

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs


Cayn slowly opened his eyes to the sun rays that lightened the cave, followed by the growling of the beast who followed suit.

He raised his hand in front of him. The beast like a cat moved its head to his arm and started patting itself.

"You have surpassed yourself once again," said Cayn.

"Hmm," it was happy to hear such praise.

Suddenly it stopped, reminded of something. The beast looked at Cayn confused and curious.

"You have another smell on you, my lord." It meant to ask him yesterday, with magic he could easily take the smell of his body, and it wasn't his mother's smell that he knew. Thinking about it all night it could only mean he left it on purpose for it to notice.

"We will be leaving later for you to meet that person," said Cayn chuckling.

The beast growled in excitement.

"Let's go hunt for now. I grew hungry,"

"Yes my lord."

Cayn gave it a cold stare.

"Big brother," said the beast giggling.

"Same bet, you lose you don't get to eat," said Cayn as he disappeared.

"It's not fair!" Screamed the beast also disappearing from the cave.


The palace.

Diana was sitting next to Ella, faced with Cayn's mother, Amina, who was sipping her tea calmly.

Slowly put the cup on the table, raising her eyes and taking a deep look at Diana.

"I heard a lot about you," with a smile.

"I am honored your majesty," said Diana bowing her head.

"You should be comfortable with me, I am not a queen."

"I don't dare."

Amina sighed, "that will make it hard for us to talk about my son then."

Diana's eyes widened, "I am sorry I didn't understand your intentions."

"I am here to learn more about you."

Diana didn't know how to respond.

"What do you think about my son?" Amina sipped her tea again after she asked, calm and collected.

Ever since they were called to this room, Diana didn't take her eyes off Amina. That was mainly because for a commoner, Amina had a really strong presence, even Ella had her head down the entire time. No wonder even the King couldn't bring her to the palace when she decided to stick to a normal life. Such a woman would be impossible to convince once she decided on something. She couldn't help but think at the end that in such a way she was similar to Cayn.

Diana chuckled while having such thoughts. "I think he is a great man, expecting no less as he was raised by a woman such as yourself."

They met eyes for a moment before they both smiled at each other.

"As much as I would love to get such praise for raising him I can't take that achievement for myself., my dear. The only thing I could do as a mother was watch him grow, and stare at his back that always seemed," she paused for a moment staring at the cup of tea, "so grand ever since he was a kid."

"I think, I know what you are feeling."

All three of the women looked at each other and sighed.

"At least he looks happy watching us," spoke Ella.

They were all lost in their thoughts.

Suddenly Amina started laughing, "I am sorry, I was reminded of the day he met his siblings."

Ella also chuckled.

Amina turned to Diana, "Oh you would not look at the King the same anymore after you hear about this."

"I would love to know anything related to Cayn."

"Oh look at you now, acting like lovebirds already hmm."

Diana shied from Amina's words.

"But this may come out as a surprise to you," said Ella.

"Why?" asked Diana.

"Hmm, Cayn fought the king on equal grounds when he was fifteen," continued Ella.

Diana's eyes widened. "Can I, know more?"

"Alright alright, Cayn didn't know he was of royal blood till he was fifteen when the King came looking for me after finally dealing with the nobles and people who opposed him. But the situation at the palace was still bad, for the King to win that cold war he had to neglect the princes and Ella. When I asked Cayn if he wished to live in the palace as the prince he said he didn't care. He didn't budge until he heard he had other siblings, and finally decided to visit the palace."

"I still remember that day as if it happened yesterday. The first time I saw his cold eyes I was so scared," said Ella in embarrassment.

They started laughing.

"And on the same day, he learned how the King treated them, also learning the truth about what happened between me and him. He stormed into the Royal Hall beating up all the knights on the way. You have no idea how confused the King was watching his sacred royal knights eating the ground by a kid he never saw." Amina started laughing.

"I can play the rest with memory magic since I had the chance to watch it," said Ella.

"Oh please do sweetie, I am sure Diana wouldn't want to miss such a sight," responded Amina.

Diana nodded as soon as her eyes met Ella's.

"Maybe this time since the gap between me and them back then is close we can see what happened," said Ella her eyes filled with curiosity.