

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Chapter 8

The way across the bridge was long, the views were stunning and scary at times. The bridge was wide enough for a wagon to pass comfortably. It had four posts with guards who were showing respect to their lords but never even looked at me. 

Right I was now the Lord's possession. He liked boys. I had a vague idea of what sex between men looked like but knowing was something different than doing it. I felt a big knot in my stomach. I was wondering if I will be able to have sex with that man. How would it feel? I had few adventures with female servants helping me with my bath. To be frank it only took a few strokes while I was taking a bath and I came. The first time it happened I was so ashamed but then I decided to enjoy it two more times. I never really slept with a woman, not to even mention a man. All those nerve wracking thoughts, the swaying of the horse and the warmth emanating from my back made me drowsy. Yeah, I fell asleep. 

I woke up in bed. It wasn't very luxurious yet comfortable. The room was the biggest I had since my country was taken over. There was a big closet, a chest, a small table with a mirror and a big sofa with a small table next to it. The bed was king size. Fit enough for two or even three people. Right, we will need that. I got up but my legs felt shaky. I sat back on the bed. There was a window behind me, I needed to take a look and check what time it was. I finally pulled my shit together and looked out of the window. It overlooked the inner bailey, a bit further I could see the mountains' tops covered with snow, dense forest and in the distance something looking like a narrow path writhing between the trees. There was no balcony here and even if I wanted to escape through my window I would be insane because it was in a tower and beneath me there was a paved inner square . I was thinking about all that when the door opened and a servant came in. He brought me some food on the tray. I decided to be polite with the servants, after all I needed some friendly souls here so I smiled and came closer.

But my smile faded away in an instant. It was a young man, he was good looking but he had hideous scars on his lips, as if they were pierced or something. He noticed my look and lowered his head even more. 

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. My name is Kian. I used to be a prince of Deremoth and now … well now I'm here." I finished awkwardly. The man threw a short glimpse on me then lowered his head again, bowed and disappeared. I was stunned for a moment. My staring was rude but his behavior was also unacceptable. I decided to eat something, I was hungry. It was a warm soup, bread and some sliced meat. There was a bit of cheese and some grapes. I actually ate it all. It tasted good. 

I was finishing my meal when another servant went in, it was a woman. She was middle aged and seemed well mannered from the very start.

"Sir" She bowed."Are you done with the meal?" 

"Yes, you may take it." I smiled a bit, hoping to learn something from this woman.

'Sir, there is a bath waiting for you in the next room." She pointed at the door behind the wardrobe.

"Oh, thank you." A bath, that was nice.

"The Lord will visit you in the evening, so you need to hurry." There it was , a shot straight into my pride. Right, what have I expected? Of course he will come to check his new toy. The knot in my stomach returned in an instant. It was fortunate that I have already eaten, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat anything now. I followed the woman into the bath and she assisted me with washing my hair. 

"What's your name?" I asked to distract myself.

"My name's Gelda, sir." She replied while still washing my hair.

"Tell me Gelda, how long have you been working here?" I decided to fish for some more information.

"Since I was twenty, sir." 

"So you must know the Lord well. What kind of a person is he?" 

For a moment her hands stopped moving. I looked at her, she was pale and seemed nervous. She looked around expecting someone to jump out of an empty corner and then whispered into my ear.

"He's a monster."

The bath was over and I was sitting in a robe on the bed, waiting for the Lord to come. I didn't even know his name but I wasn't sure I wanted to know it either. Gelda told me that The Lord is a very cruel man, the servant I saw before was once his lover no, his toy, just like me. He angered the Lord with something he said, so the Lord sewed his lips and for two days he wasn't allowed to cut the stitches. There was some infection, the boy almost died, ever since he hasn't said a single word. All Lord's toys sooner or later end more or less like this. If I'm lucky I might be only tossed aside and end up as a servant, if not I might be crippled or killed. 

That suddenly explained why the merchant was almost shitting his pants in front of the Lord. Now I was here waiting for that monster to appear. My heart was racing and my stomach felt tight. I was afraid. I know I shouldn't, I'm a prince after all. I should behave according to my position. I was taught how to hide my emotions, I shall try that now and hope to do well. In the silence of my room I heard the steps. The Lord of the Bridge was coming.