

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Chapter 10

I was sitting at the vanity table in my new room. I was watching a young man's reflection in the mirror and kept wondering who he was? I could barely recognize myself. My hair was loose, scattered around my shoulders like a coat. My eyes were light brown and so were my hair. I had plump lips, fair skin and rather delicate facial features. I was more like my mother, now she could call me her daughter. 


I closed my eyes. Why was I still living? Why was I struggling to keep breathing? After all what happened to me, I wasn't sure. I closed my eyes and went back in time. I was back home, with my brother and parents. We were watching our sister playing the piano. I played the zither. For a moment I was immersed in that memory. I was given a zither by that fat merchant. I took it out and played. It was a sad song but that was how I felt. They took everything away from me, my family, my country and even my dignity. The music filled the air and tears rolled down my cheeks. I played for them, for my lost family. 

I didn't hear him coming. It's more like I sensed his presence, just like animals sense the big predator's approaching them. 

I stopped playing.

"Those were some sad tunes you were playing. How do you feel, my prince?" 

I was sure he was mocking me, so before I turned around to face him I wiped the tears from my face. He was sitting on the bed.

"Quite well, my Lord." I lied. My legs were shaky and my ass was sore but I'd rather die than tell him that.

"So you were a prince of Deremoth?" He asked me a sort of question he already knew the answer to.

'Yes my Lord. Second Prince Kian Murreyson, son of Edmund and Cloe from the House of Patterton." I looked him proudly in the eyes. He might be a Lord but I was way above him. At least in the past it would be so.

"And now you are my slave. So what went wrong, that you landed here?" He crossed his arms looking indifferently at me.

" Everything." I answered bluntly. He didn't let me get away with that answer, I had to tell him in detail how it happened, how my parents died and why I survived. He asked precise questions about the palace and some political issues. It took me a while to understand what he was doing. He was checking my pedigree. Whether or not he fucked the real prince. When he finished I asked.

"So, did I pass, my Lord? Have I proven to be the last living royal member of the Kingdom Deremoth?" 

He chuckled and stood up, he touched my hair and played with it.

"You sure did. I never had royalty in bed before. Now I own one. It feels good."

I bit my lips together and clenched my fists. The question from the morning came back to my head with all its might. That son of a bitch was right, I should end my life and stop this shame.

"Don't even think about it." He said out of the blue. "If you do something to yourself, hurt your body or do anything I haven't agreed to, I will kill all the servants and guards who didn't manage to protect what is mine." His face was expressionless, yet I knew he was serious about it.

"By now you must have heard what I'm capable of." He touched my lips. "I have many ways to force you into obedience. Think twice before you do something you might regret. Submit and obey, this is how I want it." He was stroking my lips and my right cheek, there was a gentle smile on his face.

"You look pretty, your hair is so long and soft. When were you supposed to have it cut?" 

"My coming of age ceremony would be due in two weeks." I lowered my head but he raised it immediately. 

"No worries, I will do that." 

I looked at him in disbelief. In Deremoth it was always performed by the oldest living male in the family. My father would be the one to do that. He wanted to take up that role. Why?

"You see my little prince, I treasure what is mine." After he said something like this I was sure he was able to read people's minds, or I was so obvious with all my thoughts. His thumb kept brushing my lips. He tilted his head and was looking at me.

"I'd like to have another taste of you but I'm sure it hurts. I have some ointment with me. Come here." He sat on the bed. I took a few steps thinking what he really wanted from me. He wanted to put ointment on my … ass?!! My cheeks were suddenly burning.

'I can do it myself." I said, stepping back. 

"I was very lenient with you because you look pretty and you once were a prince, but I already told you. Submit and be obedient before my patience runs out. Undress."

I didn't have much on, only a robe which I took off easily. He already has seen everything and done … so him looking at me should not bother me in the slightest.

"Your body looks perfect." His hand slid down my chest and my hip.

"Get on your fours, lift your ass up and spread your buttocks. Now." 

I would like to erase that memory out of my head, just like many others, but truth to be told I did as he ordered.

"That looks nice, your ass is just like a ripe peach, round and plump." He took his sweet time stroking my buttocks before I felt something cold on my anus. He rubbed it around and even slid his finger inside, I hissed and he immediately commented.

"You are a bit swollen, it will pass soon. This ointment must be applied twice a day. I will help you with it. Your highness." 

Fuck, I hated him.