

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Chapter 38

I had nothing else to lose so I stayed in the hut for one more night. I found the wood and added it to the fireplace. I also took some snow and melted it in the pot to brew some tea. In my head I was making plans for my not so bright looking future. 

First of all I have to get to the nearest city. I wanted to sell the jewels and travel comfortably to find a safe place and plan my revenge but now it was out of the question. I was without money and I ate all the food I had taken with me. I had no idea what to do with my life. I need to earn some money and find a place to stay. With my head full of thoughts I went to sleep. 

Early in the morning after drinking what was left from the tea pot I went out into the snow. It was freaking cold. I knew the way back to the road, more or less. and I could actually follow the footprints the merchant who stole my jewels left. 

After a good sleep I was more energetic and eager to get to the city as fast as I could. I was walking half of the day when I saw some smoke. I must have been close. That thought gave me strength. All the way I was thinking what I could do to earn some money. The only thing left was the small trinket, not sure how much it was worth. 

When I entered the city I noticed it was quite big so I slowly walked along the main street. It was getting late and all the shops were closing. I had to hurry or else I won't have a place to stay. I knew I should avoid the inns but finding a place to sleep won't be easy and I was hungry, really hungry. I was walking and looking at the shop windows when I noticed the written information. 

It was a job offer for a person who could write and translate in Manzak, this was my chance. I knocked on the door as the light was still on. After a while that seemed like an eternity the door opened and an elderly man showed his face.

"Good evening sir, I read the information about a job offer. Are you still looking for a translator?" I smiled trying to look snug and confident, despite being on the road for a few days. 

The old man looked at me from head to toe. From his expression I could tell he was rather skeptical about my skills.

" Manra iho dante farro. Jado jo gani sonne." I decided to confirm my knowledge by using the language.

"So you do speak this language young … man." 

"Yes sir, I can prove my skills any minute." 

"Good, then please enter."

He let me in and I felt the warmth of this place envelop around me. It was a heavenly feeling.

"Take your coat off, and sit here. I'll give you a letter." The man slowly brought a piece of paper and handed it to me. I looked at it briefly. It was a trade information about problems with delivery due to shortage of some components. It was for a medical purpose. I translated it and the man nodded with a slight smile on his face.

"Good ,good.I think you will do just fine. You can come tomorrow early in the morning."

"Thank you sir." I was so happy, it was just like God's gift to me. Now the more difficult task.

"Sir I'm new here and to be honest I have nowhere to stay." I looked at the man with teary eyes and he looked defeated.

"I see, well I have a room that the former clerk was using. You can stay there, but I will charge you the rent when you start work."

"Yes of course sir." I smiled happily and then my stomach made a weird sound.

"Hungry too, hmm?"

I only nodded my head. 

That evening I ate a warm soup with a piece of bread and drank warm herbal tea. It felt amazing and I was finally able to wash myself a bit. The man even gave me some old clothes his son used to have, not for free though. He added it to my bill. 

Early in the morning I was up and ready to work. To my surprise there were quite a lot of letters to translate. I was working non stop till noon. My employer, Mr Dagbert made sure I had enough work all the time. At first he seemed to be surprised by the speed of my translation as well as my handwriting.

"Your translation looks very elegant, Miro." He complimented me using the fake name I have introduced myself with..

"You must have been taught that, hmm?"

"Yes sir, my parents were nobles but due to some circumstances we lost our property and after my parents die I have to fend for myself." I decided to tell him that story to keep his suspicions away. 

"To be honest I'm a bit ashamed of my poor situation right now so I would be grateful if I could work here in my room and not meet with your customers." 

Mr Dagbert was thinking for a moment but then he agreed to my conditions. 

For the first four days I was focusing only on my work, it appeared the older man had problems with translation because of his poor eyesight. He fell behind and thanks to me he managed to get it back on track. 

The workload became less and I had afternoons free. I decided to go for a short walk and check the area. The city was full of people, it was laying on a trade route and many merchants were passing by. I could mix into the crowd and enjoy my freshly gained freedom. I noticed a large party standing at the gate leading to the city's steward residence.

To my horror I could see a man's impaled head. To my utter shock I knew the former owner of this head, it was the very mercenary who robbed me.

"What happened to that man? Why did he end like that?" I asked a man standing next to me.

"Well he got caught by the men of the Lord of the Bridge. He stole something from the Lord." I felt dizzy, the whole place seemed suddenly so suffocating. I barely managed to get out of the crowd and returned to my room.

Right, how many days was it? A week I guess. Shit Lorcan was fast. That thief was probably selling the jewels he had stolen from me and they caught him. I guess I should thank him, this could have been my faith.