cayn's wide movement, yet he couldn't move nor counter. The image everyone saw behind Cayn's back was death, darkness swallowing their world.

Cayn's eyes glowed bright, while the King could only flex his muscles ready for the impact.


The King was punched back to the throne he sat on so proudly a few minutes ago breaking it apart.

Cayn followed his figure.

The King could see Cayn appearing by his side as he flew away.

And again, he couldn't move to Cayn's bloodlust.


Cayn punched the King again.

The punch he threw this time was different, rather than pushing him, all the impact dwelled inside Julien's body.

The sounds of broken bones and ribs.

The King's figure still didn't reach the ground, hooked on Cayn's arm that pierced his body.

Blood gushed out his mouth, coughing.

Slowly falling to the ground.

Cayn stood there coldly, the king slowly lost his consciousness while on his knees, his lifeless eyes staring at the ground, while blood still flooding down his mouth.

Cayn placed his hand on Julien's head, his black energy swallowed him.


The women gasped.


The energy disappeared, the King started looking at his hands confused, touching his body making sure he was fine.

He healed him.

"Stand up," said Cayn coldly.

The King raised his head to meet his eyes, who stared at him from above like an ant.

The king looked then at the throne that was destroyed. "That's what you were going for since the beginning," he slowly stood up as he spoke, "I am sorry I let you down-"

"Again," said Cayn.

The King looked at him with surprise.

"Okay, okay. Now that I am free, I shall give you what you want," said Julien.

His magic power rose, his eyes shinned, his armor got destroyed, for another golden one to stick on his body, created by his mana. He held his hand out, gripping it giving birth to a golden light that changed into a huge aura sword. He breathed heavily, as he stared at cayn like a beast that unleashed its chains.


Amina's hands shook the entire time as she watched the slowed version. She never thought such a thing happened between her beloved and her son. She knew the prince she fell in love with was back that day, his eyes were clear after the fight with Cayn, but she never got to know what happened, and neither did Ella.


The King's bloodlust made the room heavy, staring at Cayn fiercely.

"Don't blame me then!" Said the King coldly as he disappeared breaking the ground again, followed by Cayn.


Ella had to hold slow the memory magic even more.


Julien swung his big sword madly at Cayn, while he evaded everything.

With a downward slash, Cayn jumped lightly to the side.

The king followed with a vertical, and Cayn jumped on top of it.

With the momentum of swinging such a huge sword, the King used his weight plus the force he used for the last slash to try to rush Cayn with his shoulder as he was in the air.

Cayn put his feet on the shoulders of the charging beast, to make himself jump further away.

While Cayn made such a huge leap, the King held his sword high and mighty, infusing his energy so fast not letting Cayn the chance to reach the ground safely.

A huge aura slash followed his swing aimed at Cayn, who spun his body mid-air to avoid it.

The King was already rushing forward towards where Cayn would descend, leaping with his big sword and swinging another aura slash.

Cayn already put a foot on the ground, and evaded it calmly, finding the King's figure so close swinging another.

Slashing down with all his might.

The air rumbled a huge explosion sound.

The smoke disappeared, showing the figure of the huge King with his sword on top of Cayn's figure.

Cayn was holding the King's sword with his hand.

Julien was smiling vividly, sweating and breathing heavily, like a kid that found his passion again.

His golden armor and sword disappeared as he stared at Cayn with a smile, taking a step back and bowing his head.

Cayn stared at him, not saying anything, he got out a black cigarette and lighted it, and as he turned and walked away slowly.

The King watched his back, while the palace was falling apart around them. the entire place was in ruins.